Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I bought a Mooncup online years ago, and it utterly revolutionised the way I felt about my body during that horrid grumpy week… which suddenly wasn’t quite so horrid and grumpy anymore, and so much less stressful not worrying about leaks and whatnot, and I just felt clean and nice and normal during my period for the first time. I have no idea how or when or why, but sometime since then I reverted back to sanitary towels. Tomorrow I’m being treated to an evening at a spa – imagine my horror when my period arrived yesterday! But then I remembered my mooncup, and searched the house high and low… but to no avail, I now realise that the only reason I’d have stopped using it in the first place would be if I’d lost it, which I must have, somewhere..! And knowing there wasn’t enough time to order online and have a new one delivered, I popped on here to discover if hope against hope there might be a stockist somewhere nearby… and found that Boots now sell these marvellous things! And as I type I’ve got my new mooncup in, just as comfy and brilliant as I remember – why oh why did I put up with disgusting sanitary towels for so long?! Thank you lovely mooncup people, for changing my life for the better, again 🙂

Lucy – 27 May 2010

I bought a Mooncup as I became more environmentally aware of wastage, and also because of continual disappointment from regular tampons. I would definitely recommend this product to my friends and I use it whilst I am travelling. Better for me, better for the environment, I think it is all in all a win win product.

amy – 27 May 2010

This product has honestly changed my life. No more worrying about leaking, no more worrying about smelling, no more running out of supplies. My period is no longer the chore it used to be.

Ash – 26 May 2010

I first heard about the Mooncup at a Women’s liberation festival. I was so excited to hear about suc a revolutionary product, that I ran home and ordered it right away! Luckily, I got my mooncup the same day as my period so I will NEVER AGAIN have to use those wasteful, invasive, man-made tampons! I’m also ecstatic to hear that other women are finding new and innovative ways to celebrate what Mother Nature has blessed us with. Thank you for changing my life!

Kevina – 26th May 2010

I have been using the mooncup for 2 years after reading a very small artile in a magazine.I can’t praise it enough. Everything that everyone has written I echo wholeheartedly with, especially why don’t more women know about it. I have spent a lot of time in Africa and have never seen anything advertised about the moon cup and feel that this is one of best things that could be promoted for the liberation of all women there. You often read that girls can’t attend school in the 3rd world whilst on their period because of the lack of money to buy sanitary products. I know that you are a business and need to make money, but Why not start a charity that provides these to every women in the 3rd world who wants one. I would be more than happy to make a donation to provide a woman with such a fantastic gift. The positive publicity you would receive would promote your product more to the people who can afford to buy it.

Sue – 21st May 2010

Just tried it for the first time this week. Brilliant! No leaking, and it’s really comfortable. I’ve been swimming twice and running a lot – no problems. Will spread the word!

Gillian – 21 May 2010

I was thinking about buying a mooncup for a long long time and when I finally did.. I’m never going back to pads and tampons! It’s so easy to use (prefer the fold no.2 as it’s much smaller on top and easier to insert), never leaked! not even on first (heavy) days and not even after 8hours! was little bit scared of taking it out, but never had a problem with that either (no spilling, no dirty fingers). I am even looking forward to my period ;-))The best spent money ever!!!
Thank you

Vendy – 20 May 2010

Have just recieved my first Moon-cup and wanted to thank you for the incredibly quick delivery service, was expecting to wait a couple of weeks, but two days after making my order, there it was coming through my letter box. Have even been able to try it out on the period I was having when I ordered it! outstanding. Goodbye tampons!

Laura B – 20th May 2010

I tried my Mooncup for the first time two days ago and what a difference already. Yes, I did have a bit of a panic in the bathroom when I didn’t think I would be able to get it out, but once I’d relaxed and tried a different position, everything was good. I’m still perfecting getting it in, but that take practice I guess.As I have heavy periods and a retroverted uterus I was sceptical, and I didn’t want to build my hopes up too much, but it’s amazing.
My husband and friends must be sick of hearing me rave about my Mooncup, but I don’t care, I love it!
Thank you so much, I wish I’d have heard about you years ago.

Maxine – 15 May 2010

I just finished my first month using the Mooncup, and I am very happy that I ordered it. It is great not to worry about having enough tampons or pads. I didn’t have any problems at all. I was worried about feeling it at first, but after getting the placement right, I didn’t feel it at all. Best of all, it works! I didn’t have any leaks after I figured out where it needed to sit. I was trying to place it too far up. Normally, I bleed through and ruin a pair of panties every cycle, but not this time! A friend told me about mooncups, and I am so thankful to her. I plan to tell all of my friends how great they are. They are so freeing, every woman should have one!

Rebecca – 15th May 2010