Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve been using the Mooncup for about 6 months now and I can say it’s the best period’s protection I’ve ever used. No more worries about stains, having to buy more tampons or sanitary towels and mostly not worrying about disposing of these in the bins, yuk! I used to get really bad period pains and they’ve completely disappeared since I use the Mooncup. I’ve been telling all my girl friends how great this is and I hope more and more women start using it and ditch the tampons.
Thank you!!

Sylv – 16 January 2011

I first tried another brand of menstrual cup when I was about 24, in the smaller size that was recommended for women under 30 who’ve not had children. I loved the idea and convenience of the cup, as well as the savings in money and the sheer waste that disposable products generate, but I never had much success with it as it would move and after a few minutes I’d be able to feel it. I decided to try again with Mooncup and even though I’m still under 30 and have not had children, I ordered the larger size to see if I’d have any more luck. Best decision I ever made! I’m now a Mooncup girl and I’ll never go back. This cup is reliable, never leaks and doesn’t move, even through a full and active work day, a day at the beach or out snorkeling. I never wake up during the night just to “check” that everything’s still ok down there! It only needs emptying once in the morning and then again before bed, and it never “runs out”, so it beats any other method hands down for convenience. I’m going to try to convert my friends and family – once you get used to the idea and the use of the cup, you realise it really is the best option for your sanitary needs!

Rachelle – 15 January 2011

I never knew that there was an alternative to tampons and pads. I never thought about the environmental impact I might be having by using them. I was recomended by a friend and now there is no looking back. I love my Mooncup – it is the best invention ever. All my friends are now converts.

Gemma – 14th January 2011

I’ve been using my mooncup for over a year now and am extremely impressed and totally happy with it! I have had 4 vagina births and have been lucky enough not to experience any problems with it. I wish it was advertised better because when i tell other women what i use they have never heard about it.

karen – 11th January 2011

Hi Cathy,
I have persevered with my Mooncup and this month have had no issues. I visited my doctor who has upped my medication to control the pain and contractions and this has helped considerably. I think maybe the contractions were distorting the cup slightly. I still think it is a brilliant product and will continue using it.:-)

It may be worth mentioning to any one who is a very heavy painful bleeder that a trip to the doctor to sort this out is not something to be either ashamed of or worried about.

My doctor has me on Mefenamic acid for pain and Buscopan to control the contractions. Although these are used for IBS and arthritis they really work for Painful contracting periods. My doctor also suggested to me that if I still leak he could put me on pills to control the bleeding but my medical experience of this in the past is that it just makes the bleeding last longer….at the end of the day it’s all got to come out!

If you do have an customers who suffer from painful heavy periods I would be happy to share my experience I am a Therapy Radiographer and believe us girls should stick together and share info 🙂

Karen – 11 January 2011

I just got my mooncup this month and already I am satisfied customer. I tried another brand of menstrual cup and was disappointed that it would leak and was an uncomfortable fit. Part of the reason for that is because I have a cervix that sits low. Because of the mooncup’s shorter cup size, softer silcone and thicker rim I have been able to wear it and not feel anything at all. And no leaks! I would definitely recommend this product for those who have tried other cups and found them to be too rigid or struggling with getting them to stay in place. I feel that the mooncup’s design is much more superior!

Erin – 11 January 2011

First day using the mooncup – so happy! Had some trouble with it last night so had a break and tried again today and hasn’t leaked or anything so far. Thought I would notice the difference but there have been a couple of times when I forget I’m using it rather than a tampon. Completely converted!! 😀

Tasha – 11 January 2011

I love mine. I work in a fast moving place and cant stop for the bathroom all the time. I love that I can use the mooncup for 9-10 hours with out a worry. I see my coworkers whisper its that time I need to use the restroom again. I always think I have no worry’s about that. I used pad before trying the mooncup, I couldn’t use tampons. I could feel them as I moved. I do a lot of heavy work at my job and tampons made me feel sick. They didn’t move with me. The mooncup is great. It move with me and I don’t get that sick feeling at all.
I ounces forgot my mooncup at home, and I was stuck at work for two days because of the weather. All I can say is I cant believe I ever used pads.

Sarah – 09 January 2011

I brought my first mooncup in 2003 and it’s lasted 6 years before a small hole appeared and I’m replacing it. Using the mooncup has enabled me to experience my period as a much more natural and less yucky phenomenon. I even use my menstrual blood as plant food for my tomatoes! I’m spreading the word.

Caraline – 9th January 2011

I am a doctor and a complete Mooncup convert. I have been using it for two years following a friend’s recommendation. Super economical, comfortable and no leakage. Brilliant product. Cannot understand why women continue to use traditional sanitary products.

Rachael – 07 January 2011