Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I purchased my mooncup over a month ago and for some time I talked myself out of using it because the thought scared me some what. I plucked up the courage and tried using it in the last two days of my period to get me used to the idea. I found it a little difficult at first but once it was in, I couldn’t feel it at all! Now I have been using it from the beginning of my period and like some people say, you forget about! I dont have to worry about carrying products around with me and although I have been wearing a liner just for reassurance, I dont need too. Taking the mooncup out is also suprisingly easy. In a wierd way, I was actually shocked at how little blood there was compared to what I imagined when using sanitary towels/tampons. I am so happy with my mooncup that I have already started spreading the word. I honestly believe that it makes periods so much more pleasant and I feel cleaner!! It feels great being able to sleep through the night and not worrying about leaks or big period pants!!!! Thank you for such a great product!!

Claire – 25 August 2010

I wanted to say what a great product, I am using my cup for the very first time and it’s great. I have two children and I was really fed up with tampons and just hated the time of the month and having to go to the toilet very often because of the heavy periods but now as many others that are using it I tend to forget I am wearing it, no need for sanitary towels as extra protection no more dryness because of the tampons, it was very easy to insert from the first time and after adjusting the lenght of the stem to suit my own needs it’s just great. I just wanted to suggest a bit more advertising because if it wasn’t for my husband that saw the advert on the tube coming home from work I wouldn’t knew about it. And also if the box could be sealed would be great cause my husband got mine from boots and the person who served him didn’t knew exactly which size would be good and gave him a size B instead of a size A and I had a bit of problems exchanging it , good thing I didn’t opened the box and I managed to finally convince them that I haven’t even touched the box so that they would exchange it for me.But other than this everyting is perfect. After I read all the testimonials I was still a bit reluctant, I don’t tend to buy stuff just for great reviews but I said I will give a try and I am very glad I did, it’s just great. I will tell all my friends and other mums that I know about it cause it’s a great little product, saves you money, lots of money, and is great for the environment too.So a big thank you from a very satisfied customer.

Maddie – 25th August 2010

Just to add to the copious positive reviews, the mooncup is awesome. I’m 18, virgin and don’t have any complaints! It was kind of a mission to get the hang of inserting it (I tried it out a few times before my period so it was easier when it actually arrived). I always used mini/regular tampons (which were hard enough to use when I first got my period) – it could be hard for girls not used to tampons, but still easily overcome with practise. I never even had a problem with using tampons, except that awkwardness of waiting for it to start and end, and not having sanitary bins at friends’ houses so I am surprised at how much I am liking this mooncup. Enough to write a review, and that’s something.

Emily – 25 August 2010

Ever sinds I stoped using my contraceptive pill I have very heavy periods, 2 boxes of tampax every month. Then I discovered the mooncup by accident. It’s fantastic. You put it in, no leaking, don’t need any bandage to prevent leaking in my underware, no need to change every hour. And afterwards you just wash it, sterilize it in water and it’s ready to use next period! This product should be distributed largely for all woman!

Bloem – 23 August 2010

I thought I’d give it go. It took a bit for me to get it in the right position that felt comfortable but now its fine. I love it. I feel cleaner and almost as though I’m not on my period, as I don’t have to wear a pad. You don’t feel it’s there and can get on with the day

Geraldine – 21 August 2010

Fantastic. I went back to tampons temporarily to finish the last box (of my life) and was so shocked to realise how uncomfortable and leaky they were!

K – 20 August 2010

Hi Cathy, thanks so much for the advice and the quick reply!It’s certainly getting better with more and more practice and the advice you gave me worked a treat. I’m surprised by how quickly I’ve become used to the mooncup and how good it is! I’ve heard about all the cancer-causing dioxins in tampons and thought my body and the environment could do without! And (sorry for sounding like an advert) but I’m so so pleased with this product and it’s so nice to not have to be burdened with tampons and sanitary towels. i wore it to school today and normally i have to wear super plus tampons PLUS sanitary towels but today i wore just a mooncup and a pantyliner and that lasted me the whole day. YAY!! I’m telling my mum and sisters about this gem. Thanks again.

Catherine – 20th August 2010

I LOVE the Mooncup, it has changed my life, sounds soppy I know but it really really has!!! No more stained pants and blood down by my knees (I have a heavy flow!!). I have only used it for one cycle but love it so much I want to marry it, it is wild yet safe, just like a good man should be!! Hee Hee!! xxxx

Jude – 20th August 2010

I bought a Mooncup after suffering from recurring thrush for a year. At first I bought size A because I’m 6 months from being 30 but realised I only needed size B. It is incredible, I put it in first thing in the morning and don’t worry about it until four or five hours later. I never leak and I don’t worry about leaking, it’s fantastic! I can’t believe it took me so long to find out about this product. I will not be going back to tampons.

Caroline – 19 August 2010

I have used my Mooncup for 3 months now. Unfortunatly I am one of thos ladies that have really heavy periods and I am unable to wear tampons due to problems with the chemicals in them. I decided to try the Mooncup after reading some of the information and testimonials. I can say that this is an excellect product adn I will continue to use it, how ever I do find that for the first 2 days of my period I have to wear a towel as well as I do have a little leakage. I have tried all the tips to make sure you have a good seal and I do these every time I insert it. I would recomend the Mooncup to everyone as wearing light towels for 2 days feels so much more healthier then wearing towels for the 7 days of the period. Go for it you won’t regret it.

Karen – 18 August 2010