Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I bought my Mooncup a couple of weeks ago and have just used it for the first time. That is, I put it in several hours ago and have just had my first daunting attempt at removing it … and it was a doddle! I’d read all the testimonials first and taken on board the problems some people had had with them, so I suppose you could say I was prepared. So, for this, my first time, I squatted in the bath, just in case of any spillage. And there was none! I won’t say it came out easily, exactly, but it only took me a couple of minutes to remove (I’m pleased I watched the video on the website first explaining how to use), then another couple to wash and reinsert. And, despite what you might expect, it is far less messy than removing a tampon! I’m impressed! There has been absolutely no leakage (although this IS only the first day of my period, so I’ll wait and see what the next couple of days is like) and it is MUCH more comfortable than a tampon (with which I always experience some leakage). I’d read about a similar product several years ago in a magazine and just wish I’d hunted down the Mooncup and tried it sooner!

Lisa – 28 August 2010

When I got to college my roommate was the first person that made me question using a tampon. The more I thought about it the more it seemed better for my health and of course better for the environment to start using a different product. When I found the mooncup I thought I would give it a try, it was affordable and the testimonials seemed convincing. I bought my mooncup and had it for several months before using it (mostly because I was just trying to get rid of the pads and tampons I already had and also because I was a little nervous). I finally ran out of tampons and decided that it was a good time to start using the mooncup I had bought finally! I have no successfully used it through several cycles and it’s one of the most valuable items I have bought for myself. I highly suggest that every woman purchase a mooncup! Thank you for such a great, healthy, sustainable product!

Kayla – 28th August 2010

I’ve been using the mooncup for a year now. What I like best about it is that you don’t feel like you’re having your periods. Like some of the other posters on this board, the first couple of days of my period are really heavy – it’s good being able to (1) have something that can stay in for a few hours without having to be changed every hour – especially since I’m a teacher, and can’t keep running out of the classroom, and (2) know exactly how much I bleed every period – I always doubted that it was just a couple of spoonfuls, now I know!
The mooncup has now been to several countries with me, and all over Europe and Asia on holidays – and has saved me a LOT of money and packing space!

maya – 28 August 2010

I used to use sanitary towels and they made those few days of every month a misery. I didn’t even want to leave the house while I had my period. Thankfully my mum e-mailed me the link for the Mooncup website and I just have to say, thankyou! This is the best invention EVER.

Clayre – 28 August 2010

I have been using Mooncup for about 6 months – its brilliant! Always used tampons, always had leaks and felt guilty about the waste. Mooncup is easy to use (sure – you need to get used to it) and gets you connected with your body and how it works. Its not gross and unhealthy (this is YOUR body afterall)- I think its beneficial for environment, has reduced cramps and I find it really convenient as I am always on the go. I am not an Earth-mother type of person (read Grazia, love shopping, watch ANTM for my sins!) – but Mooncup is really a genius bit of kit. Highly recommend it.

Anjana – 28 August 2010

Thank you mooncup…I discovered mooncup about a year ago when I became irritated by pads and tampons. I was hesitant at first but within a few days I would never go back. I have been using it for several months and never had to buy anything else. I think everybody should know about mooncup! Thank you!!!

Elena – 27 August 2010

I finally bought one when I came across it at the local market here on Waiheke Island, New Zealand. I had heard about them but couldn’t imagine that it wouldn’t leak or something. It’s fantastic! I am so happy that I don’t have to buy and dispose of tampons or pads, or wash cloth pads, ever again. I cut the stem off completely as it’s more comfortable for me that way, and still easy to use. I don’t know what it costs to manufacture; maybe oneday they’ll be widespread and be cheaper- who knows. but it is well worth the price because it will save me money and is healthier for me and the environment, and because hopefully if the company that makes them grows, more and more women can find out about the moon cup. It is worth a lot to me to be able to buy something that will last so long, too. I would highly reccommend the moon cup to any woman who reads this. I really do wish I had gotten around to buying one earlier, and that I had found out about them earier. It feels so great to have what I need and not need to buy all the rubbish that I’ve relied on up till now. my advice to you: if you think it’s for you, get one now and don’t put it off like I did- get a moon cup!

Liz – 27th August 2010

I’ve just started using my mooncup after having my first child and tampons no longer worked for me. It sounds stupid but it seriously changed my life! It’s so comfortable, easy and I might even go as far as to say it makes my periods fun!

Charlotte – 27th August 2010

I’ve been using the mooncup now for almost 2 years! And I really like it for several reasons:

  • 1. Other products always caused a lot of dryness&pain during and after my menstruation (which is really annoying, no riding a bicycle or having sex for 2 weeks in total…) BUT since the mooncup I haven’t had those problems anymore *yay*
  • 2. Easy removal & no leakage. I have a heavy flow, and I never have had a leakage with my mooncup 🙂
  • 3. You can really see what your body does to cleanse itself. And I like to keep track how heavy my flow is, and that’s really easy with a mooncup!

So, buy it! And respect nature, respect your body and no more leakages!!

Iris – 27 August 2010

I used the Mooncup, It helped me immensley! My Mooncup is brilliant! Every month it works wonders! Hooray Mooncups!

Kathryn – 26th August 2010