

So I am 13 and I started my period in may. I used pads for the first month and felt so icky and gross about it that I decided to try the mooncup which I saw on the boots website. It had good reviews so I bought it and I absolutely love it!!! I do leak every now and then because I am yet to figure out the best ways to do things for my body but honestly I am glad I found this at such a young age and I will never use a pad again! I am a cheerleader and I can cheer and I love to swim and it’s so awesome I love it!

Tabitha- 28th September 2016

I came across the Mooncup when looking online for an alternative to tampons. So glad I found it and will never go back! When I bought it I practiced with it before getting my period and found the punch down fold the easiest and definitely running it under cold water helps. Have used it for four periods now and having no problems. Used it swimming last week and was great. Would highly recommend it

Martina – 26th September 2016

I bought my moon cup over 3 years ago. I had heard of it but never really wanted to spend £20 on it. I really wish I was made to use this when I was younger. I truly believe that tampons made my periods worse and they are so bad for the environment. I will never ever use a tampon again ever!!!!!! I have washable pads for when I am sleeping which go in the washing machine and my moon cup. I have taken it abroad with me, its been running with me its been swimming with me, to parties and nights out with me and it has never let me down. I love it. I lost it once about a year ago and I was so upset my husband went out and got me another one 🙂 bless, if I had had daughters I would make sure they used these. I would love to be able to set up a charity so that women in third world impoverished contries have these, I cant imagine what they go through every month without proper sanitary conditions. I will work that out and hopefully let you all know. I have converted nearly every woman I know, and they are all raving about it. I have lighter less painful periods and my skin is even clearer after using it where as that time I would break out. I have less bloating and my cycle is shorter. Amazing!!! buy one today, dont wait just do it, you wont regret it 🙂

**** – 23rd December 2015

I’ve been using a mooncup for 10 years now, since after the birth of my first son (I was using washable nappies, and saw the mooncup on the nappy webpage and thought I would give it a go). I have used it since then. I thought at times it was a bit messy and perhaps a bit inconvenient, but cheaper in the long run than tampons and towels and better for the environment so I kept going and kind of got to appreciate it.

THEN this period, I could not find my mooncup; but no worries, thought I, there’s a handful of tampons in the cupboard going spare, it’ll be an easy period. How wrong I was. Mooncups are far more easy than tampons, now I know that for sure!

1)I think have had more leaks in the last 7 days than in the last 10 years. I have been constantly worried about leaks all week!
2)It’s inconvenient to have to remember to take a tampon into the toilet at work every time, just in case, and to ferret in the cupboard at home before going there, and to remember to put enough into my bag for whilst I am out for the day, no such worries with a mooncup, it’s there, you take it out, empty it, clean it put it back, there is nothing to forget;
3)Using a tampon is really no less messy than using a mooncup, (probably much more so, if you consider the frequency of leaks)
4)Tampons do not absorb clotty bits (that’s something I don’t remember from previous tampon use, perhaps it’s a sign of getting old….
5)It’s really great to go swimming with a mooncup – tampons tend to get all bulked up with pool water, but mooncups don’t
6)Period end tends to be a bit uncomfortable because the tampon absorbs vaginal fluids so can be sore to insert/remove

Previously I was a mooncup user. Now I am an EVANGELICAL mooncup user. I cannot believe that anyone would be daft enough to want to use tampons or towels when such a great alternative exists.

I have already been out and bought a brand new mooncup in case my old one doesn’t turn up before my next period. (After 10 years, it is probably not a bad investment!)

P.s. for any long term mooncup users, I really recommend a one period mooncup holiday – you will never want to go back to tampons ever ever again!

Sarah – 14th December 2015

Admittedly had a little bit of trouble inserting it at first as the size was a lil intimidating but once i got the hang of it i had no problems! i definitely won’t got back to tampons ever again, much more convenient; i don’t have to spend a fortune getting different sizes to suite my flow and don’t need to change it every time i want to have a shower/bath or go swimming on my cycle,

Kim – 28th November 2015

I used the mooncup for the first time the other day, I have always had problems with tampons as I could never get them to be comfortable and I had to change them very regularly, also with sanitary towels other than feeling like I was wearing a nappy they would give me a rash so I decided to try out the mooncup. I was very weary at first because it is new to me but wow it is amazing! I find it a little difficult to put in because I am new to using it but it is so comfortable, I can’t feel it at all and I don’t need to worry about taking it out for baths showers and swimming, I also find that I can wait the whole 8 hours between emptying without overfilling it and there are no leaks. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone I know best money I have spent in a long time!!

Charlotte – 18th October 2015

I decided to try the Mooncup after getting a job working at a summer camp in America. I needed to save precious room in my bags, I needed to limit the amount of waste/rubbish I would produce, and I needed something I could do sports and swim with. I cannot express how happy I am to have found Mooncup! It doesn’t take up any room in my bag, it’s re-usable, and I feel so fresh and comfortable doing my sports or swimming with it in. My camp was pretty rural and using the Mooncup saved me from making long trips to the supermarket for more feminine products. I will admit it’s a little tricky to get in/out at first but you have to persevere because once you start using this you will never go back to pads or tampons, and the benefits are so worth it. I’ve recommended this to so many people since I started using it.
Thank you Mooncup!

em – 21st September 2015

Don’t give up on the Cup! First time I used it, I couldn’t get on with it at all. It sat in my cupboard for 2 cycles. But of course my latest period showed up on a day I planned to go swimming, so I gave the Mooncup another chance. After a couple practises, taking it in and out is as easy (and clean) as a tampon. It doesn’t leak which means swimming (and sleeping naked) are stress free again.
It’s so comfortable that I often forget it’s there at all – except that I actually look forward to taking it out and seeing how much blood I’ve collected. Which leads me to the best thing about the Mooncup – it’s helped me feel connected to and respectful of my body again. Periods used to be a pain, now I rather look forward to them!

Jen – 7th July 2015

My periods finished approx 18 months ago and although I used a Menstrual cup for the last 3 years with complete confidence and comfort I just wish I had known about them when I really needed them because I had pains, cramps, clots and flooding for years. All my GP wanted to do was insert a Mirena coil (which I wasnt happy about). The cup was such a Godsend, the clots still occured but were less painful and my period which used to last around 11 days was over in around 5 days (from start to finish). I swam, danced, slept naked and confident, and had a spare in my purse at all times which wasn’t a problem. I holidayed in 3rd world countries and it was amazing. My girlfirend and I have even sponsored an African girls school and sent them 150 cups. This means they can go all the time and we need to give women power. They are completely hygenic, environmentally friendly and cost so much less.

Jasmine – 14th April 2015

Wow!! At age 42 and having had 3 C-sections, I have grumbled for several years about having to have periods. My mom went in menopause at age 58 so I’m probably destined for a late one as well BUT this moon cup has changed my outlook! I have always hated pads. I couldn’t wear tampons because they hurt too much. So- I’ve spent my life abstaining from swimming and doing lots of fun things while on my heavier period days, wistfully watching everyone else have a great time. No more! This is the greatest thing ever!!
I am 42 with three kids but no vaginal births- I’ve always been kind of “small” down there so I tried the B size and it’s worked perfectly. How could this have not been invented 30 years ago??????? So liberating!!

Michelle – 7th April 2015