Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

i never liked using pads or tampons, both options were grim — bleached cotton up there or sitting in it! gross! i’m pleased that i’m able to finally have another option now, one that is environmentally friendly as well as more sanitary. they’re swimming-proof, kickboxing-proof, gym-proof and yoga-proof, so i don’t have to worry about what i’m doing and whether i’m going to leak. fab! thank you so much xx

Lisa – 9th December 2010

I’ve had my Mooncup for 4 months now, and just finished my first period using nothing but the Mooncup. (I was still getting used to it before, so I was switching between the Mooncup and tampons). At first when I tried to use it, it was really uncomfortable. I was getting frustrated and angry at my friend who recommended it and kept raving about it. Finally, I forced myself to keep trying, and I’m so glad I did. It can still be a bit uncomfortable to insert, but I’ve found some tricks. I find it easiest to put in while I’m showering in the morning. Also, sometimes I have to think sexy thoughts and get a little aroused so it can glide in easier. (Maybe that’s weird, but hey, it helps.) Now that I’ve gone through a full five-day cycle using nothing but the Mooncup, I’m a true believer. I had no spot bleeding, felt totally secure with it, and loved not having to change it as much as tampons, especially on my heavy days. I’m still getting used to being that up close and personal with my menstruation blood, but I just keep telling myself it’s healthier for me and the environment.

Clare – 06 December 2010

Using mine for the first time in the last few days and have had no problems what so ever.It is soooooo much cleaner than tampons & pads which surprised me.I do bleed heavily & the only very slight watery leak I had was when it was full,basically I’d forgotten about it.I’ve not had those uncomfortable cramps that I get when my tampon is reaching saturation stage.I’ve been swimming & playing in the sea without having to worry about a leaky tampon & it doesn’t absorb water so you don’t feel ‘bunged’ up.I will certainly be advising my daughter to use one when she is old enough & comfortable enough with her own body to go rooting around for it.Relaxation on removal is the definate key,the first day that was my main concern,but no problems there either…Such a wonderful,simple little thing,my only regret is that I hadn’t discovered it sooner.Will be sure to recommend it to anyone who will listen..

Debbie – 5th December 2010

I had wanted to try using a menstrual cup for at least a year before I got round to buying one and finally purchased my Mooncup from a large Boots outlet a few weeks ago. After a rather rushed and unsuccessful dry run I was a little nervous that I wouldn’t be able to get it to work and it would be a wasted investment. I needn’t have worried!
My period came around again and I was determined to at least give it another try. I played around with it a bit first, trying out different folds and getting used to the shape and feel, and then inserted it sitting down on the edge of the bath. I am petite and a virgin, so it was slightly painful getting it past the vaginal opening (using a “punch down” fold), but once it was in it felt fine. I had no problem getting it to open and form a seal. I kept it in for about ten minutes as a test run the first evening of my period, and had a slight panic trying to take it out, but with taking some big relaxing breaths, bearing down, and some fishing about with my index finger managed to remove it without pain.

I wasn’t brave enough to try overnight use of the cup straight off the bat, but in the morning after having woken up to disgusting sticky thighs from my pad moving around in the night, I determined to start using the cup properly and cut out disposable products all together. This time I inserted it sitting on the toilet, and it was definitely easier than the first time. I have felt comfortable, dry and fresh all day. I wouldn’t say that I forgot it was there, but I’m sure that’s down to the novelty of using a cup rather than to actually feeling it inside me.

I have a long coach journey and an important interview coinciding with this month’s period, and was planning on using disposable pads and tampons, but I’m already confident enough with the Mooncup to use it even under such stressful and uncomfortable conditions. I’m 100% converted.

E J – 05 December 2010

I can’t say enough about this product. I have always *HATED* my period, but now it’s not a big deal! Pads gross me out, and the idea of pee on my tampon string bothered me too. Both are completely uncomfortable to wear. I could always “feel” the tampon, and pads alternatively chafe or feel icky. There were times the darn things just weren’t in my handbag too, and I had to ask someone at work if I could borrow one. Awkward. Then along comes Mooncup. It’s 100% comfortable, and I don’t need to worry about “running out”. Yes, there is a learning curve to getting used to it (cut the stem, removal takes practice), but it is more than worth the patience. No more landfill or water supply nastiness to feel bad about, either. And mooncup is the biggest money saver. I will never, ever, ever, ever go back to pads and tampons.

Happy Camper – 28 November 2010

My friend got one years ago and finally so did I, due to eco reasons and the wish to be from tampons. I had the mooncup at home for 6 months and was a little put off but finally had ago and felt so free and natural that I’ve never looked back. Perfect for all activities, horse riding, bikes and yoga, alway a tough test on tampons. Thanks very much Mooncup.

Pam – 28th November 2010

I bought my mooncup 2 years ago with all good intentions after reading all the reviews, but never quite plucked up enough courage. Today, I realised I’d run out of tampons and as I had the house to myself I tried it. It was so simple I was shocked. I couldn’t be happier, how easy! I practiced once, putting it in and then taking it out and it was so simple I didn’t feel the need to practice anymore. I can’t believe I was so concerned for 2 years and it took all of 4-5minutes to convert me! Now I’ve got to think about what I’m going to treat myself to with the extra ££’s each month.

Ellie 25 – 26 November 2010

absolutely brilliant! I spent some time reading through the other testimonials and I agree with most… although I don’t look forward to my periods, I don’t dread them anymore! I hated having to surreptiously get a tampax into my hand whilst my male colleaugues looked on…. and then high tail it to the loo! It’s rubbish!!! Why don’t men have something similar that they have to do? They get everything .. including peeing over balconies (all that they have to do is turn their back!) Tosh! The mooncup comes with you to the loo… and stays with you. Bit of toiletpaper to clean it out when you don’t have water and you’re off again! Next meeting without smelling of the ridiculous scent that sanitary pad companies think that you actually want to smell like…. being a woman can suck when it’s that time of the month, but with a mooncup, it’s business as usual. Try it!

michelle – 26th November 2010

I’ve been using a Mooncup for 6 months now and I think it’s absolutely brilliant. I’ve always had very irregular periods, and I’d either get caught out if I was early or have to waste loads of pantyliners, tampons and towels for nothing if I came on later than expected. Not so with the Mooncup – I just put it in and get on with my life! I wasn’t sure at first, and it definitely took a little while to get used to but I honestly couldn’t imagine going back to tampons. Now I’m trying to convince my friends to give it a go – the only problem is that they don’t believe me when I tell them I can still do sport with it in, and that it doesn’t smell at all! I’m committed to spreading the word though!

Alice – 23 November 2010

I’ve been using the mooncup for about 9 months now and it’s completely changed the way I think about my period. Before I would always get thrush/cystitis from using tampons and used to dread not only the period itself but the aftermath with antibiotics and pain! My mooncup is easy to take to work with me, far cheaper in the long-run and better for the environment. I do experience some leakage but nothing that a pantyliner can’t handle! Thanks mooncup, I’ll certainly be spreading the word!

Rebecca – 17 November 2010