Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

i bought a mooncup on tuesday after coming across this website by accident.i am always ‘on’ for my holidays and have in previous years taken northisterone to delay my period,this always left me feeling bloated and i worried about the health risks.Well,not anymore,i cannot believe something so simple actualy works so brilliantly ! i popped it in very easily after reading the leaflet with no problems.i did cut the stem shorter when i removed it to empty.its friday today and i am chuffed to bits i have found such a simple answer.i went out all day yesterday and emptied when i got home.no leaks no worries.i have fibroids and suffer from very heavy loss but the mooncup coped well and contained it all.no worries looking for a loo every hour.i havent been swimming with it in but after reading other testimonials i can believe i will be able to use it with confidence and no more soggy tampons .i cannot believe i have lived without this for all these years and i will be telling all the girls i know about it.Thank you mooncup for liberating me from tampons and towels.

sandie – 18 March 2011

I got a Mooncup for Christmas this year and started using it as soon as I got my period, I thought there would be an adjustment time but there was none, I loved it straight away, is the single most useful change I’ve made in a long time.I love how there is no waste, I also experience less period pain, which I totally think is connected!
thank you so much

Sol – 13 March 2011

Without a doubt the best period product in the world! No more tampons, no more pads! Brilliant. Pads were the bane of my life. I hated them, I hated the feeling of them and would often go without and use a tampon even on my lightest days, a physical pain in it’s self just to avoid a pad! Now, everything is wonderful…my mooncup pops in and out with ease even on my lightest days, I can’t feel it inside, it doesn’t leak and I am doing something good for the environment. If you haven’t already done it….go and buy one! Thanks Mooncup!

Mimi – 13 March 2011

I’m disorganised. I have two so I always know where at least one is. But that’s the only downside. (In fact I bought the second one after i thought i had cut off too much of the end. Turns out I hadn’t) And my friends think i’m a ridiculous hippy. Even though they are mostly hippies. My most extreme example is using it while camping in the sahara. I thought it would be impractical – but actually what else could I have done? Carry around used ‘products’? Leave a trail for the wild dogs? No thanks. Mooncup all the way. Thank you so much Mooncup people for changing 25% of my life.

Jodie – 11 March 2011

I want to say THANK YOU to everyone at Mooncup for your amazing product, which has changed my life. It’s clean, hassle-free, and totally rockin’… I love it, my partner loves it, and my friends have all rushed out to buy their own. Nothing could have changed my life more in such a profound way than this simple but amazing little device! Only problem is taking it out for sexytime with my partner, which cannot be done with gay abandon like with a tampon, as the result would be walls, floors and ceilings splashed with blood. Still, it’s only been a year and no doubt over the next few we’ll find a way around this – looking forward to spending the forseeable future happy with my Mooncup. Thanks, too, for your fabulous customer service which is personal, swift and caring. An exemplary company with women’s best interests at heart, a fantastic approach and a fabulous product x

Jem – 10 March 2011

this product is amazing! mensual cups aren’t mainstream in Australia at all, but when i saw a mooncup flyer on the back of a uni toilet door i looked it up & decided to give it a try. it was a bit awkward for the first few months, but now i’ve got used to it and don’t use anything else. it made my latest backpacking holiday so much easier, and i feel really smug knowing that i haven’t used a tampon in ages! such a great product 🙂

Janelle – 10 March 2011

Last year a friend mentioned that she had bought herself a Mooncup, to be honest I was pretty freaked out by the thought of it. Having said that, the thought stayed with me and the more I thought about it the more I realised the only way of finding out what it was about was to buy one. At £20 it seemed like a risk, what if I didn’t like it? Didn’t like it? What was I thinking!! It’s amazing! I am a self-confessed lazy-arse so not having to worry about carrying anything with me or changing it often is brilliant! I’m only on my second month with it – but would never, ever go back to tampons. I’m trying to introduce it to my friends – is it an exceptable Birthday gift to give???!!!

Emily – 09 March 2011

I would like to share my experience having used a Mooncup for the past 3 years especially as I have just read an article from a women who gave up after her first try. I am lucky to have very short but very heavy periods, prior to using the Mooncup on the second day of my period I’d need to change my tampon hourly due to the flow. When I read about the Mooncup and it environmental and positive health benefits I thought I’d give it a go. The first few times I used it where strange and slightly uncomfortable – similarly I remember this also when I first used tampons – I spoke with the help line who gave me some wonderful advice – trimming the stem and where to aim etc. By my second cycle of using the Mooncup I got in the a routine, and found I was changing much else frequently than I needed to with a tampon. 3 years on and it’s working well for me. All I can say to newbies is don’t give up!

KatieJ – 09 March 2011

I had been thinking about the Mooncup for a while after seeing an ad for it on the back of a toilet door. I bought one the other day after starting my period and was instantly shocked by just how effective, comfortable and generally wonderful the Mooncup is. It sits very well, takes in all of my very heavy flow and isn’t really any messier than removing a tampon – in fact I’d say it was cleaner!

Daisy – 08 March 2011

After years of being on my own I decided to move in with my partner…….all my thoughts were positive until I thought about ‘ the time of the month’. The thought of embarrassing leakage, especially at night, filled me with dread and not to mention having to set my alarm for 3am so that I could change myself. I went online to see any alternatives to tampons and the irritating towels. This is when I came across mooncup…….and went straight into town that day to buy one. I have been using it for three months now and am amazed at the benefits!………No more leakage, no more natural odour I used to get, no more irritation, no more wasting money, no more adding harm to the environment and above all, I can sleep happily throughout the night on my heaviest of days, knowing that I will have no leaks and be as fresh as I was when I went to bed.I had absolutely no problem learning how to use it, just take the time to read the instructions and relax!
I personally find it cleaner to remove than a tampon and less painful.

Susie – 08 March 2011