Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I really hated the thought that there could be toxins including bleech in tampons. It’s such a sensitive area! I have been using a mooncup for 5 years and could never ever go back. I love it!

Sharon – 10 June 2010

I read about the mooncup yesterday and rushed out to get one in my lunchtime. I’m already very thankful I did. Since I passed 37 my periods have become very heavy and despite using the highest absorbancy tampons i was having to use a pad as well because of leakage (sometimes after only an hour!)Today – no problems at all, no leakage and great comfort. Thank you!!

LD – 08 June 2010

I bought my Mooncup 5 years ago when I was 18 and havn’t used a tampon since! I have always had heavy periods, but even on my lighter days the mooncup is so much more comfortable and has made that time of the month so much less stressful. It does take a little getting used to at the start, but I would recommend it to anyone.

Emma – 8th June 2010

This is the first month I have used the mooncup and I am very pleased not to have an accident” yet. As a 54 year old who floods most periods and wears nighttime pads throughout my periods this is really great. I have not slept so well during a period for years. However I did not realise how abnormal I am as I calculate I have lost 285ml so far and am only three and a half days into my period. “””

Susan – 8th June 2010

I am 17 and have had very heavy periods with a lot of flooding since they began at 13. It can often mean changing sanitary products every 2-3 hours, despite medication. I found an article in a magazine so with my exams looming I bought my mooncup.With my previous history I was very apprehensive, but willing to give anything a go.
My mooncup has changed my life. I have now sat my exams without having to leave halfway through like I had done a few times previously.
The mooncup has allowed me more freedom. What I am most thankful for is that it has allowed me to embrace rather than avoid my womanhood. I feel so much more confident in myself as a woman and as a person. I feel much happier knowing that I am allowing my body to be as free as possible and myself the ability to live through it with such ease.
Ultimately buying a mooncup is a ‘risk’ because if it doesn’t work for you then you have lost £20. I have gained something £20 would have never given me.

Rebecca – 08 June 2010

I have used my mooncup for over a year now and its the best buy I have ever made. I have used it when travelling and when there are no usable toilets available, as long as you have a bottle of water to rinse it out it can be used anywhere,anytime. Fantastic, have recommended it to everyone I know, every woman should have a mooncup!!

Wendy – 7th June 2010

The Mooncup has totally changed the way that I think about my period – for the better! Whereas before my life was a monthly slog of emptying stinky, tampon overflowing garbage cans, rooting through my bag to find that the sad tampons at the bottom had mushroomed out of their wrappers and were now rolling around in the detritus at the bottom of the bag, and staring at shelves in my bathroom cupboard that were stocked with what seemed like hundreds of boxes of tampons of varying absorbencies, now I’ve just got this wonderful little object that has simplified matters immensely.
Simplifying my period was the primary reason why I decided to try the Mooncup – I just couldn’t put up with all the stupid little accouterments anymore. However, more importantly, the Mooncup actually works. I was dubious, but was proven totally wrong. I have a heavy period but have never had to use even a panty liner with the Mooncup. Unlike tampons, which can sometimes fit awkwardly and give a strange rubbing sensation, I have never even noticed the Mooncup when it is at work. Finally, the issue of cleanup is straightforward and not at all icky.

The feeling of being liberated from all of the STUFF associated with periods is incredible. No more discreetly trying to slip a tampon into your pocket while excusing yourself to go to the loo. Just pop it in (and out) and go! What joy. Thank you for making such a wonderful product!

Christine – 05 June 2010

I’ve been using my mooncup for a while now and find its a perfect alternative to the horrible giant pads [that never fit my underwear] and tampons [that I consistantly leaked from].
Last month I couldn’t find it the night before my period was due and I couldn’t bare the idea that I would have to spend all day worrying about leaking, I was SO relieved when I found it. It really has changed my life!

Periods aren’t a big deal to me anymore and I don’t have to worry about forgetting to carry tampons as you can put it in the day you’re due on and forget about it.

Get one!!

Joanna – 04 June 2010

First encountered menstrual cups at (very) small world music festival i got dragged to by my Daddy dearest years ago, the summer i first got my period when i was twelve (seven years ago), but as i was with my dad i didn’t ask to go and have a closer look, that was just too weird for me at that time, none the less i was intrigued, and thinking about it it might have been a mooncup stand, but by the time i’d got home i’d forgotten all about it, wasn’t until this past spring where i was just randomly researching sanitary protection around the world and stumbled across them again, this was the first brand (yes there are others) i found and i ordered one. First month was tricky (removal issues – we’ve all been there), but second month was much better (Small leakage issues only), here’s hoping third time lucky, its a fabulous product and although i never had too much of an issue with tampons or towels, i probably won’t go back to them except using up last of my towels for backup until i get some reusable ones (because they look and feel so much nicer – landfill reduction added bonus with reusable products but not main reason for trying them out). i have stickers and leaflets and am currently trying to spread the love one cubicle door at a time. love to all the girlies out there and hope you get on with yours too. x x x

Anastasia – 04 June 2010

I heard about these a couple of years ago but wasn’t 100% struck on the idea. However after being sick of leaking tampons, towels and liners that feel they are rubbing you sore I thought ‘why not?’ So far I’ve found it very easy to put in! (not quite as easy to get out but sure time will fix that) Very comfortable. Not even aware you’re using anything! Think my only regret will be that I didn’t buy one sooner. Bought it from a well know high street chemist so was easy enough to get one. Looking forward to not having to buy extra boxes of sanitary products because I forgot to put some in my bag, or trying to discreetly get stuff out your bag and to the loo, or lugging you bag to the loo etc! Like the idea of helping the environment too! Its such a simple but god idea!

Karen – 03 June 2010