Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I bought a Mooncup last week after finding your website through a link on a medical site. I’ve only been using it for three days, but I’m already amazed. Why have I never heard of this before??!! It was very easy to use, though I was a little unsure of how to use it in a public loo with no sink inside the cubical. I managed at work ysterday and today, no problems. The onlt advice I ould give is – don’t be affraid to trim that stem back as far as you need. Once it’s trimmed you won’t know you’re wearing it and even if the stem is completely gone, you can still get hold of it.I’m 40 years old suffering from menhorragia (dysfunctional uterine bleeding, or recurrent heavy periods). The Mooncup’s measurement lines will allow me to keep a more precise diary for my doctor by including a fairly accurate measurement of blood loss. The more details I can give my doctors, the more informed they will be, leading eventually to better dignosis for other women.Oh, and not having to buy tampons any more, not having leakage from tampons and not sending used tampons to landfill – BONUS!!!Rest assured I will be spreading the Mooncup word. Thank you!

Traci – 1st July 2010

Dear Mooncup,
I would just like to thank you for your fabulous product. I am DELIGHTED with it and cannot wait for my next period – all my friends are sick of me ranting and raving about my lovely Mooncup!

Once I got to grips with the insertion I was amazed how easy and pleasant the Mooncup is in almost every way, and your staff at the Advice Centre are swift to respond and very helpful. It’s also a relief to know that even if I have a moment where I become convinced it’s never going to come out again, there’s no rush because it’s perfectly safe, so I can just sit back, take a few deep breaths and try again in a bit.

So thank you, Mooncup. You’re super!

Jem – 01 July 2010

Hi everyone, me and my friend stumbled across the mooncup after reading an article in a magazine and thought we would give it a try! Its only my first day of using it but i already love it! Once you get used to inserting and removing it its fine! So many people dont know anything about it so i am now going to spread the word! I have problems with thrush and bv from using tampons but hate the unclean feeling of using towels, this is great and hopefully will solve this problem for me, watch this space 🙂 just wish i had heard about it sooner!!! If you haven’t got one please buy one im sure you wont regret it!!

Annonymous – 01 July 2010

Thank you Mooncup. This is the best product I have bought in a long time. I have only been using it for two days but already I feel totally at home with it – after a few hours I went running and swimming! I was worried about finding it fiddly or messy to use (and so hesitated for a few months before buying one) but I got the hang of pretty quickly (just allow yourself some ‘practice’ time when you can use your own bathroom in peace!). It’s just SO much better than the alternatives all round, especially for nighttime (I usually have a very heavy first few days and have to get up in the night – not any more!), and for sports. Well done. I always felt that there must be something better than tampons (so unpleasant and drying) and towels (so un-eco). Thanks again.

Stephanie – 30 June 2010

I’ve been using the mooncup for about 3 years now and my only regret is that I wasn’t told that this was an option 20 years ago when my periods first started. I thought it would be difficult to use but it was fine and very clean (better than tampons). I’ve had irregular periods for years but since using the mooncup they have finally settled down. I can’t say for sure that it is related but there have been no other changes in my life that I can put it down to. I now feel free as I’m very active and having to think about carrying and changing tampons all the time was a worry. I’ve also saved money. I wouldn’t go back to using tampons.

Lucy – 29 June 2010

I’ve been using a mooncup for about 4 years. It made life sooooo much easier – I could forget about changing tampons every 2hrs during the first two nights of my period, and finally got a good 8 hrs sleep! It took a bit of practice to get it inserted comfortably, and getting it out can sometimes be a fight against suction, but no biggie. I travel a lot on business, and it’s so much easier to pack my mooncup every trip, instead of taking 2 boxes of tampons if my period is due. Now I’m into menopause (10 years early, thanks for nothing, body!) so I’m really irregular, but I never worry about being caught without tampons. I think all girls should be told about this at school, instead of all that nonsense with towels and tampons.

Liz – 29 June 2010

A friend told me about this miracle invention, and although I’d never heard of it before and was a bit reluctant to use something I didn’t know, now I am so glad she did!! At first I thought she might be overacting about the benefits and the difference it made, but when I finally tried it, I have to admit she was absolutely right! I used to stain my clothes beacuse I move a lot and excersise almost every day, and the Mooncup is just perfect! I have not had any difficulty whatsoever using it, although I have to say I cut the little tube to half it’s length, as it was massive for me, but then that made it. Now I’m the one telling every woman I know, and believe me, there’s nothing like the Mooncup for exercising, sleeping without worrying about changing the sheets after each one of thoses 2-3 nights with heavier periods, going to the beach or wearing white trousers during your period!! I am so glad my friend discovered it for me!

Olga – 28 June 2010

When I first heard of menstrual cups I thought they sounded a bit gross. However my curiousity got the better of me and I decided to see what the fuss was all about. I bought one from Boots and I never expected to be so impressed by it!I worried about not getting it in the correct position and leaking but I can say in all honesty that I have never had a problem with it at all. I have been using my mooncup for six months now and I will never go back to tampons!I never had a problem using tampons but the mooncup is better for the environment, better for my body, significantly cheaper than my previous monthly supply of tampons and somehow I don’t get period pain like I used to. In fact with the mooncup, I’m hardly even aware that I have my period! I highly recommend the mooncup to all women!

Maria – 27th June 2010

I’ve used the mooncup during two of my periods now and I just love it!! It has given me more freedom to move about without feeling a wet pad in my knickers. It is especially liberating during work where I don’t have to take as many breaks to check that everything is alright and to change pads or tampons. The mooncup is life changing and every girl and woman should be told about it!! 🙂

Rev – 27 June 2010

I bought my Mooncup around a year ago, and after a disasterous first attempt (found it extremely painful to insert) I consigned it to the bathroom cabinet. About 4 months ago when I realised I had run out of tampons right before my period I decided to give it another try. During that first period I had a bit of leakage, found the process was messy and thought the hype around the Mooncup was exactly that. I persevered however and have used it for the past 3 periods very successfully – the key to easy insertion is to wet it first, and ‘wear’ it much lower inside you than you’d expect to avoid leaks. I love that I don’t need to remember to buy tampons and that it needs emptying far less frequently than a tampon needs changing. I still find emptying it a bit yucky but I’m getting used to that. If you do decide to buy one, don’t expect to love it straight away but do persevere…..it’s definitely worth it.

Tracey – 26 June 2010