Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

i have had my mooncup for going on three years now, and i dont know what i would do without it! my periods are quite heavy, the amount of money i was spending on tampons meant that i payed off my mooncup in no time. and it is by far more superior in the comfort as well as convenience factor than any other product i have used. i wish more girls over here in Australia knew about this special little thing, as it makes your time of the month fly by without you even noticing or bothering to have spares on you ‘incase’. oh, and as ive had my moonup for a while i can safely say i can still see it being used for many many years to come with no need to buy another. i am so happy i stumbled upon this website by accident all those years ago and thought i’d try it out…who would have known it would change the way i feel about my period forever! =)

monique – 14th September 2010

I just wanted to let you know how fantastic I think your product is! I have been using the Mooncup for about 2 yrs now and after my first period using it i have told all of my friends and family about it. Not only is it good for my body, it is good for the environment too – and my purse!
Thank you so much.

Kate – 13 September 2010

OMG buy one. I don’t feel it at all, there’s no strings to get in the way, no worry about pad smell and leakage, and you can sleep a full 8 without worries. It is a little messier than a tampon, but just barely… and leakage is non existent unless it’s not placed right – and even then you can take it out, rinse and reposition, unlike tampons where you take it out and have to get a new one to try again. I feel cleaner during that time of the month, and don’t have to spend money every month on tampons and pads – I’ve had mine 4 months now, the amount I spent on it just about equals what I would probably have spent on tampons and pads… and I won’t spend anymore for ages. Barely messier than a tampon, so much better overall.

Lorraine – 12 September 2010

I have never used it but it looks realy good!

Jess – 12th September 2010

I heard about mooncup a long time ago, but didn’t even consider buying it. Not until someone suggested it would be good for long distance running. I decided to give it a shot and am blown away! Believe the testimonials – it is amazing! There is no mess, it is comfy and the best bit for me is that it makes everything feel so natural. I am bursting to tell people about this!!!

Lauren – 7th September 2010

I have noticed that nobody on here seems to have discovered how to know when to empty their mooncup. It is really easy! When you feel a bubbling sensation inside, it is time to empty, it really is as simple as that!

Emma – 07 September 2010

One word… WOW!!Why has the mooncup never reached my knowledge until now, All I can say is that I bought one from boots after reading all the comments on here and money well invested! I’ve spent the last few days of my monthly in bliss.

I am completely happy and will never use tamps again.. Ever!

The wierdest thing was taking it out for the first time, but I had no problems So this comment is to say thank-you mooncup for this brilliant invention. Simple, Elegant and Fabulous 🙂

Melody Siren – 02 September 2010

I have known about the Mooncup for many years but I have to admit to being incredibly grossed out by the idea of it. But then a friend of mine, I thought the least likely person to use such a thing, started telling me about it so enthusiastically that I decided to try it. And it is AMAZING! it’s only a little messy on removal, reduces the smell, is amazingly comfortable and easy to insert and remove (took me a day or two to get used to this). And the best thing about it other than all the money it will save over time? The waste reduction. Every month I feel so guilty about the amount that goes into landfill or down the toilet and now I can stop! Although I do feel a bit bad about not having bought one years ago.

pinkhippy – 02 September 2010

Incredible! Not only great for the environment, but also very easy to use, and cost efficient (no more tampons!). I started a few days ago using the mooncup, and I’m already 100% convinced of its advantages. I feel confident, no leakage, and the included instructions have tought me how to use it in 3 seconds! I expected that it would take some time before I would get the hang of it, but completely untrue! Either I’m a natural 🙂 or it’s just very easy to use … I would recommend it to everybody that has the right attitude towards mother nature. I discovered the mooncup through a public toilet in Geneva (I’m living in Belgium, I was travelling), but never heard of it before, which is a pitty. Too bad there isn’t more marketing around this in my country …

Ruth – 2nd September 2010

I had horrendous trouble the first time I tried mooncup, but I was so determined I would be able to wave goodbye to tampons and sanitary towels forever that I kept on trying. You know what they say, third time lucky – it was for me, I finally got it and ever since have wondered why I found it so tough! I’ve just done a ski season and it was a dream to be carefree about heavy periods. Mooncup has literally changed my time of the month” to a non event. I recommend it to all my girlfrieds”””

Chloe – 2nd September 2010