Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Its amazing, I have been let down by tampons in the past! Not one leak in a day and night on my heavest day of my period! Had a bit of trouble the first time I tried to remove it but then i remembered the advice on the website and relaxed it was easy then! Im gonna try to convert all my friends please can i have stickers and info for work!

Soph – 6th October 2010

I have been wanting a Mooncup for a while, my boyfriend found out about it and told me, since i have sensitive skin and hate that little string hanging from the tampons he thought i would enjoy the idea. At first i was thinking that the testimonial were exaggerating and it wouldn’t be all that change, but i’m very happy to confirm that they were all right, i’m very attached to my mooncup since the second day i tried it and i have no intentions at all of going back to the tampons or pads. I feel like im doing good to myself and the environment i live in, not to mention those around me that had to put up with me having terrible pain and feeling gross and icky every time of the month.Thank you for such a comfortable and reliable product

Ana, Brazil – 05 October 2010

I’ve just received my mooncup and practised putting it in while in the shower! Something I’d recommend if you are on your period when you try it like I was. After I got the hang of putting it in I have to say it is very comfortable – can’t feel it at all!I was so excited about getting it. I used to find tampons really convenient for my period but stopped using them because I didn’t really bleed enough for them and they made me dry and uncomfortable. Plus my mum said the fibers they leave can give you fertility problems. I wasn’t sure if I believed her but I didn’t want to risk it so went back to using sanitary towels.For the record, I HATE sanitary towels. They are so messy and I hate the embarrassing moment at work where I have to discreetly sneak one out my bag to take to the toilet. With this no more mess and no more embarrassment and I have all the freedom of tampons but the natural way!All in all a fantastic product and I’m looking forward to it making my life a hell of a lot easier!!

Amy – 2nd October 2010

I started using the Mooncup about 5 years ago after a friend recommended it to me. I hated towels, and tampons irritated my skin (and leaked slightly for me) so I was keen to try something which was both better for my body, more environmentally friendly and cheaper for me in the long run. I haven’t looked back since. After the few initial attempts to insert it I soon got the hang of it, and think every woman should at least give it a go! You don’t have to change it as frequently as tampons, you can insert it just before your period starts (unlike tampons) and you can wear it right to the end of the period when you’re just spotting (unlike tampons). There are not many items that cost this little, last for up to 10 years and are better than the more expensive alternative!

Suz – 02 October 2010

no words describe the amazement i had when i bought this. i was a little scared at first when i bought it but when i inserted it i didn’t feel any pain at all! it felt completely natural. when i changed it later (after 4 hours on my 3rd day) it was barely half full! i was ecstatic! i reinserted it and carried on my normal day until the evening came. i was slightly worried but i changed it before i went to bed and as soon as a woke up and i got a perfect nights sleep and my mooncup didnt leak at all! what i am trying to say in a very long message is BUY A MOONCUP NOW AND CHANGE YOU LIFE!!!

Lalia – 28 September 2010

Absolutely brilliant; wish I had discovered it at 25 rather than 45 !

Alison – 28th September 2010

Mooncups are amazing! I can’t believe they aren’t widely known about, they are so amazing. They are better for the environment and better for your bank account! It was a bit strange to get used to, but it works so well. I never worry about leaks like I used to when I used tampons/pads. I am so glad I discovered them, I will never go back to tampons.

Lindsey – 28th September 2010

I read the testimonials on the website some time ago, but only went around to buying my Mooncup last week. I was desperate to find a solution to help me get through the misery of having my period for 12 days+ in a row (not recommending the contraceptive implant btw)! I was not comfortable wearing tampons everyday, especially as the flow was very light and I would have to remove them half-dry…ewwwI’m glad to say that Mooncup solved the issue in style! I still need to practice to avoid that embarrassing suction noise when I remove it, but I really want to say thank you for making my life 10x easier already!

Joy – 28 September 2010

I am so relieved that i found the Mooncup (which was on a toilet door at uni). I hated using pads, it was like a nappy, and tampons always the string got loose and got wet when you peed or was showing.The only problem i’ve had with it is when i pull it out after breaking the seal, it can’t really fold up because of the liquid in and so it’s aa bit tight to pull out, any suggestions??
Apart from that it is money saving, time saving and mess saving. I love it and think everyone should get one 😀 xx

Louise – 26 September 2010

At first, like Im sure a lot of other people, I was skeptical and didn’t fully believe the moon cup was for me or that I would feel confident or indeed comfortable with it… How wrong was I!Ive never used tampons so inserting the moon cup was something I was concerned about but to be honest it was pretty much plain sailing from the off. The only difficulty I found was taking the cup out for the first time, you have to remember to break the seal properly once this is done I could not believe how user friendly this cup is.I feel confident and honestly cant put in to words how pleased I am so far with such a simple little thing. Its changed my view on my periods. I have to thank my partner and moon cup for introducing me to such a fantastic thing Id recommend it to everybody!

Alex – 26th September 2010