Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Changed everything – it’s not painful or uncomfortable – you forget it’s there and that you’re on completely.

Em – 22 September 2010

Wow – what a revelation. Have known about mooncup for a couple of years but really thought it just wasn’t for me – have now taken the plunge and am amazed. About to go travelling (in developing world) for a year, so instead of having to take a year’s supply of tampax one tiny mooncup will do instead. Really comfortable, no leaking, feels much more secure AND you get the “I’m being environmentally friendly” glow 🙂

Esther – 20 September 2010

I tried the mooncup and thought it was perhaps the most free I’ve felt during this otherwise delicate time, I have recommended it to all of my friends and they too almost feel like the women on those now out of date adverts on the television! Thankyou for Mooncups

Rosie Ellis – 20th September 2010

Hello, I was gutted last week when my period was late, meaning that it would coincide with my first ever Triathlon! Luckily a friend had introduced me to mooncup a few months ago so I raced completely leak and worry free and came in 19th out of 108.. Feel free to edit that and use it in your marketing material, I was very impressed! Nancy Doyle, Haywards Heath.

Nancy Doyle – 18th September 2010

I have used the Mooncup for around 5 years now. The first few times I used it, it felt very strange, but after the first few months, it felt as though there was nothing there!Once you have cut the end down to a comfortable size for you, you will wonder why you ever used anything else.
Yes on occasion it seems messy, but I find this far easier than the tampax I used before. I was originaly an avid tampax user, & wondered how something this shape would be comfortable. The shape & texture of it is actually very easy to use & unbelievably comfortable.
I find that my periods seem more regular, as along with other testimonials, the last day or so do seem shorter, but run off into a nice clean finsh. I rarely have any leaks, & find that I can enjoy things like excercise or swimming alot more comfortably, without having to worry about instantly changing a tampx.
I occasionaly have to use a tampax when I’m caught short, as an emergency, but can tell the difference in comfort straight away. Once the Mooncup is in use, it’s so much easier to excuse yourself, whereever you are, empty and/or adjust, then carry on, with no mess & no fuse.
I will never go back!

Emma – 18 September 2010

I’ve used the Mooncup for about a year now and I’m a definite convert. It stands up to cycling, climbing, and camping (as well as everyday life) with no trouble and no chafing (Hurrah!) and it will eventually save me a small fortune. It makes irregular periods much easier to handle too – if in doubt I can wear it just in case. If you’re not convinced, try it anyway!

Em – 18 September 2010

Im 25 and I have always used towels as tampons felt uncomfortable and as though they were going to fall out. I dont know where I heard about mooncups probably on facebook. In the middle of my last period I was feeling extra confident like I always do, and thought id like to try something new. So I went to Boots and looked for a mooncup. I was expecting a really big box, dont know whether Id seen one on the website and got the scale wrong or maybe it was the word cup and I associated that word with a mug of tea sized object. Anyway I was amazed by how small the box was but bought it anyway. When I got it home and opened the box I looked at the cup and thought Ive never really got anything larger than a finger in my vagina. Thats never going to fit! So I tried to get it in a few times getting blood all over, then when I did get it in I had big problems getting it out as I could not seem to fit my fingers in anywhere near the cup never mind round the sides of it. During that period I had a few goes with it which lasted about an hour at a time. And I then gave up. I have been waiting a week for this current period and now it is here I have tried the mooncup in again and there seems to be more room than there was last month. I can get two fingers round the side of it and get it out without a panic like before. Im still not sure the stem is short enough as I can sometimes feel it, but Im going to work on that and will definitely cut down on the number of towels I use. Hope it all goes well. And to anyone else with a new mooncup I echo the advice about sticking with it, it appears to get easier with time.

Smith – 18 September 2010

I have had mine for about 2 years now and i love it!!! i wish someone had told me about this earlier and i want to get all my friends to use one too but it is difficult to try to convince them because it is something new and it does take alittle getting used to, but once you have cracked it it is soo worth it!! so comfortable i forget i am on my period alot because i cant feel it. it is sooo much more convenient for traveling or just to keep in your bag incase, and ive only spent £20 since i bought it 2 years ago an im sure it will last me for many years to come saving me hundreds of pounds

and more importantly to me saving all that waste and impact on the environment, there is nothing worse than seeing a tampon or sanitary towel on the beach when your trying to enjoy your hols

once i got used to using it i have never had a problem with it, i use it while swimming and doing sports and even my boyfriend isnt aware i am on my period unless i tell him.
I wont look back!!.

Towels and tampons are horrible and smelly and so wasteful and uncomfortable,.. who wants to walk around wearing what feels like a nappy all day sticking to your leggs an crinkling, horrible!!

because the blood is still inside you before you empty it it doesnt come into contact with the air so it doesnt smell at all and you simply empty it away and rinse the mooncup what could be simpler!

if you have been umming and arring just go out and get one you will wonder why you didnt do it sooner!!



Anna – 16 September 2010

A few months ago I was out shopping and unexpectedly got my period. I went to use a tampon vending machine and it was out of order and someone had written “ha ha!” use a mooncup! I’ve been meaning to try it for a while so I went and bought one. I was a bit unsure at first but now I can’t believe I ever used tampons. It’s so clean and easy to use, I feel virtuous every month for not creating lots of polluting waste and don’t have to spend money on tampons ever again. It’s brilliant! If only every woman used them it would make sure an positive impact on the environment.

Jo – 15 September 2010

I love my mooncup, within 4 months I had recovered the cost and now I menstruate for free! I have no problem with blood and I think that the mooncup allows me to understand my body better, I know know how long my cycle is and just how much I bleed.Gone are the soggy nappies and the scratchy synthetic tampons which always leaked.
One added advantage: instead of buying ox blood fertilizer compounds for my roses every now and then I will tip a moon cup of my own moon offering for the roses and needless to say they are growing splendidly.

Coral – 14 September 2010