Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I recieved my mooncup just in time and I love it! I bought it after reading how much trash tampons and pads produce, I was shocked. In this time of environmental change, I think we all have to do our part, and the mooncup is a perfect place to start. The mooncup is very easy to insert and extremely comfortable. My teenage daughter saw my mooncup and can’t wait to get one too. Thank you for this wonderful gift.

Julie – 11th August 2010

Don’t know bout wanting my period to last longer, however, I bought one and used it on the second day of my period. I have heavy flow for days 2, 3 & 4. I found I had to empty it after about 4 hours. But I would have had to change my usual sanitary protection then anyway. I found it fiddly at first and it helped to use toilets that had the sink inside the cubicle. I think I might get another one and put it in the car or my handbag just in case I’m not home when I start to bleed. I’m not much of a one for handbags. Marks out of ten I think 8… simply because of the time it takes to empty, clean and reinsert. Other than that I have absolutely no complaints.

Empresss – 11th August 2010

I bought it around a year ago. I had painful periods and bowel problems that flared up badly each month. Not to mention the enormous amounts of tampons that I used each month due to my heavy bleeding. Since using the mooncup my period pains are significantly reduced, bloating is less painful. I have had less leaks than with tampons. I even have the impression that my bowel problems are better (why I cannot fathom). I feel altogether less ill during my menstruation. In addition I am indeed feeling more “in-tune” with my body and I adore it that I am not dried up and crunchy after my period. I wish I had heard of the mooncup earlier and spared myself all the years of unhappiness.

Melanie – 10 August 2010

I have been using my mooncup for about three years now and Ive never had any problems with it. Before I changed to the Mooncup I used to get thrush after almost every period, but since using the mooncup it has never again been a problem. When I fist got the Mooncup I was quite sceptical about its ability not to leek as my periods are quite heavy but agin its never been an issue. it does take a little getting used to but its a million times better than tampons. I would and have recomend it to anyone.

Jude – 9th August 2010

I was ready for some months of trial and error, but…. Just had my first Mooncup-period and I am amazed at how comfortable it was to use!I work in a hospital as an x-ray tech and I often forget to go to the toilet. Sometimes there are a lot of trauma patients to tend to or have to assist in a procedure. The Mooncup gave me immense freedom. I have experienced no leakages, just some clumsiness with tipping it in the toilet. But my technique improved each day.

Thank you whoever stuck that Mooncup sticker in a ladies room! You have definitely improved my life!

Katja – 09 August 2010

I discovered your product by accident, as this is not sold (or discussed) here in Australia. I found out before a planned trip to the UK. I must admit, I found the concept, quite unsettling, however, if I did not read through the testimonials I never would have bought one. But I am so glad that I did! Working in an office full of males, I no longer have the dreaded walk to the toilet where I had to secretly stash my tampons, and hope they’d never be discovered. It is far more comfortable than any tampon, and the savings I’m already making, as well as knowing I helping the environment. This product is brilliant and everything I read by other users is true – a great product that every woman should use!

Bliss – 07 August 2010

The Mooncup is brilliant for all women who have had a natural birth. Tampons no longer worked for me post-birth as they simply leaked, which was distressing and made me feel like my pre-baby body was gone forever together with the freedom that internal sanitary protection provides. I tried the Mooncup as my awareness of the environmental impact disposable sanitary protection has was raised when I had a baby- I had chosen to use washable nappies so why should I still be using plastic backed sanitary towels? But discovering that the mooncup didn’t leak despite my much heavier periods and my post natal body gave me such a boost that I can only recommend that you publicise your product amongst women who have had natural births and who probably suffer in silence thinking that they can no longer use tampons and think that they are resigned to towels for the rest of their reproductive years. Young mothers need to know there is something out there for them. i am really happy siting here with my Mooncup, knowing that there is light at the end of eth tunnel (if you pardon the pun!)The only other thing I would suggest is that you bring out some washable panty liners or pads to accompany the use of the mooncup as other companies on the market are doing this- if you sold a package of the mooncup with pads then customers would not go elsewhere. Now i am gaining confidence that I can use the Mooncup,I feel determined not to use disposable sanitary protection of any kind. Thanks!

Anya – 7th August 2010

Wished I’d have heard of Mooncup years ago!!! A friend recently recommended it. I was a bit dubious, but bought one, after reading about it and reading the testimonials. Right from the start I took to it. Followed the instructions and put it in and took it out without a problem. I ended up cutting the whole stem off, as it was a bit uncomfortable even when trimmed by half and I found I could get my Mooncup out without the need for the stem. It feels so wonderful to be without pads and I feel so fresh and clean.

Cindy – 31 July 2010

I am an endometriosis sufferer and with this I get an extremely heavy flow and very painful periods. I purchased the Mooncup a few months ago and i got used to it almost straight away. What I loved the most, having a very heavy flow, was not having to ‘change myself’ every 2-3 hours during the daytime because the Mooncup holds up to 3 times the amount my usual protection does, including clots (which are very common with endometriosis. Also I can now get through the night (with an accompanying pad) without waking myself up to ‘change’. Previously I could get through a super plus tampon and nighttime towel in a matter of a few of hours….this would result in me going to work very tired. Based on this alone Mooncup has changed my life. And if that wasn’t enough, I swear I experience slightly less pain than before. It’s great for light days, heavy days and super heavy days. I love it, and haven’t been able to curb my enthuiasm – even my boyfriend knows all about the Mooncup now!I can highly recommend this great alternative.

Janie – 31st July 2010

I first heard about an alternative to pads and tampons a few months ago and was sceptical but willing to give it a go. I have heavy periods and even when using the most absorbent night time pad during the first few days, I always have ‘accidents’, leading to me using a towel on the bed just in case.
So I got my Mooncup last month just as my period was finishing and I used it for two or so days and thought I’d just wasted 20 quid on something that was basically useless. But thankfully I stuck with it, and this month was the first time I’ve had a period without using pads or tampons. I still wear pantyliners as I usually do, but I’m more confident about moving about and what clothes I wear. It’s a bit fiddly and ‘up close and personal’ getting it in and out, but I think I’m mastering my technique, so thank you.

Michelle – 29 July 2010