Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve been using the mooncup for about 9 months now and it’s completely changed the way I think about my period. Before I would always get thrush/cystitis from using tampons and used to dread not only the period itself but the aftermath with antibiotics and pain! My mooncup is easy to take to work with me, far cheaper in the long-run and better for the environment. I do experience some leakage but nothing that a pantyliner can’t handle! Thanks mooncup, I’ll certainly be spreading the word!

Rebecca – 17 November 2010

When i was brought for a mooncup,first i didnt understand for a while then one day i took my time to read through the leaflet and try as i was on my periods, after ward i became a bit uncomfatable but i kept on trying even to sleep luckily through the night i had forgotten my status and slept soundly i woke up the following morning and told my husband that i was the most happiest woman in the whole world i experienced a night of a total comfort thanks to mooncup menstrual cup it make my days a stress free.

Norah – 16 November 2010

Have to say when I first heard of moon cup I thought yuck! But curiosty got the better of me so I had to have one. Have used it for two periods and for the first time in 8 years I haven’t leaked at all! As I used to wear tampons and pads together as they where that bad. I love the fact that I can monitor how much I loose with the measure! My peroids strangly have become lighter after 2 months!! Love my moon cup always talking about it! I now have two so when out and about I can empty one wrap in tissue and pop in bag until i have time to wash it out.

Miss Gajic – 16th November 2010

mooncup is the best thing i purchased – maybe not ever, but for a long time sure!I think every women should have one! At first i was sceptical, but now, i would newer switch back to tampons or pads. girls, give it a try.

galthea – 15 November 2010

Just got my mooncup on my first day of my period yesterday and its amazing!!!! i’m a skint student, one off payment is great!! wooohoooo!!!!

lauren – 15th November 2010

Its been 5 periods since I have been using the Mooncup; already its paid for itself, moreover its dramatically reduced symptoms of dismenorrea which I have been dealing with for years now.
Additionally, I have long suspected the absorption of healthful bacteria by tampons has lead in the past to BV – which let me tell you, sucks on so many levels. So far, I have had no issues with this.

Again, i want to emphasize what a fabulous, efficient, clean and intelligent product this is. Keep up the great work!!! I love my mooncup!

janey – 14 November 2010

I’ve used the mooncup for two years now. I hated those haevy flow days when I would have to go to the toilet every 3-4 hours just to find that I ruined another pair of white underwear. I don’t have to be anxious about having a leak anymore. Sometimes I forget I even have my period.

Haley – 14th November 2010

I saw a sticker in a ladies loo and thought I would take a look. Now after four months of using Mooncup I am thrilled! It is so easy and has removed all the usual hassle of periods. There is just one day/night a month when I need to use a towel too, but other than that I just deal with things first thing in the morning and last thing at night – somethimes just in the morning! Life on holiday is so easy, expecially when away from a loo. Can’t recommend it enough. Fantastic.

Joanne – 14th November 2010

I’ve been meaning to write for ages to say thank you for inventing this! I bought mine about three years ago and it is the best £20 I’ve ever spent. I saw a sticker in my university’s library and checked the mooncup website out online. I wasn’t sure about the messiness angle but I went and bought one in Boots to try it out. I don’t like tampons but the mooncup is so much easier. I swear that it helps with cramps also – I don’t know why, maybe it is the vaccum it creates. After you get used to it, it is so easy. Lots of public bathrooms have sinks nearby but if not, then you can just empty it and wash it later on. It’s also kind of nice to be aware of how much blood you are losing because with pads and tampons, you really have no idea. Also, I find with pads that there is a very distinctive smell that you just don’t have with the mooncup. I used to feel really self-conscious and aware when I had my period, worried that I was leaking, and also just feeling a little distugsting about the whole process. Using the mooncup has made me aware of this natural process, I am not worried about whether people can tell if I’m on my period and I actually forget about it most of the time. I’ve turned all my female friends on to it. It is such a shame that more people are not aware of it. Thank you so much!

Anna – 14 November 2010

I have had one of these for years and I would NEVER use anything else. After getting fed up of carrying tampons of differing absorbancy or having the horror of forgetting anything altogether, the moon cup just makes life so much easier. Incredibly comfortable, it is great for those really heavy days as it hold a lot and can be removed as regularly as you need without discomfort. No disgusting pads to deal with, no waste, easy to clean, just brilliant

Claire – 11 November 2010