Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have been mooncupping for a year now; I have recently introduced it to a group of women at work, they love it too. A fantastic way to start the month!! Hassle and odour free. thanks mooncup.

Michealine – 26th June 2010

Fantastic! Being an eco-architect I was beginning to feel like a bit of a hypocrite clogging the world up with tampons once a month, so I sought out a mooncup! Three periods in and nothing would make me go back to tampons. The best thing is not having to sneak your bag away at parties, work, friends houses, boyfriends, because everything you need is already in there!

Nadine – 22nd June 2010

i have heard about the mooncup a while now but since moving to spain and the area we live in (not good for flushing toilet paper or tampons) i got my sister to send me one and i have used it for the first time, i got with it straight away no problems at all very comfy not at all a pain like tampons are, really easy to clean and i am very happy it will save me money and the environment thumbs up 10 out of 10 should be advertised lots and get every women using one,

Kerry – 22 June 2010

I just bought my mooncup after hearing about them from various people who had also heard but never tried. It is now only my second day using it and I am converted! I change it much less often, I can ride my horse, go swimming do anything I normally do with complete peace of mind. No need for awkward moments in a friends loo with no rubbish bin! Fantastic, I recommend every woman should have one. Go mooncup!

Anna – 21 June 2010

I couldn’t get on with Mooncup. I was 49 when I started to use it and was having heavy periods I found it leaked. I would have like to of been able to try it when I was much younger and the muscles were stronger. I was having more accidents with it than conventional tampons. However it wasn’t all bad. I found easy to insert, no horrid string hanging down and on light days it was ok. I think its a great idea but not for me

Micaela – 21st June 2010

ITS GREAT!I haven’t even had mine 24 hours yet and as far as I can tell its fantastic! I dont know why but you can just feel that it is much better than tampons. I had a go at inserting it and taking it out 3 times in a row this morning to practise and get the stem the correct length and now it seems just like putting a tampon in. In fact its actually easier as it doesnt have to go in as far. Plus there has not been any leaking whatsoever! Which is something I found (past tense now!) constantly with tampons. I think it is going to be a real plus, not having to take all that other stuff around all the time as the only thing you need will be right with you. I find the second way (illustrated in the cute little instruction book) of folding much easier to insert as it is more tapered, and about 30 seconds after inserting it I can just about feel it pop into shape, this isnt at all painful, just a slightly odd feeling.I am very green conscious and try quite hard not to buy and throw away exsess stuff, so this is really good for my morals!I worked out that I will save about 30-40 a year! So the cost is covered in under a year! Plus I will have to empty the bathroom bin… Never! In fact I will probably just get rid of it!Its also good to be able to see your flow as a liquid rather than soaked into a material where you cant get an accurate judge on how much there is, it was quite interesting to see how much or little you do actually loose, and because all the blood is on the inside of the cup it keeps you much cleaner. I have not slept using it yet, so Ill report back on that, but I am sure it will be fine! TSS is also a worry with tampons, and that is eliminated with this the high risk categories (teenagers) should be encouraged to use the Mooncup as an alternative.I dont want to speak to soon, but this really is very good!If you are reading this and are not sure I really think it is worth a try I dont know, it might not suit everyone, but it will probably be much better than you think it will be!

Ali – 14th June 2010

I just started using the mooncup two days ago – I must admit I’m impressed. I got the hang of it pretty much straight away and hopefully it will only get easier to use with some practice.I’ve always struggled with my periods and now I feel this will give me so much more control, no more searching for pennies to buy tampons either!

Pixie – 14 June 2010

I wasn’t sure about this at first as I found tampons difficult to use and uncomfortable and so I presumed since the mooncup was internal like tampons i might have the same problem. I decided to give it a go anyway because it seemed like a far cheaper option and much better for the enviroment.
The first month i found it difficult to insert and to take out and the stem irritated me, i kept trimming it but it still didnt’ feel comfortable. I went back to towels the first month.

The secound month i decided to try again and this time i cut the stem of completly because i was confident i could remove the mooncup without it,

that made all the diffrence and it fitted perfectly and comfortably.

I think I will be using my mooncup every month now.

Julianne – 11 June 2010

I’d just like to say how great the mooncup is. My friend recommended it. At first I was wary about the size and inserting/removing it, but it only takes a little practice and is well worth the effort. Once inside it is so comfortable you forget it’s there. It feels so much more natural and is so nice to know I’m no longer damaging the environment with tampons and pads. Much cheaper too than having to buy products every month. I will certainly be recommending the Mooncup to everyone I can. Wouldn’t it be great for mooncups to be available to women in the 3rd world as well, say through the Red Cross for instance?

Sal – 11th June 2010

I really hated the thought that there could be toxins including bleech in tampons. It’s such a sensitive area! I have been using a mooncup for 5 years and could never ever go back. I love it!

Sharon – 10 June 2010