Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I bought my first mooncup a few months ago and it is truly amazing. The first few times getting it in and out were a little tricky but as soon as I got the hang of it I loved it and now I’d never use anything else. The freedom of not having to remember to buy tampons and sanitary towels is brilliant. I love just being able to carry my mooncup around in its little pouch so it’s there if I need it. There are no leaks, no smells, nothing to remind me I’m even having a period. I rinse the mooncup much less often than I used to change a tampax and there is none of that dry feeling you get if you pull out a tampon too early. After having my children I used to feel a bit vulnerable using tampons in my exercise classes but the mooncup feels totally secure and never slips out of place. Without going into too much detail, it also stays in place if I need the loo for something more than a wee!! Using the mooncup has helped me to become more comfortable and confident with my own body. It is just the best thing I’ve ever used for my period and I will never ever go back to using anything else. I would recommend this to everyone.

Rebecca – 21 July 2010

Hi there fellow moon cup worshipers, me and my lesbian friend love this product, is not messy at all and easy to insert into the vagina and is also very very comfortable. I run a mexican place and being on my feet all day i dont have time to think to change tampon, and is usually very smelly and leaking all over my underwear to my embarrasment also helps when running away from american border from the police mwahahahahaha moon cup should be advertised along side button moon….with a spooon thanks again button moon …i mean moon cup 😀

Virginia Inya – 21st July 2010

I first saw an ad for mooncup in a supermarket toilet and was quite amused as i thought theres no way that would work.then i came on this site and after reading many fantastic stories i thought i may aswell give it a go, if anything it’ll be quite fun laughing about it with friends.anyways i got my mooncup and iam in love…it fits so snuggly and i barely even know its there, not like tampons that often cause discomfort and i dont mind sharing as we’re all liberal ladies here, but i experience quite abit of odour which can be slightly embarrassing…but with the mooncup im so fresh and lovely…honestly im so glad ive discovered mooncup…i no longer dread the time of the month! thanks so much ms mooncup! x

Q J Smithson – 21st July 2010

This is day 2 of 1st using my mooncup – thought it would take a while to get used to but my body has taken to it straight away!! I totally love it! I feel so clean, i’m not peeing on a string anymore and no odour at all – in fact I almost forgot it was there! It feels so natural!! I even went for a 2 mile run last night (yes it was my 1st day of trying my mooncup – looney!!) but it didn’t move!! Not to mention all the other benefits from this product. I am so happy with my purchase – the only drawback of this product is that it is not advertised enough, otherwise I would have started using it a long time ago.

Sarah – 21 July 2010

I absolutely love my mooncup. Some of my friends are sceptical and believe it’s just some hippie nonsense (I refer to a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher: “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”) but it really has changed my experience of having a period. When I go back-packing I don’t have to stock up on tampons and pads at all. Even if you’re worried about using it in toilet stalls where the sinks are in the public area, just take a bottle of water in with you. No fuss at all.I recommend it to women everywhere !

Amy – 21 July 2010

I’m totally not a hippy at all and I find the name Mooncup really quite a turn off. I was majorly concerned that the Mooncup would be an uncomfortable and impractical alternative to tampons but actually it’s brilliant; it’s much more comfortable then tampons (until I used this I hadn’t even realised how uncomfortable I found them) and doesn’t need to be changed nearly so often. I have really heavy periods and it’s coped no problems. Putting it in is a doddle, taking it out is slightly trickier but still pretty easy. So all in all I’m very happy with it and feel like telling everyone, and it’s great knowing that it’s good for the environment, good for me and good for my wallet.

Jane – 20 July 2010

I found out about mooncup after seeing it in Boots and decided to try it out after reading the testimonials on this site.
I love it. It’s so easy and hassle free to use. I don’t have to worry about having tampons with me. I’ve told my mum about about it and my sister and they were a bit sceptical but love it too!

Thank you for making it and for the cute little bags they come with. I feel like this is a product for women by women.

Angharad – 20 July 2010

I bought my mooncup 4 years ago when I was 18 and have used it every month since. I travel a lot to less fortunate parts of the world, that do not always have nice clean toilet facilities. My mooncup makes life so much easier as there is no rubbish to worry about disposing of. Its also brillant in that I can leave it in longer than a tampon, which is especially useful on long bus journeys when there is no toilet. On one trip I found myself in a situation where there was no toilet at all for a few days, but I managed to empty my mooncup in the bush with no problems. My advice to all women is to go out and buy your mooncup now!! They’re a fantastic invention!

Kerry – 20th July 2010

WHAT A RELIEF!!!! finally a comfortable, satisfying product, and im going to save soooo much on instead of buying tampons and tampax. No more rushing the husband out to shops when iv ran out, its easily reused and comfortable. A truly miracle product. No more stinky odours down there anymore i am 100% satisfied with this delightful moon cup.

Beccy Marie – 20th July 2010

Oh my god i so totally love my mooncup!

Sian – 20th July 2010