Sport & Exercise

Sport & Exercise

I’m only on day two of using my mooncup but i’m converted! I haven’t got on with tampons since having kids and my skin tends to react to towels so i needed an alternative.
It’s definitely been a couple of days of trial and error, but i got there in the end and tonight i bit the bullet and wore it to my karate training. This was the test for me. I was really worried at first and wore a panty liner as well just in case all the jumping around caused leaks but i needn’t have worried. I could have easily forgotten it was there….
I will not be going back to tampons/towels…ever!

Sarah – 28th February 2017

So I am 13 and I started my period in may. I used pads for the first month and felt so icky and gross about it that I decided to try the mooncup which I saw on the boots website. It had good reviews so I bought it and I absolutely love it!!! I do leak every now and then because I am yet to figure out the best ways to do things for my body but honestly I am glad I found this at such a young age and I will never use a pad again! I am a cheerleader and I can cheer and I love to swim and it’s so awesome I love it!

Tabitha- 28th September 2016

Just wanted to thank you for the great mooncups you make. I ordered today a new mooncup after using the old one over 15 years. Oh we have been together travelling, sailing, surfing, horse-riding & much much more and experienced so many amazing adventures! The only reason really why I decided to buy a new one is that the old one is already a little bit stained. Otherwise it is still in good condition.

Elina – 31st March 2016

Just thought I’d add some comments about using the Mooncup during sport as that was what I was a bit concerned about before buying mine, as I do a lot of running. Went out for a 2-hr run on the second day of my period and it was absolutely great, completely comfortable and I honestly forgot it was there, which wasn’t always the case with tampons! so go for it ladies, it really is a better option!

Caroline – 29th April 2010

I bought my moon cup over 3 years ago. I had heard of it but never really wanted to spend £20 on it. I really wish I was made to use this when I was younger. I truly believe that tampons made my periods worse and they are so bad for the environment. I will never ever use a tampon again ever!!!!!! I have washable pads for when I am sleeping which go in the washing machine and my moon cup. I have taken it abroad with me, its been running with me its been swimming with me, to parties and nights out with me and it has never let me down. I love it. I lost it once about a year ago and I was so upset my husband went out and got me another one 🙂 bless, if I had had daughters I would make sure they used these. I would love to be able to set up a charity so that women in third world impoverished contries have these, I cant imagine what they go through every month without proper sanitary conditions. I will work that out and hopefully let you all know. I have converted nearly every woman I know, and they are all raving about it. I have lighter less painful periods and my skin is even clearer after using it where as that time I would break out. I have less bloating and my cycle is shorter. Amazing!!! buy one today, dont wait just do it, you wont regret it 🙂

**** – 23rd December 2015

Absolutely love my Mooncup!!! I was a bit hesitant to begin with, but after attempting my “dry run” both at home and at the gym with no issues I found myself actually looking forward to my next period to test it out for real. It took about 2 days to find my own personal method and I was slightly nervous using it during my CrossFit sessions but it did not let me down despite being upside down, squatting and jumping off boxes! If only I had known about this product earlier.

Claire – 3rd December 2015

Dear Tampon There is no easy way to tell you this…it is over. I am breaking up with you. This can come as no surprise as I have been very distant for the last few months. You haven’t seen me for a while and probably miss me. I don’t miss you….At All.
You promised me horse back riding in white pants
You promised that I could run down the beach in a white bikini.
You promised me energetic games of volley ball in cute white shorts.
We never did any of that. Instead you gave me cramps, dryness and thrush. All these years I thought it was me. I thought that it was something I had to put up with. I was wrong.
I have met someone else. Her name is Mooncup and we are in love. Mooncup loves me and I love her.
Since I have started seeing Moon I have had no cramps, no dryness and no thrush. My periods, which used to last 5 to 6 days, now only last 2 and a half days.
I feel healthy. I feel clean. I feel good.
Now I must get going. I have a volley ball match to get to.
Kind regards

Libby – 26th October 2015

I decided to try the Mooncup after getting a job working at a summer camp in America. I needed to save precious room in my bags, I needed to limit the amount of waste/rubbish I would produce, and I needed something I could do sports and swim with. I cannot express how happy I am to have found Mooncup! It doesn’t take up any room in my bag, it’s re-usable, and I feel so fresh and comfortable doing my sports or swimming with it in. My camp was pretty rural and using the Mooncup saved me from making long trips to the supermarket for more feminine products. I will admit it’s a little tricky to get in/out at first but you have to persevere because once you start using this you will never go back to pads or tampons, and the benefits are so worth it. I’ve recommended this to so many people since I started using it.
Thank you Mooncup!

em – 21st September 2015

the first time you have to insert it will be a little tricky, especially if you are nervous as I was! you don’t want to cut the stem the first 2 -3 times, or you’ll have a panic attack as I did when I “couldn’t find it” and just hurt yourself. Just take your time, the mooncup will find her way inside your body, and then all your periods will be a walk in the park. This has been my second month and I couldn’t be happier, you can’t feel it, you can exercise, work , do anything you like with that magical clean sensation and don’t have to worry about forgotten tampons, change the smelly things, always feeling wet and uncomfortable. Just forget about those days!!

Simona – 26th June 2015

I am absolutely delighted with the mooncup as a replacement for tampons. They are also great for the environment and animal friendly.As soon as I started using it I saw the benefit. You dont feel it at all and you can clean it as often as you want or need to.
Its great for sports too; I do a lot of running and it sits in place perfectly.
The advice on the earthwisegirls site is great too. I did panic somewhat about removal of the mooncup, but the advice was perfect and relevant.
You do have to get a bit more ‘hands-on’ with yourself, as its not the same as pulling out a piece of string, but you get over this very quickly.
I wish we had these many tears ago, and Ive recommended to friends.
Brilliant alternative to the mounting costs of tampons and their negative impact to the environment.

Jennifer – 19th June 2015