Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Don’t give up on the Cup! First time I used it, I couldn’t get on with it at all. It sat in my cupboard for 2 cycles. But of course my latest period showed up on a day I planned to go swimming, so I gave the Mooncup another chance. After a couple practises, taking it in and out is as easy (and clean) as a tampon. It doesn’t leak which means swimming (and sleeping naked) are stress free again.
It’s so comfortable that I often forget it’s there at all – except that I actually look forward to taking it out and seeing how much blood I’ve collected. Which leads me to the best thing about the Mooncup – it’s helped me feel connected to and respectful of my body again. Periods used to be a pain, now I rather look forward to them!

Jen – 7th July 2015

Had my Cup for about a 4 days now, I managed to get it right the first time and then tried and tried again and couldn’t get it right again for a day or so. left it for a day and tried again and I seem to be getting right now. no more leaks! I usually bleed for 2 weeks so this will save me loads of money in the long run! Always worth a buy and the practise!

Chelsey – 7th July 2015

I love this thing!!
I was on a work course about the Environment and our impact on it and what really struck me was how much i contribute to landfill every month. I have never liked tampons or pads, they make me feel irritated and unclean, especially in the summer.

I saw Mooncup online and went to my local Boots to get one the next day.

I’ve been using it for a few days now and its amazing! The first attempts to insert it were disasters, but once i found the fold that work and had it settled it was great, sat comfortably and i slept soundly with it in all night.

The next morning i had no trouble removing it and have not looked back since:)

I’m recommending it to every woman i know!

Sarah – 3rd July 2015

I am so glad I bought the mooncup. After discovering it on the boots website and doing a lot of research I got it and it was the best decision I ever made and will never ever use disposable products again. I feel so much happier about it and feel sorry for those who don’t use them

Luna – 29th June 2015

the first time you have to insert it will be a little tricky, especially if you are nervous as I was! you don’t want to cut the stem the first 2 -3 times, or you’ll have a panic attack as I did when I “couldn’t find it” and just hurt yourself. Just take your time, the mooncup will find her way inside your body, and then all your periods will be a walk in the park. This has been my second month and I couldn’t be happier, you can’t feel it, you can exercise, work , do anything you like with that magical clean sensation and don’t have to worry about forgotten tampons, change the smelly things, always feeling wet and uncomfortable. Just forget about those days!!

Simona – 26th June 2015

Last week, June 2015, I lost my Mooncup. I’d had it for just over ten years!!! Nothing had gone wrong with it in all that time and if it hadn’t been lost I would have continued using it. So thank you, what an amazing product! It went all the way around the world with me, on so many adventures. From my mid twenties to my mid thirties!! Losing it in a weird way, feels like I’ve lost a part of my body!
Back in 2005 I saw a sticker promoting the Mooncup. I was amazed that such a healthy ecological solution existed and I’d never heard of it. I’d long grown tired of that nasty dried out feeling I was getting from tampons. I don’t know exactly how much money I’ve saved since that time. I’ve certainly put a lot less into landfill.

So it’s time for another Mooncup. I must admit I’m a little sad to be parted from my original. (I’m sure no one is actually recommended to use it for ten years and more but still!). I have promoted the Mooncup to my friends and family, those that have tried it haven’t looked back.

Keep up the good work. You are making and supplying a wonderful necessary product, helping your fellow humans and our beautiful planet. Not many of us are able to say that about our jobs! I’m very grateful that you are and for all that you’re done. Here ten years later you’re still going strong and I’m able to buy another one!

Many many thanks,

Sincerely a faithful customer


Katherine – 22nd June 2015

I am absolutely delighted with the mooncup as a replacement for tampons. They are also great for the environment and animal friendly.As soon as I started using it I saw the benefit. You dont feel it at all and you can clean it as often as you want or need to.
Its great for sports too; I do a lot of running and it sits in place perfectly.
The advice on the earthwisegirls site is great too. I did panic somewhat about removal of the mooncup, but the advice was perfect and relevant.
You do have to get a bit more ‘hands-on’ with yourself, as its not the same as pulling out a piece of string, but you get over this very quickly.
I wish we had these many tears ago, and Ive recommended to friends.
Brilliant alternative to the mounting costs of tampons and their negative impact to the environment.

Jennifer – 19th June 2015

To all those wondering what to do with already bought tampons- donate to homeless shelters please!

Rach – 19th June 2015

After suffering with increasingly heavy periods and pain that was getting worse year on year I was getting very tired of ‘standard’ sanitary products – a super plus tampon would only last 45 minutes at the most for the worst day of my period and I found myself getting yeast infections every couple of months. The bulk and sometimes weird smell that accompanies pads meant that they were also off-putting for me.
After seeing a Mooncup sticker inside a toilet door at university and seeing on the website that its capacity was more than that of the most absorbent tampons, I decided to give it a try. I wish someone had told me about this years ago and it could have saved me a hundred periods of misery!

It takes a little getting used to at first – I obviously wasn’t getting the seal right during my first period with it and it kept creeping further and further up which lead to lots of leaks and trying to fish it out was a bit of a nightmare. As I had to do with tampons a decade ago, however, I persevered and eventually got it right! Making sure the holes aren’t blocked, turning it, inserting it as low as possible and particularly giving the stem (which I shortened as much as possible) a little tug downwards once it’s inserted and opened all seem to help with forming a seal and since then, I experience next to no leaks even with my nightmare periods overnight when I only have to wear a thin pantyliner in case I really exceed its capacity during a long sleep.

I have found my cramps and pain to be much less severe than they were using tampons and I haven’t had a single yeast infection in the year I’ve been using the Mooncup. Between these benefits for my health, for my wallet, the environment and the fact that you can’t feel it when inserted properly (I used to hate it when my tampon slipped further down and it would irritate my nether regions!), the Mooncup has been a complete lifesaver.

Something you don’t realise as well until you experience it – I no longer have the panic of realising I have no sanitary products in my bag or jacket – I can pop into the loos with it in and not have to worry about taking things with me. No more running home from lectures to fill my bag with bulky super plus tampons, no more worrying on nights out that I’m going to be leaking within half an hour and don’t have anything with me. It’s been the best decision I have made for my health and sanity coping with my horrendous periods and I espouse its merits to anyone who will listen!

It’s about time we expand puberty and sex education in schools to let girls know that there are other options out there. It would have saved me so much money, time and distress over the years! Thank you Mooncup!

Meg – 18th June 2015

I’ve been using a mooncup for a number of years now and not only has it saved me a small fortune but it has made managing my periods so much easier. I never feel restricted about what I can do or where I can go. It’s especially good when travelling as you can never run out of products and wherever you are, it’s simple to empty and reinsert. Probably the best money I’ve ever spent. Just can’t imagine why my friends won’t try it!

Sally – 20th May 2015