

I was bought my Mooncup by a friend of mine over twelve years ago. It is the only menstrual product that I have needed to use throughout the whole of the twelve or more years that I have owned it. I am now buying one each for my three daughters and am certain that their Mooncups will serve them as well as mine has served me. Along with the practical and environmental benefits of the Mooncup, there is the connection with the menstrual flow, the blood, instead of just disregarding it as a ‘dirty’ pad or tampon. My periods are coming to an end now but my Mooncup is still what I use when they do occasionally appear. It is the simplest menstrual product to use and I highly recommend it to all women.

Siân – 3rd October 2016

I bought my moon cup over 3 years ago. I had heard of it but never really wanted to spend £20 on it. I really wish I was made to use this when I was younger. I truly believe that tampons made my periods worse and they are so bad for the environment. I will never ever use a tampon again ever!!!!!! I have washable pads for when I am sleeping which go in the washing machine and my moon cup. I have taken it abroad with me, its been running with me its been swimming with me, to parties and nights out with me and it has never let me down. I love it. I lost it once about a year ago and I was so upset my husband went out and got me another one 🙂 bless, if I had had daughters I would make sure they used these. I would love to be able to set up a charity so that women in third world impoverished contries have these, I cant imagine what they go through every month without proper sanitary conditions. I will work that out and hopefully let you all know. I have converted nearly every woman I know, and they are all raving about it. I have lighter less painful periods and my skin is even clearer after using it where as that time I would break out. I have less bloating and my cycle is shorter. Amazing!!! buy one today, dont wait just do it, you wont regret it 🙂

**** – 23rd December 2015

I’m halfway through my first cycle with the Mooncup and I’m kicking myself for not trying it already. My periods are heavy, like double protection, constant leakage, not leaving the house heavy, and as I advance further into my forties they’re getting worse. I’d always feel terribly bloated, and the cramps were just terrible. This little cup though…its a miracle. No bloating, cramps are so minimal they may as well not be there and there’s been nothing in the way of leakage. I’m going to consign my old lady period knickers to the bin! I finally feel like one of those women in the tampon ads. I could go roller skating in white shorts now! It’s surprised me how easy it is to use, I really thought it’d take a couple of cycles to get used to it but on insertion, it just kind of finds it’s own little niche and stays there unnoticed. I think this is the start of a long and beautiful relationship!

Alice – 13th December 2015

This discovery is life changing! I can’t even remember how I stumbled across Mooncup but I wish someone had told me earlier. I have used it for two days now and I couldn’t be happier! I have never wrote a testimonial for a product before but I don’t think I have ever felt so strongly about something I have bought- I literally want to tell all the woman in my life to make the change. Thank you.

Natasha – 29th November 2015

I’ve been using the Mooncup since April this year (8 menstrual cycles), and it’s so so magical. Of course at first it needed some getting used to (re: insertion and removal), but after that, my period comes and goes like a breeze. As I don’t have cramps whatsoever, sometimes I even forget I’m on my period when I’m wearing the cup!

Natalie H. – 3rd December 2015

I’ve been using a Mooncup for over 10 years now and always loved it. When I went to get it out last night I discovered it was missing (very weird – I think I must have thrown it out by accident!)so had to use emergency sanitary pads I had hanging around. I’ve just spent a very uncomfortable night and morning until I could nip to Boots to buy another one. Now I’m restored, I feel so brilliant that I wanted to write and express my profound gratitude that I don’t have to go around feeling so bad every month as people who usually wear pads must. I just find it’s better in every single way. I never trusted or got on with tampons which used to leak, hurt and cause thrush if you were dry or pads which are so disgusting they just make you feel like you’re wearing a wet nappy. It’s saved me so much money over the years and the embarrassment of buying sanitary products and I don’t feel bad about chucking things away. It’s really a perfect solution so if you’re considering it, please try it.

Claire – 26th November 2015

I’m so sad, since I got my Mooncup I had to forget about all my favourite hobbies:
– worrying about leakage
– feeling unclean and worrying about odour
– spending money on sanitary products
– remembering to take them if I stay over somewhere
– finding ways to dispose of towels
– polluting the environment
– always half thinking about when/where the nearest bathroom will be
– feeling like I want to shower 5 times a day
– enjoying the physical discomfort of tampons and towels

Took less time to get the hang of it than I expected, and now I have, it’s like I don’t even notice my period has come and gone because it was so easy. You spend 2 minutes emptying it and then don’t feel like you’re on your period for the next 8 hours.

I am free!

I hope there is a campaign to get these out to women in need, I would support it 100%.

Kate – 12th November 2015

The last few months I have been plagued with really heavy menstral cycles, so much so I would soak a pad every hour. As I never got on with Tampons I took to sleeping in the bath. Since I discovered Mooncup I have managed to get a good nights sleep! As the cup holds a lot more than a pad and for me has not leaked I can safely say this last 3 days have been the happiest I have been, not to mention well rested. I would recommend this to anyone with heavy periods.

Nic – 6th November 2015

Mooncup changed my life, years of thrush and BV, after changing to using a Mooncup 2 years ago, barely a problem, its so easy to use and my periods are certainly lighter and less painful. The added bonus is obviously the cost saving and the lack of impact on the environment unlike other sanitary items. I am shocked so few women I speak to have ever heard of the Mooncup and I wish I had known about it before I did, its a shame its not more widely available. Great product !!! Love It,

Nita – 31st October 2015

I’ve been using a mooncup since university. I initially bought it for environmental reasons but, 12 years (and 2 babies) later, I now love my mooncup because it just seems so much cleaner and nicer than either pads or tampons. I would never want to go back to using either. The only negative is that I worry I will forget I’m wearing it sometimes. Can’t recommend it enough. Love it.

Emma – 12th October 2015