Sensitive Skin / Allergies

Sensitive Skin / Allergies

I’m only on day two of using my mooncup but i’m converted! I haven’t got on with tampons since having kids and my skin tends to react to towels so i needed an alternative.
It’s definitely been a couple of days of trial and error, but i got there in the end and tonight i bit the bullet and wore it to my karate training. This was the test for me. I was really worried at first and wore a panty liner as well just in case all the jumping around caused leaks but i needn’t have worried. I could have easily forgotten it was there….
I will not be going back to tampons/towels…ever!

Sarah – 28th February 2017

To be honest, when I first tried the moon cup, I never thought I’d use it again. There was a lot of discomfort and a few gross mishaps. It definitely took a while to figure out the best way to insert and take it out but it turns out for me TWISTING was the key! Now that I’ve mastered all that, I absolutely LOVE my moon cup! I go most cycles without getting blood on ANY of my clothes (always had leaks at night with pads). Sometimes I even forget i’m on my period because I can’t even feel it and it fits great! If I do ever have leaks its only because I’ve totally forgotten it was even in and need to empty it! I have very sensitive skin, especially down below, and itchy pads and tampons DID NOT HELP that situation. But the Mooncup eliminates so much itch and allows me to follow my normal skin care routine without interruption and a lot less mess! I also travel a lot! And sometimes traveling can trigger my body to have a period totally out of the blue! So its nice that I don’t have to constantly worry if I have enough pads or tampons and if/when I’ll need them. I just have my moon cup with me all the time and its always ready to go to work whenever I need it! Even in less than ideal bathroom situations! I love that I’m saving money, the environment and my clothes! I love my moon cup! Thank you!

Mary – 3rd October 2016

I heard about the moon cup and thought it was a horrible idea .. But as I was allergic to all my sanitary products I was willing to try anything .. And I’ll never go back! It’s so easy to use and you can’t feel a thing! I highly recommend this product it’s more Eco friendly and person friendly !! Moon cups will most definitely be the next best thing 🙂 it sounds expensive at first but when your spending approx 4 pound each time on a box of tampons it costs next to nothing! Can re use over and over.. You most definitely need to buy one

Chloe – 18th July 2015

I love the mooncup! My friend introduced me to it years ago when travelling (perfect when packing light and hard to get tampons) and I have never looked back. The odd time when I first started using it I had an occasional leak but probably happened less than with tampons and now it just seems to fit me like a glove. I find it way more comfortable than tampons…totally forget I’m wearing it at all quite often and I like how it doesn’t react with your body at all/isn’t dry and abrasive. Is also really easy to empty out and actually feels way cleaner than tampax once you get used to it.

Becky – 19th November 2014

I have always used pads because I hated the feel of tampons and the few times I had to use one, my vagina would get very irritated and dry. Even with a lot of pads, the chemicals or plastic in them would give me a rash or worse make me raw.I finally found a natural cotton pad, but I was still ruining my undies at night from leakage. So I decided to give one of these a try. I am super sensitive down there, (couldn’t even use a nuva-ring birth control) so I was very skeptical about how comfortable this would be. I’m 30 and don’t have kids, so I ordered the smaller one. WOW! I am a total convert now! It was a little tricky putting it in, but I just squeezed my muscles once inserted and it corrects itself within a few minutes of walking around. The removal wasn’t messy as I feared it was going to be. I just pinched the bottom to break the seal and gently pull it out while squatting over the toilet. I’m on day two of trying the Mooncup and I’m not irritated down there at all.I actually feel cleaner and I can barely feel it too.Best part is no leaks! I don’t plan on wearing it to work, but it certainly has helped me sleep through the night worry free. I am super happy with this product. Good bye messed up undies and bed sheets! Thank you Mooncup!!

M.Lam – 29th January 2013

As Rihanna says ‘where have you been all my life!’wow, mooncup, or as i call it my little diamond! it sure is a girls best friend! every woman should know about them!
let me just say that if you have problems with sanatary wear, drying you out, making you itch or in my case I got a very bad allergy to the chemicals contained in sanatary pads! I was at my wits end so went on a google hunt for none chemical products! I found the mooncup and read some reviews they all sounded positive, so i tho nothing to lose but try and I can say I am over the moon i did!
just finished my 1st period using it and can not belive it! I feel that I have not even had a period, usally by now I would be in total pain from my allergic reaction. but with the mooncup nothing at all, i had no problems putting it in or taking it out. its defo going to be my friend for life. and its only £18! and its supossed to last years, so a saving on products and the planet! I am a happy lady!

Nicole – 28th January 2013

After a very nasty allergic reaction to a sanitary towel, I have been scared to use pads or tampons ever since. I have very sensitive skin and i found the rubbing of pads and tampons extremely uncomfortable and I would often end up with thrush 🙁 When reading about the Mooncup I couldn’t believe that something I could buy on a student budget would actually work.
But after a particularly itchy period I bit the financial bullet and bought one. I used it for the first time today- no problems whatsoever! So easy and comfortable- I don’t ever want to see a pad or tampon ever again!

Verity – 14th January 2013

After searching ‘alternative to tampons and pads’ on google, Mooncup came up in all the searches so I decided to be open-minded have a look, I only bought one this afternoon while in the middle of my period and already I am seeing and feeling a difference. I have been diagnosed with a ovary problem which as a result meant I can no longer use tampons without extreme pain in my ovary occurring on insertion. So I have to make do with pads throughout my very heavy periods, which as you can imagine isn’t ideal (especially during the night) And just to top things off, I have become very allergic to all brands of pads and get painful rashes down there, which was the point where I couldn’t take it any more which is why I took to google for alternatives! Now I have all the freedom of a tampon i.e. swimming etc without the pain and dryness that tampons give. Already there’s all those benefits just for me alone before you even take into consideration how eco-friendly it is. How many times have you put a high absorbency night pad in expecting more just to find in the morning that hardly anything has come out during the night and now you have to throw away a virtually unused pad to go on landfill. I could go on all day about it, but all in all, even only after a few hours of owning one and reading all the brilliant reviews and the facts, it comes out on top every time. I really don’t understand why this method isn’t as well known as tampons in this day and age of everything being eco! I can see me using this for years and years to come, and definitely encouraging my future daughters to use it as well. I will recommend to all the women I know. Thank you xxx

Hannah – 23rd March 2012

I’ve been using a mooncup since 2006, I think. I was living in the UK and I was getting skin reactions to pads, when I started getting irritations from tampon strings I decided it was time to look into menstrual cups, which I had heard about from a friend.
I love it, 6 years later I’m buying another to keep in my bag so I don’t have to worry about unexpected periods surprising me, particularly during travel. I travel a lot for work and it’s great not having to pack a whole selection of sanitary products just in case.

Claire – 18th March 2012

I love my Mooncup. I bought mine on a whim to be more green and never wear pads again, and I couldn’t live without it now. It definitely took some getting used to and I wouldn’t say that it’s any easier than other methods (it still takes me longer to put in and out than a tampon) but I not having to buy menstrual products is wonderful, and I never leak anymore. It was a lifesaver as I had stopped being able to wear pads because of severe itching (I would literally wake up trying to scratch my skin off) and since my flow was fairly light tampons made me very very dry and sore. (this seriously affected my sex life also).
My Mooncup has fixed any issue I had. No itching, no dryness, and intercourse no longer feels “sandpapery”. I would recommend to anyone.

Sara – 11th March 2012