Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’m totally not a hippy at all and I find the name Mooncup really quite a turn off. I was majorly concerned that the Mooncup would be an uncomfortable and impractical alternative to tampons but actually it’s brilliant; it’s much more comfortable then tampons (until I used this I hadn’t even realised how uncomfortable I found them) and doesn’t need to be changed nearly so often. I have really heavy periods and it’s coped no problems. Putting it in is a doddle, taking it out is slightly trickier but still pretty easy. So all in all I’m very happy with it and feel like telling everyone, and it’s great knowing that it’s good for the environment, good for me and good for my wallet.

Jane – 20 July 2010

I tried my Mooncup for the first time this week, and I’m converted already. Here’s why:
The Mooncup is asy to use, there were no leaks, it saves money, is better for the environment and periods don’t go on for as long as they used to!

I also found that it’s very comfortable to wear, too. No itching/dryness with this, which is a nice surprise.

Spread the word!

Beth, Manchester – 20 July 2010

Hi thereJust wanted you to know that I have received my Mooncup order today in New Zealand only 4 days after placing my order! I cannot believe that it took only 4 days to get here. What incredible service.I am on day 5 of my period so have been able to try it out already. In fact I have been using the Mooncup for about 3 hours now already and dont even know that I am using it. Its fantastic. I bought one for a friend also and she is on her way to get hers from me soon. And I sent an email out on Saturday to my antenatal friends (after receiving my order confirmation from you) in the hopes that they may start using it too. I am a convert already!!Thanks so much,

Deb – 20th July 2010

Couldn’t be more happier or impressed. I feel good that I’m not producing so much waste with pads or tampons anymore and no longer have to discretely shop for them either! More comfortable then a tampon in every way. Putting the Mooncup in at first was a bit awkward but really easy to get the hang of. I’m not one to handle blood very well but the Mooncup keeps it nicely contained so cleaning it doesn’t bother my stomach either. It was a very good decision to get rid myself of bleached products and do better for myself and the Earth.

Katelyn – 19 July 2010

As a 19 year old woman I have been reluctant to try anything other than pads during a period. Even tampons scared me after I tried them once! But after reading so many glowing reviews about the Mooncup I found myself thinking about it all the time! I finally got around to purchasing one and what can I say? It’s AMAZING! With tampons I found it quite painful to walk around, but after a few practices with the Mooncup I was delighted to find it so comfortable! It does the job so well, even at night time! I haven’t had any leaking or pain, just a little strange sensation pulling it out! Other than that I love it and wont be going back to regular pads. Thank you so much, this product has totally changed my attitude towards having my period!

Alice – 19 July 2010

One day into using my mooncup and I can’t believe I’m in love with a piece of silicon. I can’t explain how much I hate using pads; the inability to do sports, the leaks, the odour. And while tampons are ok, my period is crazy and either really heavy and I have to change my tampon every 2 hours or leak, or so little that I dry up. I think the mooncup is the best thing I’ve bought in my entire life! Thankyou!

Bee – 18 July 2010

I love my mooncup! Now Ive really got the hang of it, its the most brilliant period invention ever! Its so easy, especially on the go. Thank you, I’ll never go back!!!!

Lisa – 18th July 2010

I’ve had a mooncup since 2005 and I would never, ever go back to any other product. I can pretty much forget I’ve got my period, instead of constantly worrying. Would recommend it to anyone.

Clare – 17 July 2010

I love my Mooncup! After having horribly heavy periods, repeated flooding and that horrible feeling of ‘have i flooded whilst sitting down and leaked everywhere’ I can’t praise Mooncup enough. Although initially a bit weird to get my head around, it’s completely worth it, and i trust it completely on its own. I ride horses, ride bikes and swim with it in, normally tasks I wouldn’t have trusted a Tampon and a Pad with. It also has really reduced my period pain. Thoroughly recommend it, especially as I can feel a little righteous that I’m being environmentally friendly too!

Felicity – 17 July 2010

I have been using my Mooncup for three years now, and it is still going strong. Before I used tampons and would regularly suffer from thrush. Since starting to use the Mooncup I have not had a single infection! Thanks for improving my quality of life, I’ll always stick with the Mooncup.

Claire – 17th July 2010