Young People

Young People

I heard about the mooncup via a review someone posted on Youtube a few years ago but finally got one this year. As a teenager this is much more conveniant than other sanitary products. I’ve never liked tampons, they just felt wrong and were super uncomfortable however, using the mooncup felt much more natural and I was suprised that it ‘disappeared’ once it was inside. I only could feel the stem – which I later had to remove but since there has been no problems. It definitely took some practise but it was definitely worth it! I especially like the idea that you can use the Mooncup Menstrual Cup even when you’re not on your period – I did a few ‘dry runs’ just to practice the insertion and removal until I felt comfortable and it helped so much! If you are having problems with insertion or removal I definitely recommend doing a ‘dry run’. This product has changed my life and I have recently also got my mum to convert to a mooncup user!

Eden – 19th February 2017

So I am 13 and I started my period in may. I used pads for the first month and felt so icky and gross about it that I decided to try the mooncup which I saw on the boots website. It had good reviews so I bought it and I absolutely love it!!! I do leak every now and then because I am yet to figure out the best ways to do things for my body but honestly I am glad I found this at such a young age and I will never use a pad again! I am a cheerleader and I can cheer and I love to swim and it’s so awesome I love it!

Tabitha- 28th September 2016

This thing is a godsend..but it wasn’t at the beginning!
I have been using my moon cup for half a year now during the age of 16 going on 17.

As I am younger then the mooncup took some getting use to and I admittedly had a few problems. Mainly to do with inserting the cup to begin with (which took practice) and taking it out was at the beginning excruciating.

It was suggested that squatting helps to remove the cup but I found it less painful when removing it when on the toilet.

So my experience wasn’t a good one. However I didn’t want to give up, I emailed about this for help and watched a few Youtube videos for advice and I can now safely say that I am using my mooncup pain free and that I will never go back to using tampons or pads 🙂

If you have any difficulties PLEASE contact Mooncup as when you’ve got the right technique you’ll never want to go back to your old habits!

Zoe – 23rd April 2015

I’ve honestly had this thing on my eye for a good while now, and just a few weeks ago l got to try it. I am currently 12 but have had this in mind as l wanted to avoid the TSS & chaffing from the disposable products, since l was 11. l participate in a wide range of activities that l don’t think that a tampad can accomodate with. Yes, l’m still a virgin. No, this does not hurt. No, it won’t leak. The Mooncup has worked GREAT for me, and l hope that it does to you too.I would definitely recommend this to any others, regardess of age, to try this product.

Kristal – 7th April 2015

I bought my Mooncup last month after having a discussion with a friend about sanitary provision. It has always been a issue for me; sanitary pads are impractical, nasty, uncomfortable, and utterly useless on heavy days. Tampons are better but have never really felt comfortable, especially at the end of my period when my flow is a lot lighter and more unpredictable. I detest the feeling of dry tampons and sometimes you don’t have the right absorbency or even a spare with you. Plus I always felt disgusted with myself for throwing them away and polluting the world, but had no alternative! Mooncup changes all that! I read all the testimonials and everything on this site before buying mine, and everything these women have said before me is true – I even felt slightly less period pain than before, convincing me of my suspicion that tampons actually add to the discomfort. I didn’t see the need to wait until the latter days of my period to try the Mooncup, I got stuck in on the first day and just spent a little while practicing insertion and removal in the bathroom! Piece of cake once you know how! It’s such a relief knowing all I need to take with me when I’m out is some ibuprofen and a water bottle and not a stash of different tampons and liners. But aside from the overwhelming convenience and comfort, an unexpected plus, and perhaps the best thing about it, is I feel so much more in tune with my body! After one period using Mooncup I already feel like I know so much more about my cycle – I feel liberated! Mooncup does not feel invasive or malign but like it is designed to help you understand and support your body, not suppress or fight against it. I have told every woman I know to buy one and sent off for the stickers and leaflets – I am on a mission! I only wish, like every other Mooncup user, that I had known about it from the start. 11 year old me, embarrassed and needlessly ashamed by period stains and pads would have killed for one. Now, I have taken control, taken a step towards embracing my body, it’s functions and it’s needs, and my womanhood! Thank you Mooncup!

Jess – 18th March 2015

I’ve had my mooncup for 6 months now, I was going travelling, and forced myself to get used to it during the period before we left, because as I suspected it was absolutely brilliant. Day one of period, on a boat for 13 hours with no toilet, let alone running water – no worries with my Mooncup. I was talking to a young woman today, saying she must try one… she grimaced, too much bodily contact. On thinking back I’m sad that I’ve added so much to landfill over the years, and maybe when I was younger I wouldn’t have felt comfortable being so “in touch with myself” however being a Nanny I change millions of dirty nappies/diapers I now recognise a period is just the same, it’s just a bodily function and there’s nothing dirty about it, it’s just life. Mooncups are so environmentally friendly, no nasty (real or imagined) smell and you never need period pants again, in fact I can continue to sleep in the buff for the whole month now, it’s brilliant. I’m definitely spreading the word.

Maria – 26th February 2015

I purchased the Mooncup for the summer as I didn’t like the sound of tampons. I am 16 years old and have no experience of inserting tampons. At first I struggled to insert the mooncup, but after a few attempts I succeeded. I find that the ‘punch down’ fold is the best. I had to trim off quite a bit of the stem and now when I use it I can’t even feel it. It is amazing. I used it for the first full school day today (previously been using it to bed and just on short trips out) and it was amazing. No leakage even though it was the second day (quite heavy)!!! I am seriously impressed. I would advise everyone to get one. Although it may be hard to get the hang of at first, it is seriously worth persevering as it has changed my life! I love it and I would give it 5 stars!

Victoria – 9th December 2014

I’m 16 and first got my period last year. I absolutely hated it and was glad I was really irregular and I still only get it every three or four months. But tampons and pads were the worst. Pads are sweaty and awkward and feel gross and tampons, I was constantly worried about leaving them in too long and they dried me out. But I just bought the mooncup today and I love it!! Was awkward at first and I tried so many times coz I’m kinda tight but used a lubricant and it went it easily!

Steph – 21st November 2014

Bought my Mooncup over a year ago and the condition is still as new. I use the bicarbonate of soda + damp flannel technique to rub off any staining and sanitise it for the next use. When I first purchased it in March 2013, it took about 2 or 3 cycles to get used to using it, mainly removing it. I wrote to the Mooncup Team and they were very helpful and speedily wrote me a reply with some advice, so I started partially folding the Mooncup when removing it. Now I don’t need to do that all and use the wiggle side-to-side technique. I’m also way more relaxed when removing it and have no issues at all. I exercise and go about my business without having to worry about any leaks or anything. I’m now like many women (and girls) who ‘love’ their Mooncup, although I haven’t named it anything as I think ‘Mooncup’ is the perfect name for it. Like so many others, I wish I’d known about this little gem when I had my first cycle. I reckon Mooncup / menstrual cups should be included on the sexual health curriculum. I think everyone should have the right information to make the right choices for themselves. Lisa E.
Aged 30

Lisa E. – 12th September 2014

I wouldn’t normally write a testimonial but I am so pleased with this product I felt I had to. I generally menstruate for 8 days in a 35 day cycle. The flow starts with spotting, becomes very heavy for tampons to cope with for a couple of days then goes light. I struggle with getting the right absorbency for my flow every month. Tampons are either leaking within a couple of hours or too dry to remove. This is my third day using mooncup and it’s just fantastic. It’s easy to Insert, just make sure your cervix is facing into the cup and the cup is fully open. No leaks.. Though I was really worried about this, I believed it would pop out and spill everywhere! Not even possible! I was crazy to think it, once it’s in only a good tug and wiggle will budge it! I was really scared whether it would be gross, the thought of a cup of blood sounds proper grim! But compared to the sodden tampons and pads covered in blood and clots I’ve faced for years, the contained flow within the mooncup was a vast improvement and actually made the whole thing a whole lot less gruesome. You don’t have to pull string out the way when peeing, you don’t worry about leaking with a big sneeze! And you can empty it a lot less often than changing a tampon. I also discovered that my flow was nowhere near as heavy as I thought. Also it’s great for the environment, which to me was just a nice perk for a product that is absolutely essential. I honestly believe that all women should be provided with this product on the day of their first period. I was actually put of by this product because I believed that it was used by people who cared more about the environment than their own needs, but honestly, those women have had the best of everything from this product. I CANNOT rate it highly enough. Thanks to everyone at mooncup, you’ve made a huge difference to my life x

Sally – 4th August 2014