Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve used one for years now and try desperately to convert people. Once you get over the initial Euuurrgghhh of emptying (and it’s only your mess!!) it really is a fantastic invention. I had never heard of one or seen them advertised. It would put the big companies such as Tampax, Lillets, Bodyform etc OUT OF BUSINESS as you’ll only ever need one! No more worrying about leaking/finding a toilet, I just pop it in in the shower and remove and swill at the end of the day. Please give it a try, you’ll never go back to tampons/pads.

emma – 07 February 2011

Just bought a mooncup, rather nervously, wondering will I be able to manage it etc, but thought that it was worth a try. I’ve had three children and used a contraceptive diaphragm, so my worry wasn’t about getting it in or out (!), more just the practical logistics of will it leak since my periods are fast and furious, although short.
Well, I’m on day two of my first period with it. Yesterday I spent a bit of time going in and out of the loo, checking it wasn’t leaking. It wasn’t! Not a bit. The only irritation on this first day was the stem, which was too long, and rubbing a bit. This morning, after a totally leak free night with it in (and I usually wake up in a mess with a soaked tampon, pad and pyjamas), I cut almost all the stem off. It felt quite brave (you can’t reattach it after all!), but solved the problem immediately.

Today I have spent the morning shopping – no problems. And this afternoon I’ve even been on the kids’ trampoline – no problems, and it didn’t budge at all, even though i thought it might come out completely!

Verdict so far: excellent.

lillibet – 05 February 2011

I got mine around 7 years ago, had a litte time off with my last pregnancy but when I needed it again it was like finding a little friend in my drawer! It really is life-changing, I feel so secure and not prohibited from any activity. I almost cant’ bear that people dont’ know about it!!! I wish I’d had it when I was a teenager but I’m so pleased I will be able to tell my daughter about it when she needs to know; she will have more options available to her!!!I love the fact that I’m not using up resources that go into ‘regular’ sanitary products too.

Kyle – 05 February 2011

I love this. Everyone I’ve told who has tried it loves it. You know all those tampon ads that talk about having a happy period? Well with this you really do. Honest! One question – why can’t they buy it in Australia? I’m telling all my friends about it and they think I’m downright weird. I think you’re missing a big market!

Trish – 03 February 2011

I wish I had been told baout this years ago! I discoverd it by accident in a travel blog, please advertise in the UK more I have had periods for over 10 years yet had never heard of this, I am truely amaazed this is really a wonderful product that has changed my life!

e smith – 02 February 2011

I have been using a mooncup for many years, and this its the best invention EVER for women!!! Thank you. x

Sarah – 01 February 2011

Its amazing, genuinely! Ok it doesn’t stop periods being a complete pain, however it does make them more manageable. I suffer quite badly as my periods are heave, now i no longer leak, i trust the mooncup and it is so cost effective! It means you don’t have to take a bag to the bathroom with you. Its excellent for the environment and i cant be sure its related but my periods are now less painfull and have reduced in length.

Im an absolute convert and cant praise it highly enough!

bees – 25 January 2011

I discovered the Mooncup three and a half years ago while at university and have been an avid fan ever since. I live in New Zealand so ordered one from the website without knowing exactly what I was getting myself into, but I have never looked back. They make life so much easier and – like other people who have written here- I wish there was more publicity for them so more people used them. They are so much better for the environment and for our bodies. They allow me go just forget about my period for most of the day. If you don’t already have one you’re missing out! It’s seriously one of the best investments I ever made.

Sophie – 24 January 2011

I’m totally thrilled with the Mooncup. I bought it about a year ago, but couldn’t get on with it, so put it in the drawer. Last year I decided to try again. It took about four months to get used to, and once I found my own way of using it, I’ve never looked back. Its great for wearing at work and when I go to the gym. I can use it when having a light day, or a heavy day, so its much more convenient than other sanitary products. I only need to empty it in the morning, when I get home from work and before going to bed. Well done Mooncup.

Jules – 23 January 2011

When I thought about buying a Mooncup I was worried it might be messy to empty. I’m the kind of girl who wraps tissue around the tampon string before pulling in case it’s dirty. In fact it’s been fantastically easy and quite clean. What I hadn’t appreciated was that the seal the cup forms against your skin stops any flow reaching the outside of the lower part of the cup, so removing it isn’t messy at all.Only having to empty it once during the work day is life changing. I can sit through long meetings without worrying about leaking, or having to pop to the loo carrying my handbag.
This is ideal for trips too – much less to pack!

Nikki – 21 January 2011