Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

This product has changed my life! I really dislike Tampons and I had been completly fearful of leaks and stains when using Pads to the point I would avoid going out when possible and definately avoided any other coloured trouser/skirts than black. Its easy, clean, comfortable, realiable and no one can tell I am wearing it, even my partner. I even forget I am wearing it at times! I’ve been using it for 2 YEARS and have not needed to replace it. Amazing investment! May take a little getting used to at first but you will love it! I do!

Tania, London – 13th July 2010

I first started using the mooncup three years ago, when I bought my first one in a small green/health/wholefood store. It’s so good though, I wish I’d started much earlier – for ages I’d seen the sticker on the door of the loos in Cambridge train station (the one on the left, if I remember correctly), but just hadn’t got round to checking it out.My motivation at the time for buying it was environmental – it’s entirely unsustainable to be using lots of disposable sanitary products every month, and I don’t fancy eating fish that have been feasting on used tampons.
But besides that, I really like the fact that I don’t have to change it as much as you do tampons, it’s easy to transport and no more worries about finding a place to buy them in an unfamiliar location.
One word of caution, though. I did have a minor mishap with my first mooncup – while sterilising it, I forgot to put the timer on, and predictably, burnt the pan dry and it went all brittle and cracked. Not good. No choice but to buy a replacement, but since then I’ve not looked back!
Maybe we can get a mooncup lady to replace the tampon ladies that visit schools to promote a certain well-known tampon brand?

Elizabeth – 13 July 2010

I have used my Mooncup for many years now and absolutely love it! It took me a few goes to work it out, but it is just so reliable. I can go to work and leave it all day as I have learned how many hours I can use it during the heaviest time of my period. I also have around 3 days where my period is very light before it actually really starts and I always found this frustrating with tampons because it was painful and I was never quite sure when my period was really going to start so I needed to keep checking. What a waste. With my Mooncup this is no problem as I don’t have to keep taking it out and changing it, no pain and no waste. Great.Today the unthinkable happened. I made a tear in my Mooncup while cleaning it. I still used it though as the tear was at the top. I still works fine but I will be ordering a new one today to have it ready for my next period. Thank you Mooncup, I think you are a great invention and I pass your existence on to most women I come across.

Carmen – 12 July 2010

I’ve had my mooncup now for about a year and can’t imagine how I managed without it. It’s also comforting knowing I’m not contributing all that waste to the environment on a monthly basis – not to mention the money I must have saved.

Rachel – 12th July 2010

this is an amazing device. it makes the idea of stuffing cotton wool inside you or wearing pads seem completely ridiculous and medieval! it feels totally natural using a mooncup-my body feels cleaner, and i don’t even think about my period for most of the time! there should be better advertising for this product in the media and at hospitals, surgeries, clinics, schools, etc… because it’s not fair that so many women who’s lives are restricted by heavy periods or get infections through using tampons are missing out on a more convenient, cleaner, greener and safer method of handling their periods, simply because they have not been informed about the benefits of this device.

clara – 12 July 2010

A previous bathroom visit during my period: After enduring horrific cramps and the feeling of the tampon falling out of me, plus the sweaty feeling of the pad or liner. Rushing into the bathroom to find I have usually leaked, or having to somehow pull out a still dry tampon, then comes the RIPPPP of the new pad and/or tampon, the crinkle crinkle of trying to get it out on the wrapper and then the glue of the pad sticking to my fingers as I am trying to get that tightly rolled, smelly little bundle into the bin. Plus having to empty the rubbish before anyone visits my house cause if they look into the bin, there goes my privacy. Or the guilt of knowing it would end up in a landfill or if no bin is present and I have to flush it (tampons only) knowing it would soon be polluting the sea. How the bin smells so quickly and I would waste so much toilet paper wrapping up the pad or tampon into an unidentifiable package. How long each bathroom trip would take. How much I hated public toilet visits.Ok you get the picture. The point is. Somehow women are fooled into thinking that using disposable products are a more tidy, sanitary and dignified process. Haha. It must be advertising. Once I tried the Mooncup my life changed. (Plus I now use reusable pads and love them, but thats a whole different story)
It is easy, I don’t leak, I don’t have to change it every two hours and I don’t have as bad of cramps. It’s also quiet and small and doesn’t crinkle. Contrary to what I had been told, it is not even as messy. AND…I only need one. I feel much more dignified now.
So, it may take a little practice to get it perfect, but didn’t tampons the first time you used them? Give it a chance!

Chelly – 11 July 2010

Hi,I have been using mooncup for almost a year now, and at the age of 43 with not much more menstrual life left, I wish I had one years ago. I absolutely love it and won’t use anything else. Guilt free periods!

Amanda Wheatland – 11th July 2010

My eco warrior boyfriend bought me my mooncup for Christmas!! I know..!!Today is the first day I’ve used it, and wow, I was surprised at how easy it was to use, and the fact that I don’t have to keep changing tampons – how great!I am so pleased I felt a great urge to read more about them and so found this site! All my friends are sceptical but I believe once you get over the initial worries about ‘change’ you will never go back!I keep thinking about all the packaging etc I will be saving by not buying tampons every month!

Hunter – 7th July 2010

After my sister recommended it, I bought my mooncup 3 years ago right before I moved in with boys. Not only did it make me more confident because it’s so secure, it helped me avoid the embarrassment of having to dispose of towels and tampons where the men might see (we weren’t as close as we are now and it could have been a bit awkward).
I swear by my mooncup and I feel even better every period knowing that I’m doing even this small part to minimise the waste I put into landfills. I’m secure in the knowledge that I won’t have any stray fibres left in my body and I can move how I want in whatever clothing I want – I even go swimming with it in!


Melissa – 07 July 2010

Loving your work- Mooncup is an absolute revelation- it has totally enhanced my life and having a period is no longer a big deal, which is how it should be! I really would advocate it to all women, especially those who care about the environment and our oceans- it’s a massive positive change all women could do! And think of the bonus of saving all that money to spend on far more interesting things! Be sustainable and smart ladies- don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! It would be great if they were more accessible here in New Zealand to spread the word more!

Laura – 06 July 2010