Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have had one of these for years and I would NEVER use anything else. After getting fed up of carrying tampons of differing absorbancy or having the horror of forgetting anything altogether, the moon cup just makes life so much easier. Incredibly comfortable, it is great for those really heavy days as it hold a lot and can be removed as regularly as you need without discomfort. No disgusting pads to deal with, no waste, easy to clean, just brilliant

Claire – 11 November 2010

I never thought I’d ever look forward to a period, but when I bought my mooncup I just couldn’t wait to try it!Day 2 and I simply wish I’d found it sooner. It’s far more comfortable, far more reliable, and a lot more convenient than tampons and pads. I love being able to pop it in and then forget I’m on my period; no checking wether it needs changing every few hours (goodness on a heavy one it can be every hour with tampons… but not the mooncup!)
I can see now why mooncup girls rave about them, I really didn’t think I’d want to share that sort of information with any one… but it’s such a fantastic discovery you almost feel like not mentioning it to everyone is depriving them of a better period!

Laura – 10 November 2010

I was a little unsure at first, but after the first month or two of using the mooncup, I would never go back to anything else. Once your body got used to it being there, and you mastered the insertion/removal – it is amazing. I have reccomended this to my girlfriends, and even convinced my mom to order one. Thank you!

Courtney – 10th November 2010

I was a little unsure at first, but after the first month or two of using the mooncup, I would never go back to anything else. Once your body got used to it being there, and you mastered the insertion/removal – it is amazing. I have reccomended this to my girlfriends, and even convinced my mom to order one. Thank you!

Courtney – 10th November 2010

I love the moon cup it is soooo much better than anything else and I can actually swim when menstruating. I think that I damaged mine though by leaving it to boil for too long so anyone else reading this don’t do the same thing. I am getting another as there is nothing to compare with this product.

Jen – 10th November 2010

I am over the moon with my Mooncup. I suffer with very heavy period and cramps, I popped it in and no more cramps, no more mess and instead of 7 days on my period all done a dusted in 4 days. Thank you mooncup you have change my life.

Clare – 10 November 2010

I love the moon cup it is soooo much better than anything else and I can actually swim when menstruating. I think that I damaged mine though by leaving it to boil for too long so anyone else reading this don’t do the same thing. I am getting another as there is nothing to compare with this product.

Jen – 10th November 2010

wow!i bought my mooncup just as i finished my period last month so i didn’t get a chance to try it out!
I’m quite young (13!) and i love, love love my mooncup! i got my period yesterday and i was so excited to use it! i inserted it easily and left it in for 3 hours. when i took it out it was barely even half full! it was so comfortable and i couldn’t even feel it in me!
i was a bit nervous when i used it overnight and i leaked a bit but that was only because i put it too high up. i have fixed the problem and am extremely happy!

Athena – 06 November 2010

I work in Outpatients and assist in gynaecology clinics where we have patients who could benefit from your product. After recently purchasing one of your cups, I honestly can say that it is the best thing I have ever bought that has changed my life immensely

Amanda – 6th November 2010

I have been using a mooncup for about 7years, and love it, i have very heavy periods, and now only on my period for about 4 days instead of the 9 days i was when using other products. i leave the little bag hanging on a hook in the bathroom so my husband and sons know its the time to be tidier in their rooms, generally nicer to each other and me. I have recomended it to a few friends and they love it also.

Nicola – 04 November 2010