Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I first read about the mooncup on the internet and have to admit I thought it was a bit odd. However last month after 9 years of using pads and tampons I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and I’m so glad I did! It takes getting used to in terms of inserting and removing it but it isn’t nearly as difficult as I expected. I can’t emphasise enough how pleased I am with this product. It just makes the whole period process a lot more discreet, no more brightly coloured wrappers in my bag! Have to say that my biggest worry about the mooncup was that it was going to be a bit disgusting to empty but I have been pleasantly surprised, it really isn’t any worse than changing a pad or tampon. In fact I’ve become quite fascinated by being able to keep track of how much I’m bleeding by using the measurements on the cup. The mooncup is less hassle, more natural and something I will be recommending to any woman who will listen!

Jenni – 17 August 2010

Mooncups are dangerous. Previously I was a very private person, I objected to the advertising of sanitary products on TV. I swore blind that I had no bodily functions what-so-ever!It just isn’t lady like to go around discussing ‘the time of the month’this is why mooncups are dangerous – I am just so excited by mine, I honestly feel like I’ve found the ‘cure’!I am telling everyone. It’s ridiculous.I found my mooncup easy to use from the start, probably because I read a few blogs and was aware of the difficulties other people had come up against. Like placing it too high, or keeping the little tail on. I have worn my cup to various exercise classes, including body combat and circuit training – no leaks!My period is shorter now, I don’t know why, but if I were to speculate I’d say that because nothing is obstructing the blood flow it’s all over and done with sooner.I can ramble on for ages, it’s cheaper, feels more natural, simple, brilliant. I have become evangelical about them! I can’t go far enough to recommend them. I wish someone had told me sooner.

Jo – 15th August 2010

I finally got off my backside & bought one & it arrived a day after my period started last month. I had read reviews on here & had fully read the booklet that came with it within an hour of receiving it. I opted to use it pretty much straight away & I am NEVER going back to towels or tampax! Ok, it’s a trial & error thing for inserting & removing, but that’s nothing new as I always struggled to use tampax anyway!
I had to remove the whole stem pretty much straightaway as it was irritating me, but I’ve got the knack of removing it sorted with no problem whatsoever.

I can honestly say I’ve never had such a good period on my first go. It actually finished 2 days early & I had hardly any pain at all, which is unusual for me!

I’ve also since found out a friend of mine has used it for 5 years & I had a go at her for not telling me about it sooner!

If you are reading this… Get a Mooncup, you will seriously regret not doing so sooner!

Michelle – 15 August 2010

I absolutely LOVE my Mooncup, it has truly changed my life – The other day I had forgotten to take it out with me and got my period a day early – I was actually a little uncomfortable at the idea of using a tampon instead because it seemed so alien!It is comfortable and easy to clean and transport and actually seems to make my periods shorter, which is a miracle!

Liv – 14th August 2010

I have used a mooncup for the last year. i decided to give it a try after seeing a mooncup sticker on a ladies loo in a motorway service station!! Also quite frankly was really fed up with how much over my lifetime (40 years & counting!) i’ve probably spent on tampons etc. Took a bit of getting used to but soon got the hang of it & thoroughly pleased with the product. Does what it says on the tin. Then last week horror of horrors i had my bag stolen with my mooncup in it as i was about to start my period!! So went out had to buy some tampons which really gutted me but had no choice. With the tampons I leaked and felt really uncomfortable for several days. I dont feel the need to use liners with the mooncup as i have no worry about leaking. Just wish I’d discovered it a few years earlier. I’ve never written anything about a product before but having had to use tampons again i realised how great the mooncup is. My replacement arrived in the post today which i was very relieved to see!!

Stella – 14 August 2010

After several months of testing, I want to confirm that the Mooncup works very well! At first, I had to get used to it a little bit, but after a few days, it’s routine. It even passed the music-festival-sleeping-in-tents – test. Saves a lot of cotton, energy, rubbish and money.The only thing that’s wrong with it is that I have not used it the last 15 years..! I have just found out about it on utopia.de
Thank you for this product and for such a positive and environmentally friendly working philosophy. Greetings from Germany!

Mela – 13 August 2010

I just wanted to add woopiedoop feelings about your wonderful moon cup to your long list of satisfied customers. I so wish I hadn’t put off for so long giving it a go. The wonderful free feeling of not being plugged up, and saying goodbye to all that furtive fumbling with paper packets, and best of all sharing the bath with my kids and not having to worry about whats that piece of string caught on your bum mummy?” I no longer feel under siege during my period. I feel myself and I’m so grateful to you. Many many thanks”””

Lucy – 13th August 2010

Words cannot express my delight. Even if I didn’t care one iota about environmental issues, I would still get this. It simply DOES NOT LEAK. Once I was brave enough to completely cut off the stem, I had ZERO problems using this from day one of my period to the end. Next month, I’m sleeping in the nude on white sheets – just because I can!

Cheron – 11 August 2010

I got in touch a few weeks ago, enquiring about a mooncup and the effects it would have on a regular cystitis sufferer. I went ahead an tested it out. I have had my happiest period to date. Not a hint of cystitis. Hurrah. I hope this will be useful for anyone with a similar enquiry. Thanks.

Louise – 11 August 2010

As people say there is a new start for every thing… and for me it was a new country (!LOVE UK!) and – Mooncup! I’ve used it for only a month now but am totally in love with it and will never-ever now be on tampons or pads again, and it is such a relief, a liberation of a very intimate and pleasant sort. I’ve known about menstrual cups for some time now but in my home country LATVIA they are hard to get, expencive and as funny as it may be, portraited as “dangerous” by some people:) But from the time I’ve moved to UK now I could find them in Boots with no problem at all! Yes 22£ is a lot but think about the nature and about your health – isn’t it worth it? I am so happy, no words can express it!!!

Anastasija – 11 August 2010