Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I was using another brand cup and I found myself frustrated with the leaks and difficulty of getting it to ‘sit’ right. I recently switched to the Mooncup and my problems disappeared! The more sturdy design and shape made a world of difference in the effectiveness of the cup! I’m so glad I tried another brand after having a disappointing first run with the menstrual cup.

Shannon – 07 April 2011

I can’t find my words to express how happy I am right now! It’s the first time I have used the Mooncup. I opted for a size A and B – I am 31 and gave birth 10 months ago via a C-section. I know, I should have started with the A , but I said: why not the B?
the first two days were perfect – but then again it was the light period of my period. In the third and fourth day I had the chance to understand that “low” means “low”. It was quite odd for me , a FORMER 😉 heavy user of OBs and Tampax and other internal tampons. I could not understand what LOW really meant. I trimmed the stem by half and , really, I can remove it entirely! Low means low, I can still grab it (yes, I have long fingers, but they do not need to be that long :-). and if we place it too high, a little bit of exercise to push it down is beneficial for the muscles.

SO, now that I have mastered the art of placing the mooncup where it should be (it’s really strange in the beginning, even after reading the manual and looking at the pictures, I still felt like it should be up – lucky me, the leakage taught me otherwise), I am 100% happy! Not a single cramp these days, but I cannot say for sure that it’s because of hte cup or not, I do not understand what’s the connection between the two. I definitely felt lighter and full of energy. Of course, staying at home with my daughter was helpful – all the changing and cleaning was done at home, plenty of hot water and soap and fresh towels :D. But, God, why haven’t I heard about this MIRACLE years ago? Why was I using those creepy internal tampons or the external pads, always worrying about leakage, spots, thrush, itchiness? I even went to my usual pilates hours and felt great (even though for a moment or two I thought I felt the blood going back up because of my position :)) ). Not to mention the respect we show Mother Earth by not buying disposable tampons.

If I had the money, I would buy such a gift to all my friends! some of the smartest investments in my whole life! I will keep the other A cup for travelling, just in case I get stuck somewhere and I have no clean water to wash the B cup. And, you know, for the first time in my life I was looking forward to have my period and test the cup :). Good job in connecting us with our Feminine side ! Thanks Mooncup!

Simona – 02 April 2011

I’ve only had my Mooncup for 3 days, but I already know I love it! I have a really heavy flow, but I don’t have to worry that I’ll leak. My favorite thing about the Mooncup is that I can feel comfortable sleeping in it. Sweet dreams for me!

Kate – 02 April 2011

When I first heard about Mooncup a few years ago I was very sceptical and really didn’t think it would be for me. Every so often I would come across a review or a sticker in the bathroom and I guess the idea was always there in the back of my head but never really something I thought I’d act on but last month I was given one by a friend. I very nearly gave it away but for some reason I changed my mind and decided to give it a try, even though I was fairly shocked when I saw it for the first time – it looks absoloutely massive! and made me think it would be really difficult to use and uncomfortable. Anyway, I’m now on day two of using it and its going great! Its a lot easier to use than I thought it would be, I seem to have got the knack of it pretty quickly and I even used it last night with great success! I’m not massively keen on emptying it and washing it out, I liked the disposability of tampons and don’t really like having to spend longer cleaning the mooncup – thats still a bit gross to me, but I guess its something I’ll get used to. Its more comfortable and feels a lot cleaner than other forms of sanitary products that I’ve used before so I’m definitely going to stick with it. Thank you mooncup – I’m a convert!

Sarah – 01 April 2011

I LOVE MY MOONCUP!I must admit, as with most people I struggled with my first attempt, so decided to hold off until the next month.
This time I had a few days off work, so didn’t need to worry about being away from the comfort of my own bathroom.
I’m now on day three and can definitely say I will never go back to disposable towels and tampons.
I regret the time about four years ago that I saw a mooncup in a shop and laughed and turned my nose up at the idea of it. It wasn’t until a friend told me about hers that made me check out the website and I realised that I shouldn’t have been so quick to laugh off the idea of trying something “different”. All those years of waste(especially as I’m not regular, so would end up wasting a lot of towels/liners on “just incase” days).
I feel similar to when I started wearing contact lenses, once you get used to putting in and taking out, you wonder how you ever lived without them!(It took me a lot longer to get used to the contact lenses!)
A big thumbs up to the support team too, when I struggled on my first attempt, I sent an email and they got straight back to me.

Christine – 31 March 2011

Mooncup has been an absolute god send for me. I suffer from vulval intra-epithelial neoplasia, it’s a pre-cancerous condition of the vulva. One aspect of the condition that has affected me is extreme dryness of the vulva. I really struggled using towels and tampons during my period because both would literally suck the moisture from the vulval area. My periods were a nightmare, much more uncomfortable than they needed to be….then I found Mooncup. It looks a bit daunting and I admit I was nervous about insertion and removal because my skin is very easily irritated and torn, but after a few attempts I was fine. I don’t get leakage, it’s comfortable, no soggy cord, no more irritated skin and I get to feel good about myself for being eco-friendly.

Rach – 27 March 2011

I’ve been using my Mooncup for years now. I can barely remember the time before it but reading others’ comments I vaguely recall waking up with blood covered legs and such like. I certainly remember the feeling of aching sickness lasting the whole week of my period. But no longer.
I love my Mooncup. As others have said – one of the greatest things for me is the direct connection I now have with the natural functions of my body. The blood is beautiful.

The Cup is easy to use and feels natural and comfortable inside me. On the heaviest days, I love that I can feel when the Cup is full so I know I need to pop to the loo. No drama, no discomfort, just a warm weightiness inside.

Also, hiking, camping or travelling during a period is a breeze now too. No need to carry huge supplies of tampons. Just pop the Mooncup into my bag (or even my pocket at the last minute) and I am prepared.

And of course there is the glowing sense of righteousness from knowing I’m no longer sending blood soaked cotton to landfill or flushing it out to sea.

My wonderful Mooncup – what would I do without you?

janie – 27 March 2011

hello! I just want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, cause you are selling this extraordinary cup! I used it last month, and itis just a huge relief for me. I was a heavy bleeder in periods time,
everybody in my family knew that I am ïn those days”…now, nobody
knows! And I am not even bleed that much! I thougt that the cup would not
be able to collect all my blood!
How a stupid I was! Is barely half full in second day, every 4 hours
when I wash it! I just feel great, my bathroom is not filled with
tampons, my bag is also free of tampons, I am really free!! I can’t
wait the menstruation now!Is just incredible! I would like that all
women use this cup, because it give us liberty! Thak you very,very, very
much! God bless you!

Madalina – 24 March 2011

As soon as my friend told me about the Mooncup, I bought one. I hated tampons so much that I was willing to try anything! So far, I am VERY pleased. It is comfortable, and it’s true that you forget you’re having your period when you’re wearing it! However, I have had some continual problems with a little bit of spotting and occasionally I just get the positioning wrong!! Perhaps I need the larger size (though I am under 30 and have never given birth!), but hopefully pelvic floor exercises will help. :o) Despite the minor upsets, I really love the Mooncup. It’s far better than tampons or pads, and with practice I am sure I will get it 100% right. It’s worth it!!

Jane – 22 March 2011

My friend recommended the moon cup and initially i was abit freaked out about it but was willing to give it a whirl as its better for you, environmentally friendly and best of all, no need for horrid sanitary products and big knickers at night along with dry tampons! OUCH! So, i went out to boots and purchased it, got it home and thought, WOW, thats bigger than what i thought! It took me 2 days to come round to actually trying it but it was actually easier to insert that what i thought. I admit, it made a few funny noises when inserting and taking out ! Apart from that, i felt nothing, no leaks, no pain, no drynees and this is my first time! I gave the end a trim as that proved to be a little uncomfortable but its great! For me, its mainly mind over matter, when you think about it, it seems weird but just dont think about it and its great! Best invention for years i say. Thanks Jenni, i am sold!

Leanne – 22 March 2011