Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I bought a mooncup about 3 years ago, but initially found it a bit fiddly, so stopped using it. More recently I decided to give it another try. I am now completely converted – I found it took a while to get used to inserting it so it couldn’t be felt, but it really is worth perservering. I feel less pain and also it doesn’t make you feel dry like tampons do, and there is less mess and no smell. I like the environmental advantages of it too. Long term it will save me loads of money. The biggest benefit for me thought was to realise how much blood I was losing each month – I had no idea as it is hard to judge with tampons and towels. I mentioned it to my GP who ran some blood tests – turned out I was low in iron which helped to explain why I had felt really rough for many months despite eating very well. I’m now on iron supplements and feeling much better, so my mooncup has helped my health (and the environment) in more ways than I imagined – THANK YOU.

Alison – 03 November 2010

Everytime I had my period it was like a hadicap now with mooncup I feel free it’s easy to use and very efficient,very happy very good product

MIHA – 3rd November 2010

Can’t praise the Mooncup enough. First month had a few troubles with heavy days, but this month (second) is perfect. It’s just so easy – no more worrying if I have enough tampons in my handbag to cover the work day, no wasting money on them either.
If only the Mooncup was available in shops in Australia we might see a higher take-up here.

H – 31 October 2010

I love my moon cup, i’m a new user and it is so comfortable. I have problems using tampons, they give me thrush but with the moon cup i no longer have that problem and it’s so much cleaner than using towels.

Lucy – 31st October 2010

What a clean, fresh, natural, neat and comfortable way to get through a period. Theres no going back! Its difficult and frustrating to find your own knack of removing it starting out, but worth persevering. I was very grateful to another girl for putting her method on her testimonial, which I was able to adapt to suit me, so heres what worked for me in turn: I tuck my fourth finger up the outside of the mooncup past the ridged part, until I can press it away from my vaginal wall (to break the suction), then just try and nudge it down with my finger hooked. A combination of this hooking it with my finger and bearing down eventually releases it. I take my time with it, but hope to get quicker with practice. For anyone whos used a diaphragm, its not unlike the hooking action you use to remove that. A huge thanks to the inventor of the mooncup. You can be sure we wont hear this broadcasted throughout the world of commerce and retail too much money at stake in the massive profits on feminine hygiene products. Play your part in this quiet revolution and spread the word! As mooncup users are set to save so much money over the coming years, it would be lovely if there could be a scheme whereby we could purchase mooncups on behalf of women in the developing world? Thanks again. x

Sle – 30th October 2010

After using the mooncup for almost a year now, I love it! After 2 children, tampons seemed to be more irritating and drying & so I braved the mooncup. At first I was disappointed as it seemed uncomfortable – I could constantly feel it & felt I was ‘hanging on’ to it. After three cycles, it’s so quick and easy & I cannot feel it. I feel happier, cleaner and thrilled that I’m using something safe & environmentally friendly. I’d even go so far to say I’m quiet pleased when my period comes around – there’s something very empowering about wearing a mooncup. I found it does take time – new users do not be disheartened – it really does become second nature.

Ali – 30 October 2010

I just received the Mooncup and used it for the first month and I LOVE IT!!! I live in Washington, DC., and although it is not available here, I had a friend ship me one from the UK. I love all the things that everyone else loves about it; it pays for itself in less than 3 months, it saves me from creating so much waste, and its easy to use! The reason I am in love with it, however is because you can do almost anything while wearing it! You don’t have to “change” it like you do tampons every time you go to the bathroom or take a shower. You can go swimming with it.At first insertion was kind of uncomfortable, but after about the third time I emptied it, I was used to the way it felt. I have a full box of tampons on standby just in case, but I really don’t see myself using them ever again.
This is one small way women everywhere can make a difference in reducing waste and keeping our planet just a little bit cleaner.
I can’t believe I wasted so much time and money without the Mooncup! I have recommended it to everyone, even my mom! There are so many people in the States that would love to own Mooncup, so please please please make it available for shipping in the US.
Thank you so very, very much!

Alex – 25 October 2010

I have been a convert to the Mooncup since first seeing a stall at a festival in 2003. I can honestly say that it has revolutionised my time of the month! One of the things which used to frustrate me the most was having to remember to buy sanitary items – (pantyliners and tampons)and the constant challenge of trying to find them reasonably priced somewhere. This has now been taken away by never having to buy them! Super value for money, mine is still going strong after 6 years! Hoorah for the Mighty MOONCUP! Hayley-Emma 🙂

Hayley-Emma – 25th October 2010

My experience with Mooncup spans 12 years – extremely happy ones too! As an active sports person and one who understands Anatomy and Physiology (Sport Science background), I know my body well and how it needs to perform at all times. I actively seek out anything natural, organic or in Mooncup’s case – just plain obviously sensible! I bought one on sight, used it immediately, experienced nothing but admiration for something so simple yet so effective, that I haven’t used anything else since; again I say, 12 years. I ‘wax lyrical’ to friends and am astounded at how few women know about or use Mooncup. Even my guy admires this product and I successfully have ‘orgasms’ whilst using Mooncup during my period. What more is there to say other than ‘Thank you Mooncup’ :-).

Rachel – 22 October 2010

Took the plunge on Saturday and bought one. I now want every woman in the world to have a Mooncup. Please, if you’re reluctant to try it give it a go. I promise you won’t look back.

Su – 22nd October 2010