Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

i bought the mooncup out of my 18th birthday money, i asked my mom if shed ever used one, she said she once used a contrceptive cup for one when she was caught short without a pad.so i bought it prior to my next period, which strangly enough was sort of a mile stone as it was 5 years since my first.
the first time i put it in it felt weird, i felt like one of my brothers might notice that i was wiggling in my seat. i went upstairs and removed it, i’d worn it for ten minutes and i’d noticed my vaginal canal felt swollen. but it wasn’t. i tried a gain the next day, after trimming and re-inserting it felt okay. i then slept in it. i normally have to wash my sheets daily when menstrating due to wearing pads, mom prohibits tampons so thats why it took me time to realise lower than a tampon meant.
i then spent amonth on the mooncup. the first rinse i rinsed with warm water and when i inserted it it moved so i took it out to see like a curdled mix of vaginal fluids, and rinsed it under cold water before re-inserting it was fine after that. i have now been using the mooncup for two months, i’m quite frotuate as i get a small set of cramps about twevele hours before i start so i now don’t stain my underware as the mooncup can be worn just before as it dosent dry you out or cause irritation.

last month i got snowed in at my nan’s without my mooncup and had to wear these horrid rubbing pads, and when i gothome and put it in, the sides of my legs where screaming HEAVEN. i still get to where my favorite pants.
i’m halfway to convincing my freinds and my sister can’t wait to be allowed one when she’s older.
my younger sister thinks that “big” girl time of the month means chocolate and fun. i used to grumble “it aint that fun”

but in fact since i got the mooncup i can’t wait for my monthly “big” girl time either.

jordie – 03 January 2011

The Mooncup is a fantastically simple product which works really really well! I recommend it whenever I can and so far have 3 friends who have bought one for themselves and are all now talking about how great their Mooncup is too!There are so many women who aren’t happy with either tampons or pads and if only they knew about the Mooncup their experience of the their period would be so different.Let’s keep talking about it so that other women can know that there is another choice.

Rachel – 3rd January 2011

I had heard of the moon cup and wasn’t sure about trying it until a friend convinced me to give it a go. As it suited my ethical considerations, budget and lifestyle I thought why not. Well here I am coming to the end of my first usage. The packaging and instructions are fab and your website comprehensive. I wasn’t remotely anxious as the instructions were so clear and reassuring and as a result I have had no problems using it. It has meant I have enjoyed all activities including pilates, rigorous hikes with my dog and running 5Km. In fact I hardly remember I have it. Thank you for changing my life and protecting the planet as well as my pocket!

Sarah – 29 December 2010

This is the best thing I have found in my 29 years of being a woman. Thank you so much. Now I feel like I know exactly what is going in and coming out of my body and i don’t feel as ‘clogged up’ as I did mith tampons. Finally, technology IS on our side! 🙂

Annie – 25th December 2010

My mooncup has truly changed my life. Since I was little I was always just ‘one of the boys’. I never had girly things, preferring to play with the boys in my class instead of doing stuff with the girls. When my periods started, I was absolutely disgusted. With pads, with the mess, and with myself, that I had a body that made me go through this every month. My period occupied my every waking minute, dreading when it would happen again. Wearing pads and tampons made me feel dirty, so much that I would hold off as long as possible, and end up having to throw away half my underwear drawer each month. I became very depressed, and even suicidal. Counselling and anti-depressants didn’t help, and as soon as I was old enough, I went to my local family planning clinic and asked for the Implanon implant, as I had heard that it stopped periods in some cases. This happened, and I enjoyed 3 blissful years of being period-free. 3 years came to an end, and around that time I heard about mooncup. I decided to give it a try, and right from the word go, I felt new. Reborn, even. For the first time in my entire life, I actually feel like the woman I am. I enjoy having my period, as it gives me a link to other women I had never felt before. I feel comfortable with my body, and even don’t mind talking about periods anymore. I even recommended mooncup to a friend when she told me she was allergic to tampons. She bought one that afternoon, and took me out for drinks to say thank you!
It’s been a year since I bought my mooncup. Life is good, and I have you to thank. Thank you.

catherine – 25 December 2010

I’ve used my mooncup now for around 7 years – and nothing else. I love it – I just empty it every morning in the shower during my period.
A small tip – to make insertion and leak-prevention perfect, I’ve cut off the entire ‘stem’ and angle the folded cup more back than upwards when inserting it.

After my period has ended, I give it a good wash with anti-bacterial handsoap. I find soaking it in a solution with one of those tablets for false teeth removes some of the natural discolouration that occurs. Of course I rinse it well before next using it.

I agree with the previous reviewer who said every girl should be given one of these when they start menstruating.

Emily – 24 December 2010

I LOVE THE MOONCUP. Every time my period is over and I empty my lovely blood, I am so relieved I found something so fabulous! Thank you, blood collecting magic.

Ivana – 24th December 2010

Thank you so much this has made my periods far kore bearable. No more leaking even at night. No more ‘torpedo’ size tampax falling out of my handbag. This is now my 2nd period using the Mooncup and it’s so much better. At first I found it difficult to remove in the mornings but now I just wait 30 minutes, let gravity do it’s work and everythings fine. Thanks again.

deb – 19 December 2010

My sister gave me a mooncup for christmas 3 years ago. It’s the best present I ever had. It takes all the boring hassle out of dealing with your period. Try it – you’ll never regret it!

emma – 17 December 2010

I first heard about menstrual cups a couple years ago, but I was living in Canada at the time, and so they were not available to me.
Since coming to England as an Exchange student, I thought I’d keep going with my investigation to see if a Mooncup was right for me. It was a little tricky at first and has only leaked once. They’re now available back home from Diva, but I like Mooncup so much that I’m definitely going to get a couple more for when I go home so I can teach my friends.

Sabrina – 09 December 2010