Public Toilets

Public Toilets

I LOVE THIS PRODUCT! No more inserting horrible dry tampons. No more wet strings. No more running around trying to find someone with a spare when it’s time to change.
The measure on the cup is great for keeping track of how much I’ve lost. Took a couple of attempts to get the hang of insertion but once it’s in I can’t even feel it (I had trim the stem to the right length). In fact, mine is so comfy that I spent a while looking for it this morning before I remembered that I’d already put it in. Ditsy? Yes! But still testament to how comfortable it is. Easy to change and clean, even out and about. Fantastic product and highly recommended 🙂

Lottie – 22nd October 2015

What a revelation mooncups are! I’d delayed going eco as I couldn’t face washing blood covered pads, but after using washable nappys for my baby I had to take the plunge, instead finding mooncups. They are such a logical solution and, once you are used to them, are much better than either pads or tampons. How did I not know they existed before?!?I was initially scared of using the mooncup, even having panic attacks when I first tried it with a shortened stem due to fears about getting it out! If you are worried I recommend pushing it out with just your vaginal muscles before cutting the stem to discover how ridiculously easy it is to get out. Also they are actually simple to use even in public toilets with the bonus that you need to empty them less anyway.
I did have initial leek issues (albeit less than I had with pads/tampons) and really didn’t believe that it could work at night, but it was definitely worth persevering to determine the right position for me to be both leek free and comfortable 24/7. After childbirth my period became erratic but mooncups are perfect whatever my body is up to. Sometimes I have to empty it after just a few hours (which is still a lot longer than the alternatives lasted as mooncups hold more), but otherwise go 8hours only changing it to follow the recommendation. My only concern now is forgetting I’m using it.
I tried Mooncups for environmental reasons, but am amazed how much more convenient, comfortable and cheaper they are compared to any alternative. Try it!

Caroline – 7th September 2015

I admit I was unsure about the mooncup at first, I liked the idea of being more environmentally friendly but worried about how practical it would be in real life. Now I’m totally a convert, wish I’d swapped sooner! Been using my mooncup about 6months now and love it, really easy to use and never had any leaks unlike with tampons. I have really heavy periods and used to need to change tampons regularly (1-2hrs!) which was difficult at work, don’t have that problem any longer because the mooncup is definitely up to the job which takes away a lot of stress. I was nervous about emptying it in public toilets but you really only need a small amount of water to rinse it out and a little bottle of water takes up less room in my bag than a massive pie of tampons! I would recommend it to any woman, it really is amazing 🙂

Becca – 21st July 2015

I bought the Moon Cup in January this year, and have now had two periods using it. Switching to the Moon Cup is one of the best decisions I have made in my life! I heard of it a few years ago but was put off by the idea of having to empty it in public places; this however is much easier than you would think as a) you don’t have to change it anywhere as near as much as a tampon and b) like the Q&A’s suggest, simply wiping it or using a water bottle is absolutely fine for the occasional time you do get caught in a cubicle without a sink. I knew when I bought the Moon Cup that it would have a number of advantages which have proved to be just as good as expected:
a) not having to buy tampons any more
b) not contributing to the environmental damage caused by disposable sanitary products
c) not having the dryness caused by a tampon
d) not having the awkward string poking out in embarrassing places such as the swimming pool!
All these advantages have been great and better than expected (the Moon Cup is so comfortable, you can’t tell it’s there, and putting it in and taking it out takes only the tiniest bit of practice!) but what’s been really great about the Moon Cup is the advantages I didn’t think about, which include:
a) Only having to change it every 7-8 hours, even on really heavy days
b) Not having the “odour” that comes along with your period, particularly towards the end of menstruation
c) Not having any “spotting” at the end of my period (bye bye pantyliners!)
d) Not having to worry about the size of tampons vs. flow – the Moon Cup can be worn throughout
e) Being really in touch with my body, and being able to know exactly when I have finished my period
f) They don’t cause any issues with toilet blockages, and you don’t have to deal with the ickyness that is the full sanitary bin in a public place.

Ladies – please try the Moon Cup! I have been singing it’s praises to my friends and I am shocked and actually quite disappointed that so many people think that a period is a “disgusting” thing, and that the Moon Cup is to be avoided – we should not be embarrassed by our bodies or scared of being more in touch with ourselves (yes, quite literally..!)
My only regret is not starting to use it earlier, as having now seen the difference in my body I have realised that the only disgusting and unnatural thing about periods is using any other type of sanitary product!
Go Moon Cup!

Becky – 14th March 2015

10 years ago an old school friend told me about the Mooncup. I thought it was a great idea and what a fantastic way to save money on the “monthly” (as my Mother calls it) and also aid the environment. I try to be as conscientious as I can be towards green issues, however I carried on as normal thinking that I’ll get around to it one day. And eventually I did.I am 36yrs old and had a child by C section – so I wasn’t sure about the sizing, although I opted for the larger one (and it is only marginally larger) as I didn’t want leaks.
Day One
Managed to get it in ok. Much better if wet (water not a lubricant). Needed to adjust it a few times and trim the stem but ones it’s in place it’s in place and you can’t feel a thing. You really don’t know it’s there. Fantastic! As a parent you know that you don’t get any time to yourself so going for a wee whilst having a child glued to my side asking various questions about Barbies was fine as there was no issues as there was nothing to see (mooncup inside). Impressed with the convenience. And it lasts between 4-8hrs – much longer than a towel or tampon. Still impressed.
Getting it out was a little tricky at first. I thought I might have to explain it to staff at my local A&E! My advice. Read the instructions! It does give you tips. And relax!
Day Two
Who’s idea was it to go to Ikea! Public toilets I was dreading! I think my friend thought I’d got lost I took so long! However, I’m still here to tell the tail, a quick wipe out and it was fine.
My first thoughts was that it was going to be very messy. But it’s seriously not. I’ve not “spilt a drop” – once you hear the suction release you know it’s nearly out, a quick wiggle and to get ready to ‘tip and rinse’. Make sure you wash hands before and afterwards.
Day Three
I have getting it out to a fine art now. The main thing is relax. Much quicker. Now no one knows the difference if I go to the toilet for a wee as it’s out, rinsed and back in in no time at all.
I am converted! No more hassles of sliding a tampon up your sleeve when you go to the loo and no more monthly expense as this lasts for years.
I didn’t get on very well with sanitary towels as I suffer with a skin condition in that area which used to flare up when I wore these, and tampons used to give me “twangs” similar to period pains. Plus it’s better for the environment and our used products don’t end up in the sea with all the sea creatures….would you like to swim around with our used sanitary products by your side?
I never write reviews, but I am seriously impressed! Only Day Three and I’m converted. I can’t stress enough for more women to try it. Comes with a cute discreet storage bag too! No need to hide tampons or towels in the zip up compartment of my handbag and I don’t dread my periods anymore…win win! I can’t believe I waited 10 years! Thank you Mooncup Makers!
P.S No leaks either (including overnight!) – the larger one is really only fractionally bigger than the smaller one, and remember you want it to make a proper seal, so if in doubt and you’ve had a C section, then go for the larger one. Just try it – you’ve nothing to lose!

Katie – 6th January 2015

I am not one to write reviews but this is a great product. For many years I have suffered the fear of leaking, especially, the first two days of my period where I am very heavy and sleeping was uncomfortable as I have had many episodes of ruining bed sheets. It was all quite stressful. Last month, I used the mooncup and though I still used a pad, I managed to sleep without waking up every 2 hours to change. I haven’t quite mastered getting it out without the mess so I have not been able to use the cup without a pad during the day ( I have since discovered I need to empty after 6hours on my heavy days). Anyway this is so good that I urge anyone thinking to buy one to just get on with it. It feels cleaner and it will change your life. I look forward to the day I master taking it out without the mess so I can use it while I am at work and can feel comfortable enough to just simply take a bottle of water to rinse and reinsert in the ladies. Until then, I have stopped using tampons and i am reducing the amount of pads, which I hope helps in helping the environment.

Carm – 29th November 2014

Trying out the mooncup has not been a stress free experience with a few adjustments needed to positioning and one minor panic about the cup being stuck forever… That being said I have had no cramps, no accidents or leakage and a period which stopped 2 days earlier than normal. There is no discomfort and the washing process is surprisingly easy with a small water bottle in your handbag! Go and buy one it will change your periods for the better!!

Betsy – 5th September 2014

I used a mooncup for the first time last month. My period is irregular and so it’s always a total surprise when it comes. I was going on holiday and I was sick of carrying stuff with me constantly “just in case”. Annoyingly I did come on half way through the holiday, but using the mooncup meant my holiday was in no way ruined. I could wear any of my beach clothes without worry of tampon string making a nasty appearance or leakage! I went to a festival while abroad and let me tell you, if you can remove, clean and re-insert your mooncup in a portaloo you know it’s the product for you! In reality, I didn’t need to even empty at that time at all, but as it was my first time, I had the panic of “oh God it’s going to be full, I’m going to leak everywhere!” Totally unfounded, they say 8 hours on the FAQs, they’re not lying. Yes I had the initial – oh god this is gross, a cup of blood, a cup inside me, but really is that any less gross than a piece of cotton shoved inside? I think this is now the product for me, I survived the toughest challenges for my first time and it was better than what I’ve been doing for the past 15 years.

Samantha – 28th July 2014

On month 7 with my mooncup and I’m head over heels in love with her!! Took a few months to feel comfortable and confident using her and there were days I felt frustrated, but the thought of going back to tampons kept me trying and now we pretty slick!!
I work outdoors all day, I walk dogs, and felt awful having to use my customers toilets at the that time of the month, and I couldn’t possibly have left my tampons in their bins, yuck! Mooncup has made this so much easier!

Also my cramps are almost completely gone, think most of the pain was psychological (trying to hold on) but I don’t feel the need with the mooncup.

Managed lunch in the big smoke with the girls today, 2 re-freshes completed successfully with the help of a bottle of water stashed in my bag! Was so pleased! Can’t wait to introduce my daughter (she’s 11, nearly there!) to a mooncup so she never has to feel the way I was made to feel when my periods started!!

All hail the Mooncup!

Thank you

Rachael – 20th December 2012

I bought this a few months ago. The main reason I wanted to buy it was the cost. I’m a student and money can get a bit tight! Buying tampons every month/second month just wasn’t feasible. I wasn’t sure what to expect but thought I’d share my experience.
Inserting the mooncup was fine (although the folding methods detailed in the booklet didnt work for me. There are many blogs etc online showing different ways of inserting it so you just need to find the one that works for you.)The only real problem I had was that to begin with the mooncup was really painful to get out. However after a couple of months I got the hang of it. I’m not sure what I was doing wrong exactly but you just need to persevere as you will eventually find the knack!

I love my mooncup now. I couldn’t be without it and can’t recommend it enough. If you’re someone like me who might not get off to a great start, please persevere. It’s well worth it I promise! It’s not as messy as I thought it would be either which is great! At first I was worried about needing to change it in public bathrooms but I find that I dont need to as it can be kept in much longer that tampons so I can work around trips out to public places.

Give it a go! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

Caroline – 02nd November 2012