Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

An end to tampon tyranny!
Just bought one on impulse last Friday. I had thought it a rather comical concept, wondering whether I was a size A or B and, if I got the wrong size, how I’d ever get a refund! 🙂

Anyway, I’m so glad I did; the last few days of my period have been a revelation. It’s so much better than changing tampons every few hours and feels far less intrusive.

I wish more women knew about the Mooncup.

Bearmina – 18 October 2010

About three months ago a family friend sent my husband an email about the mooncup.The next day he took me shopping for one and even paid for it too. The look on the checkout girl’s face was a picture.I am so glad that email was sent as the mooncup has been a godsend.I no longer get cramps and general discomfort that have plagued me for years and it is so simple to use.Every month is so much easier to get through now that I have the mooncup and I recommend it to everyone who wants an easier life.

Julia – 18th October 2010

Mooncup is unbelievable!!! My best friend had been trying to convince me to try it for years and I’ve put it off due to a combination of the “yuck” factor, the upfront cost and general laziness at changing my ways. And now I’m so mad at myself-I cant believe I’ve been needlessly using tampons all these years when I could have been using mooncup: more comfortable, less fuss and feels so much more natural! It has completely changed the way I feel about my periods. People say it is hard to use, but I think this really depends. I mastered in a day with my friend on email chat for trouble shooting queries! So if you can find a”mooncup buddy” who has used it before I think this really helps. I just want to tell everyone about it-I wish periods were not so stigmatised so everyone would openly talk about how amazing it is! Down with the tampon! Go Mooncup!

Louise – 17 October 2010

Dear team, I just have to post some feedback to you.. I have been using the Mooncup for over 6 years now and wouldn’t even dream of using anything else! I use it through my career as a professional dancer and teacher,I do pilates and yoga with it and even surf with it too! I also have stage 4 endometriosis,which can be really debilitating on times,particularly the awful fatigue and the crippling pain. However I am still able to use the Mooncup with this condition and want to encourage woman with the disease to buy one. Knowing how easy it is to use and not putting harmful chemicals (The cotton in Tampons is bleached etc) or nasty fibres into my body reassures me every month. I want to shout about it to the female population! Buy a Mooncup girls..it’s total freedom,environmentally ethical,safe and practical.. Long may the Mooncup prosper! Love a satisfied happy customer.

Anon – 15 October 2010

i have now been using my mooncup for just over a year…. with endometriosis i was not able to use tampons and suffered from very very heavy periods so was worried it might all fill up and do me a damage…but not so… it has been great. i remember the first month i used it… the freedom! it was amazing.. not having to look for a toilet everywhere i went incase i needed to change my protection every hour or so… when i put him back in the box i almost felt like i was putting away a new little friend… i have continued to use it ever since with amazing results… i no longer dread my period.. like most people i dont enjoy it” haha but its not a bother anymore…easy peasy!!! even my boyfriend thinks its great haha”””

Kerry Dawson – 14th October 2010

It’s been about two years now that I’ve been using a Mooncup and I must say it’s AMAZING! At first I thought the contraption was quite scary looking and I wondered if it would stay up in there and not fall out, i’m kinda wide-set. But it stayed plugged right up in there. And another reason I was a tad bit skeptical was because I was afraid it wouldn’t be able to hold it all.. I mean, they’re only so big, and I bleed like water comes out a faucet. But to my surprise it got it all… But one thing that would be GREAT if the people at Mooncup would do, would be if they made them glow in the dark, considering my bathroom doesn’t have working electricity. And ANOTHER THING! I’m a die hard Bon Jovi fan and I have been for about 20 years, I would LOVE to see a Mooncup dedicated to Bon Jovi. I’d personally buy like 40. 🙂 But overall, I’m completely satisfied with this product!

Alejandra Dolores Emiliana Gomez – 12th October 2010

I have just started using a mooncup, picked it up at boots while stocking up on tampons. I have to say, despite ignoring most of the tips, I have had no trouble whatsoever using it, folding method 2 all the way, and trimmed the stem right back. No leaks, no discomfort, no hassle.
What a fantastic idea, too! It’s the end of taking my handbag to the loo, or trying to subtly hide a tampon in my hand, the end of worrying that I haven’t enough tampons to last me through an evening (my periods are short but very heavy for the first 2 days), the end of dashing into shops trying to find tampons when I’ve been caught short… just ingenious! Not to mention the savings…

Love it!

Olivia – 12 October 2010

This is the exception to”if it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is”… it really is that good! Discreet, so comfortable, easy to use and seemingly completely leakproof. Wish I had discovered it years ago!

Ann – 11 October 2010

I tend not to write testimonials but this really is worth writing about. I had seen advertising for the Mooncup for a few years but never bought one; until now!! I have just used it for the first time this week and have to say after getting used to it (pretty quickly), I think it is absolutely brilliant! Even if you think this isn’t for you, please please think again and try it. You don’t need to empty it nearly as frequently as you need to change your tampons, and you feel much more in control of your period. I always used to wear both tampons and pads and would STILL leak, but when I tried the Mooncup, there were no leaks at all (not bad considering I used to need super plus extra tampons). You also save on money and the landfill sites. How many websites have this many testimonials? It’s because it really is worth shouting about. Oh yes, and goodbye to that horrid piece of string hanging between your legs. I am 30 by the way and really wish I’d known about this sooner.

Eleanor – 11th October 2010

I stumbled across Mooncups while searching the internet for a healthy/environmentally friendly alternative to tampons. I’m in the military (Australian Navy) and have an incredibly active working and personal life. In fact, I’m off to sea next year!! And I’ll definately be taking my mooncup. No more trying to slip a tampon in my pocket and rush off to the ‘heads’ inbetween watches, no more land waste, no more dryness or thrush. This is only the second period that I have had my Mooncup for and I will NEVER use anything else. It’s quite easy once you get the hang of it and it honestly only took me the first day of my last period to figure it all out. I took great pleasure in giving my box of tampons away (along with a Mooncup sticker). My partner is facinated by the concept and happy for me that I’ve found a healthy and environmentally sound solutions that also saves me money. My whole office now knows about them and two other girls (sailors also) have bought them too. I can’t thank you enough for providing a wonderful product…..now to convert my sister!!

Tanya – 06 October 2010