

I bought one of these after seeing a few adverts online and was curious so i had a good look at the website and faqs and it sounded great. My periods are very light of late and this has been super annoying as I don’t get on with sanitary towels, I get thrush, and I’m too light to use tampons for the recommended time at the moment. Anyway, the mooncup is easy to insert because it’s mega squishy and once it’s in I can’t feel it. I had a practice go after a bath a few days prior so I was familiar with it as well. Best part is feeling clean and fresh like I’d used a tampon but none of that horrible feeling removing it. Mooncup is no more difficult or messy than a non applicator tampon and far more comfortable! Wish I’d discovered it sooner!!

Angela – 28th November 2015

I bought one of these after seeibg a few adverts online and was curious so i had a good look at thew ebsite and faqs and it sounded great. My periods are very light of late and this has been super annoying as I don’t get on with sanitary towels, I get thrush, and I’m too light to use tampons for the recommended time at the moment. Anyway, the mooncup is easy to insert because it’s mega squishy and once it’s in I can’t feel it. I had a practice go after a bath a few days prior so I was familiar with it as well. Best part is feeling clean and fresh like I’d used a tampon but none of that horrible feeling removing it. Mooncup is no more difficult or messy than a non applicator tampon and far more comfortable! Wish I’d discovered it sooner!!

angela – 28th November 2015

Mooncup changed my life, years of thrush and BV, after changing to using a Mooncup 2 years ago, barely a problem, its so easy to use and my periods are certainly lighter and less painful. The added bonus is obviously the cost saving and the lack of impact on the environment unlike other sanitary items. I am shocked so few women I speak to have ever heard of the Mooncup and I wish I had known about it before I did, its a shame its not more widely available. Great product !!! Love It,

Nita – 31st October 2015

Dear Tampon There is no easy way to tell you this…it is over. I am breaking up with you. This can come as no surprise as I have been very distant for the last few months. You haven’t seen me for a while and probably miss me. I don’t miss you….At All.
You promised me horse back riding in white pants
You promised that I could run down the beach in a white bikini.
You promised me energetic games of volley ball in cute white shorts.
We never did any of that. Instead you gave me cramps, dryness and thrush. All these years I thought it was me. I thought that it was something I had to put up with. I was wrong.
I have met someone else. Her name is Mooncup and we are in love. Mooncup loves me and I love her.
Since I have started seeing Moon I have had no cramps, no dryness and no thrush. My periods, which used to last 5 to 6 days, now only last 2 and a half days.
I feel healthy. I feel clean. I feel good.
Now I must get going. I have a volley ball match to get to.
Kind regards

Libby – 26th October 2015

After suffering with increasingly heavy periods and pain that was getting worse year on year I was getting very tired of ‘standard’ sanitary products – a super plus tampon would only last 45 minutes at the most for the worst day of my period and I found myself getting yeast infections every couple of months. The bulk and sometimes weird smell that accompanies pads meant that they were also off-putting for me.
After seeing a Mooncup sticker inside a toilet door at university and seeing on the website that its capacity was more than that of the most absorbent tampons, I decided to give it a try. I wish someone had told me about this years ago and it could have saved me a hundred periods of misery!

It takes a little getting used to at first – I obviously wasn’t getting the seal right during my first period with it and it kept creeping further and further up which lead to lots of leaks and trying to fish it out was a bit of a nightmare. As I had to do with tampons a decade ago, however, I persevered and eventually got it right! Making sure the holes aren’t blocked, turning it, inserting it as low as possible and particularly giving the stem (which I shortened as much as possible) a little tug downwards once it’s inserted and opened all seem to help with forming a seal and since then, I experience next to no leaks even with my nightmare periods overnight when I only have to wear a thin pantyliner in case I really exceed its capacity during a long sleep.

I have found my cramps and pain to be much less severe than they were using tampons and I haven’t had a single yeast infection in the year I’ve been using the Mooncup. Between these benefits for my health, for my wallet, the environment and the fact that you can’t feel it when inserted properly (I used to hate it when my tampon slipped further down and it would irritate my nether regions!), the Mooncup has been a complete lifesaver.

Something you don’t realise as well until you experience it – I no longer have the panic of realising I have no sanitary products in my bag or jacket – I can pop into the loos with it in and not have to worry about taking things with me. No more running home from lectures to fill my bag with bulky super plus tampons, no more worrying on nights out that I’m going to be leaking within half an hour and don’t have anything with me. It’s been the best decision I have made for my health and sanity coping with my horrendous periods and I espouse its merits to anyone who will listen!

It’s about time we expand puberty and sex education in schools to let girls know that there are other options out there. It would have saved me so much money, time and distress over the years! Thank you Mooncup!

Meg – 18th June 2015

Using disposable sanitary products had given me really bad thrush in the past, resulting in a year long course of antifungal treatment that often aggravated the problem further. Sick of the itching and the pain of using disposables, I looked on Etsy for reusable sanitary pads and from these I found out about the Mooncup as many women seemed to use reusable panty liners as back up with their Mooncups. I did some research and found out more about the Mooncup before finally buying one last month from my local wholefood store. I have to admit, I’m very impressed with the Mooncup and since using it during my last two cycles I have finally managed to get rid of my thrush and feel a lot healthier and happier in my vaginal health. At first sight the Mooncup does look very big but this shouldn’t put anyone off – it folds up and fits well once you get it in the right position. I have asked Mooncup to send me some stickers and leaflets to spread around my University campus as I am astonished at how few women know that there are other alternatives to disposables out there. As someone hoping to go into the Education Sector once finishing my degree, I think it is vital that we educate young girls and women about the different sanitary options available to them and I just wish I’d known about it sooner – the Mooncup could have saved me a lot of worry, pain and bother and it is safe to say that I won’t ever go back to disposables!

Daisy – 19th May 2015

I remember seeing the stickers for the mooncup in the ladies toilets when I was at University and thinking to myself, I should probably give that a go. Well, I graduated five years ago and have only just go round to actually doing it, and it was mostly the online reviews and testimonials that made me make that decision there and then. If only I had read the testimonials back then!
I personally didn’t find the whole concept of it weird or gross, I am quite in tune with my body. The only thing I had to overcome was getting used to insertion and removal. Trying different folding methods soon sorted the insertion, removal took a bit more practise but within a couple of days I felt confident and I knew that I would never go back. At first I used a liner because I wasn’t convinced it wasn’t going to leak but now I am totally confident in the mooncup.

It makes you feel SO much better about your period, you feel more in tune with what your body is doing, cramps are reduced, it’s cost effective, it’s more hygienic and for me knowing I am not adding to landfill is a huge benefit.

If you suffer with recurrent thrush or UTI’s – this product will change your life!!! (I don’t know why doctors don’t advise women to get one).

Kym – 13th February 2015

I have just used my mooncup for the first time and I’m converted already NEVER using a tampon again!!!! I had a lot of trouble getting it in and out but figure with practice it will become much easier over time I think I cut the stem too short and inserted in way to high but managed to get it out squatting in the shower £& using my lady muscles (sorry for the TMI but reading and watching videos is what helped me) I was getting panicked that I wasn’t going to be able to get it out. I suffer with bv and thrush all the time after the end of my period I think due to using tampons but I really think the mooncup will make that a thing of the past along with balance activ gel for 1 night at the end of my period I hope this May help anyone out there having similar troubles.

Katie – 10th February 2015

I have never written a review or testimonial on anything before, but I am so delighted with my mooncup that I had to let you know! It has been an absolute revelation! By following the extensive and very clear instructions, I found it very easy to use right off the bat and I love it how clean and comfortable it is. I was worried it would be messy before I tried it, but it’s the cleanest sanitary protection I have ever used. I can’t imagine going back to towels again. I have always found tampons difficult to get on with, but the mooncup is totally different. I can’t feel it at all. It’s as if I’m not even having a period when I’m wearing it. I live in a hot, humid country and often get yeast infections after my period because of using towels. The heat can make towels smell very quickly, and damp towels plus sweat feel revolting. No such problems with the mooncup. I can swim spontaneously, roll around on the floor with my baby, sleep without underwear on… It’s changed my life! Thank you! I wish I’d got one years ago.

Helen – 16th August 2014

I bought the Mooncup in August of 2012. It’s the most AMAZING thing ever! I’ve had a lot of trouble with my period, since I was 14. I’m 20 now and I’ve struggled with a lot of problems from Pads and Tampons. They seemed to contribute to a lot of yeast infections and when my flow finally became smaller, tampons just hurt. That’s when I found out about the Mooncup. I have to say when it arrived I was slightly intimidated , but I gave it a try and it was awesome. Took a few days to get use to and such, but it’s the most amazing protection, no leaks at all! I can finally wear cute underwear when I want to during my period. I use to have to wear a back up panty liner when I used a Tampon. All I can say is it’s the best $30 I’ve ever spent.

Alice – 21st February 2013