Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Soooooo pleased I have taken this step! My Mooncup is brilliant! From the first time I used it I have had no probs at all 🙂 A very happy girlie. It’s just about changing your attitude towards your periods. Now I feel my body and I are working together every month instead of against eachother!! Thanks Mooncup x

Liza – 29 July 2010

I have been using mooncup for 5 years and I couldnt live without it. I suffer with pcos which means my monthly is erratic and superbly heavy. No more finding myself caught short because there were no sanitary products in the house. No more waking up in the morning in a bloodbath from a horror movie because no sanitary product will stay in place and cope with the heavy flow. No fear of infections from tampons. No more waste that is difficult to dispose of with dogs that find their way into the bins. I cant think of anything negative to say about mooncup, it takes some getting used to inserting and positioning, but not much different to a tampon or cap.

Anna – 29 July 2010

I received a mooncup for my 23rd birthday as a gift from my friends. At first i was very aprehensive as i thought tampons were the only choice to control my heavy flow. My life have been changed dramatically for thr better. I feel so confident now and dont let my period let me down. As i am a enviormentalist this is the best choice. I have recommeded it to all my friends. Thanks mooncup for the freedom you have gave me!!

Siobhan Mooney – 29th July 2010

I first heard about an alternative to pads and tampons a few months ago and was sceptical but willing to give it a go. I have heavy periods and even when using the most absorbent night time pad during the first few days, I always have ‘accidents’, leading to me using a towel on the bed just in case.
So I got my Mooncup last month just as my period was finishing and I used it for two or so days and thought I’d just wasted 20 quid on something that was basically useless. But thankfully I stuck with it, and this month was the first time I’ve had a period without using pads or tampons. I still wear pantyliners as I usually do, but I’m more confident about moving about and what clothes I wear. It’s a bit fiddly and ‘up close and personal’ getting it in and out, but I think I’m mastering my technique, so thank you.

Michelle – 29 July 2010

Hi to everyone at Mooncup!
After reading about your product I was keen to try it, and im so glad I did!

I did think that £21 was quite expensive, but i can totally say its worth the money!

What can i say, I am so impressed with my Mooncup I will be recommending it to all my friends! I love the fact that I never have to waste money on sanitary products ever again.

I love my Mooncup, so much so that I actually look forward to my period just so I can use it, It has also really helped with my bad period pains, although they are still there they are much less painful.

Its a fascinating way to be in touch with your own body, and id never, ever go back to the old way! I love the fact that when in place I cant even feel my mooncup, and its so much more convinient than having to carry towels & tampons around.

Thank you so much, Mooncup is an amazing idea 🙂

If you would like to send me another Mooncup, as a valued customer i would love that! 🙂 Emma xxx

Emma – 27 July 2010

i thought it would be a worthwhile investment, but was quickly proved wrong. despite frequent trips to the bathroom i had accidents throughout the days i was using it. i see that many people say it takes time to get used to but i think two months of stressful periods is enough for me. even my partner was begging me to go back to tampons by the second time round as i had been so tetchy and stressed about it that he hated the thing as much as i did. sorry to be the one person who has a bad review but i guess its just not for me.

Stef – 27th July 2010

Once I used the Mooncup I found my menstrual cramps stopped. I no longer leaked and had to make midnight changes to bedding. The bins were no longer overflowing with smelly, tell tale signs of a period.
I nolonger dread my period – I wont lie and say I love it – but it is just another monthly event rather than a challenge. It has the added benefit of being eccologically friendly – as opposed to the smelly packages destined for landfill!

Helen – 24 July 2010

Brilliant! so much better than tampons/towels on so many levels. Somehow I’m much less aware of even having a period and it’s also helping me to finally shift the chronic thrush I’ve had for over three years since the birth of my son. I really can’t recommend it highly enough.

janine – 24th July 2010

The most important for me in using Mooncup is that it’s way better for the environment. Sure it’s very comfortable and all. It’s a pity I didn’t use it before for I heard of it first time 5 years ago, such a waste. But I know better now!

Maria (Ukraine) – 22 July 2010

I bought my own mooncup last month and was (for the first time) eager for my next period. As usual I didn’t fully read the instructions, just gleaned what I thought was important. I had no trouble fitting it, and after a few trials I actually removed the stem altogther as it was more comfortable without. Initially I struggled to remove the mooncup, but realised very quickly this was because I hadn’t actually read the instructions!! When I went back to the instructions and realised I had to use my own internal muscles to bring it within grasping range, and did so, it was unbelievably easy! And WOW. I can’t believe how liberating it is. I don’t smell, I don’t get the usual skin irritations I expecienced with tampons, I don’t have to use pads, I’m not worried about leaks and I feel confident enough to swim when I’m on”. I can’t believe no one has ever told me about this product before. I was so pleased I saw that ad in the public loos and went to investigate it myself. Needless to say I’ll be telling everyone.”””

Jo – 22nd July 2010