Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Loving your work- Mooncup is an absolute revelation- it has totally enhanced my life and having a period is no longer a big deal, which is how it should be! I really would advocate it to all women, especially those who care about the environment and our oceans- it’s a massive positive change all women could do! And think of the bonus of saving all that money to spend on far more interesting things! Be sustainable and smart ladies- don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! It would be great if they were more accessible here in New Zealand to spread the word more!

Laura – 06 July 2010

Hi all cant believe been using mooncup for nearly a year now and love it was panicked at one point as think my dog ate it so had to go and buy another one as cant go back to tampons, am really heavy had had bad accidents before mooncup. keep up good work mooncup rocks, have got 3 of my friends yo convert., loads of love lou xx

Louise – 04 July 2010

it took me a while to get use to it, but i was determined as i bleed heavily and was sick of stinky sanies i also figured that all the sanies going into landfill sites every month was a disaster, worse even than disposable nappies, im so glad i stuck with it as i now have it gliding in and out with ease when in public loos, i just empty it down and wipe it with tissue, no need to deal with it in the sink. this product should be available to women everywhere. i love it…

catherine – 4th July 2010

Thank you, mooncup, you have saved our sex life!
I suffered from vaginal dryness for a long time, which made intercourse rather uncomfortable. When this goes on for long enough, you subcounsciously learn that it will probably be painful, and then you don’t even want to try.

The doctor I consulted couldn’t help; I am only 29 so it couldn’t be menopause, and since it was just dry but not itchy, her other standard replies didn’t fit either.

So I decided to buy a mooncup. After 3-4 months without tampons the dryness is gone, and both me and my husband are very happy 🙂

Lucy – 04 July 2010

The Mooncup really did seem very daunting at first, but true to everything I read about it prior to my purchase, it really is a great deal better than towels or tampons.
Using the Mooncup, I don’t feel disgusting when I’m on my period, which happened all the time when I used towels. It ensures that I feel fresh and clean all the time and I couldn’t be happier. It’s not at all messy, unlike towels or tampons and I’ve had no problems with inserting or removing it.

I used to always be very self-conscious on my period, but now I feel totally free and happy to wear whatever I want to without having to worry.

I couldn’t be happier with this product.

Louise – 03 July 2010

I’m just another one of the very happy ladies using the mooncup! It took me a while to pluck up the courage to buy it and try it but I am sooo glad I did! This is the second month I’m using it and I was actually looking forward to using it again! Thank you. I wish I had been introduced to this before.

elena – 3rd July 2010

6 months after purchasing my my mooncup- I’m astounded- its easy to use, not as messy as i anticipated, and i forget i’m even having my period! Two years after a horrendous birth of my beautiful baby (3rd degree tears – took 11 months to heal properly), ive suffered from constant rash, irritation, thrush, heavy periods using extra strength tampons and towels etc every single month, 3 months of using the mooncup- and absoloutely nothing !! i dont know why i didnt buy it sooner, top tip for use – RELAX and breathe deeply – I have practically no period pain and feel so much happier and relaxed within myself- no more looking for a public toilet every hour when i’m having my period, i cannot reccommend this product enough

Marie – 02 July 2010

I’ve been using my Mooncup for about 8 months, but I didn’t realise how much I loved it until I went away for the weekend and forgot it, and had to go back to using pads again. I felt so ‘icky’ all weekend.When I use my Mooncup I can just pop it in, and forget about it. Fantastic. I think I love it most at night because i now don’t have to worry about leaks, and having to wash the sheets and everything.And for those of you worried about the ‘ick’ factor – I find it far, far less messy than disposable pads and tampons. Every woman should have a Mooncup!

Rachel – 2nd July 2010

I’m using mooncup for two months and i am very,very happy.It’s clean, not smell and doesn’t stain my clothes.
it’s cheap, I’m saving a lot of money stop buying tampax.

Also TAMPAX, sanitary naping and paint liners ARE full of BLEACH.

I am very happy of mooncup.
My vagina loves mooncup!
My period loves mooncup!
My ovaries love mooncup!!

Manuela – 02 July 2010

Hi everyone, me and my friend stumbled across the mooncup after reading an article in a magazine and thought we would give it a try! Its only my first day of using it but i already love it! Once you get used to inserting and removing it its fine! So many people dont know anything about it so i am now going to spread the word! I have problems with thrush and bv from using tampons but hate the unclean feeling of using towels, this is great and hopefully will solve this problem for me, watch this space 🙂 just wish i had heard about it sooner!!! If you haven’t got one please buy one im sure you wont regret it!!

Annonymous – 01 July 2010