Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

I’ve recently bought a Mooncup, I have heard about them before but they just seemed a bit surreal for me! But I bit the bullet so to speak and I have to say, I honestly think this thing is the best thing since sliced bread!!
It took me a few attempts to get the position right but after that it’s so easy and convenient! I have pcos so my periods are all over the place and I can’t just put a tampon in on random days on the idea that I might bleed that day whereas I can put my Mooncup in and if it’s not needed as such it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t leave me dry etc and it’s not a waste of money if it hasn’t collected anything!
Make the leap, you will not regret it!

Cat – 3rd March 2017

I wanted to try the moon cup for environmental reasons, I watched youtube videos, and decided to purchase a cup. Was a little awkward at first (I’m not a tampon user) but as I type this, I can’t even feel it. Wish I had bought sooner.

Annmarie – 28th February 2017

I’m only on day two of using my mooncup but i’m converted! I haven’t got on with tampons since having kids and my skin tends to react to towels so i needed an alternative.
It’s definitely been a couple of days of trial and error, but i got there in the end and tonight i bit the bullet and wore it to my karate training. This was the test for me. I was really worried at first and wore a panty liner as well just in case all the jumping around caused leaks but i needn’t have worried. I could have easily forgotten it was there….
I will not be going back to tampons/towels…ever!

Sarah – 28th February 2017

I’ve been using The Mooncup for about a year now and absolutely love it. I was a bit nervous about it to begin with because I knew very little about menstrual cups but was fed up with tampons and pads, and wanted to give something else a change… I must admit that it’s a lot easier to use and wear than using tampons. I always struggled finding the right size of tampons (I’ve got a very heavy flow for the first two days). Now, I don’t need to worry about that… and it doesn’t normally leak, unless I don’t insert it properly or its full. It did take me a couple of days to figure out how to use insert it properly. Once you get the hang of it, its also really easy to remove, even towards the end of my period; if you’ve ever had to remove a tampon at the end of your period you know how much it hurts. It’s also awesome to use traveling, though I’ve never had to use it during a long haul flight (I’ve never had my period when I’ve done a long haul flight)…

I have shared with friends about the greatness of the menstrual cup but its something that not a lot of people are willing to try out because they’re not really willing to take the step and try out something new. I’m glad I did.

Rachel – 27th February 2017

I heard about the mooncup via a review someone posted on Youtube a few years ago but finally got one this year. As a teenager this is much more conveniant than other sanitary products. I’ve never liked tampons, they just felt wrong and were super uncomfortable however, using the mooncup felt much more natural and I was suprised that it ‘disappeared’ once it was inside. I only could feel the stem – which I later had to remove but since there has been no problems. It definitely took some practise but it was definitely worth it! I especially like the idea that you can use the Mooncup Menstrual Cup even when you’re not on your period – I did a few ‘dry runs’ just to practice the insertion and removal until I felt comfortable and it helped so much! If you are having problems with insertion or removal I definitely recommend doing a ‘dry run’. This product has changed my life and I have recently also got my mum to convert to a mooncup user!

Eden – 19th February 2017

Just launched my first successful mission to mooncup after a few failed attempts. Here’s what worked for me: water-based external lubrication (me not the cup), foot on toilet seat lunge position and folding method #2. Getting it out was harder – shouldn’t have trimmed the stalk so much! Wide legged squat, a few kegel squeezes, firm pinch on the base of the cup and voila! Looking forward to more freedom with the mooncup!

Della – 3rd October 2016

I’m not sure why I haven’t written a testimonial sooner! I’ve been using my Mooncup for around 7 years now. At first I was not so sure, having a few leaks, or not being able to get it out. BUT PERSEVERE! I now love my Mooncup it helps with heavy periods and there is so much less to think about. And after YEARS of my friends are finally giving it a go!! and all satisfied so far. Go for it!

Estelle – 3rd October 2016

Oh Mooncup, I cannot stress enough how much you have changed my life! I have been striving to a more eco friendly life recently and this change from normal sanitary products to the Mooncup is the icing on the cake. Yes, I was nervous at first, and yes I worried about how I would remove the Mooncup, but now I feel like a pro! I trust this product 100% and feel I could do anything during my period without worrying about leaks! I am shouting from the rooftops about the Mooncup and have already ‘sold’ three of my friends on the idea. For anyone thinking about buying, please do, it’s a game changer. Follow the instructions, look at troubleshooting, and persevere. After my favourite pair of shoes, it’s the best thing I’ve ever bought. Thank you.

Jo 3rd October 2016

To be honest, when I first tried the moon cup, I never thought I’d use it again. There was a lot of discomfort and a few gross mishaps. It definitely took a while to figure out the best way to insert and take it out but it turns out for me TWISTING was the key! Now that I’ve mastered all that, I absolutely LOVE my moon cup! I go most cycles without getting blood on ANY of my clothes (always had leaks at night with pads). Sometimes I even forget i’m on my period because I can’t even feel it and it fits great! If I do ever have leaks its only because I’ve totally forgotten it was even in and need to empty it! I have very sensitive skin, especially down below, and itchy pads and tampons DID NOT HELP that situation. But the Mooncup eliminates so much itch and allows me to follow my normal skin care routine without interruption and a lot less mess! I also travel a lot! And sometimes traveling can trigger my body to have a period totally out of the blue! So its nice that I don’t have to constantly worry if I have enough pads or tampons and if/when I’ll need them. I just have my moon cup with me all the time and its always ready to go to work whenever I need it! Even in less than ideal bathroom situations! I love that I’m saving money, the environment and my clothes! I love my moon cup! Thank you!

Mary – 3rd October 2016

I am so happy with my Mooncup! To all your girls out there who never used tampons I can tell you using the Mooncup is not scary. I used a tampon once and hated it. The feeling was horrible, the placement wasn’t comfortable and it just didn’t feel right. I “test drove” the Mooncup for one day and actually forgot I was wearing it. I urge you all to at least try it, the placement and insertion/removal might take a bit of getting used to but it is very easy and you can’t feel it. It is kind of like a contact you know it is there but eventually you get used to it and I completely forgot about it after a couple hours.

Also if you are having problems or worried the people you can contact via email are wonderful and so understanding. They put you at ease and make you feel so comfortable.

Mooncup is brilliant!

Jean- 30th September 2016