Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

The Mooncup is the most wonderful invention I think I’ve ever come across! I was worried it would be painful to use and it’s not – it’s much more comfortable than a tampon. It’s taken me about 5 or 6 times to get used to it, but now I’ve got the hang of it it’s easy. Thankyou thankyou thankyou! Now I look forward to having my period!

J UK – 06 May 2011

I first read about the Mooncup and thought yuck! Within thirty minutes of reading through the testimonials and watching the video, my Mooncup was on the way.The great thing I found was that because it doesn’t have to be avoided between periods like tampons do, I could practice inserting and removing for a few weeks before the “real test”. I had to remove the stem completely, but being able to do this before I needed it helped immensely.
As my periods start irregularly, I was also able to insert it over night the evening before I thought I may start, and clean and reinsert as needed.
Now I am on my first Real day of using it, I am already so comfortable with it I do not feel it’s presence, and instead of irritation and dread, I am bouncing about telling all my female friends about it. I am never going back 🙂

Ruth – 05 May 2011

After reading about the mooncup, on some of my friends blogs. Exactly 3 years ago today (didn’t know that until I checked my blog)I bought my first mooncup. It took a few periods to figure out how to get it in place and how to get it out easily, but after that. I don’t use anything else. Somehow, a few months ago I lost it, and today, I finally got my new one.

I had so many problems before I started using it, with feeling dry, getting yeast infections and so on. Now, I don’t have any problems at all. (Exept for the fact that PMS still sucks)

II would recommend the mooncup any day.

Jo, in Sweden – 03 May 2011

I saw the advertising campaign for Mooncup on billboards on the tube in london, the clever graphics with different names people call their vaginas. I was intrigued went on the website and thought ooh whats that. It was only when talking to my friend about it that she said ‘I use that, and my flatmates do too. We’re obsessed with it, it’s so good.’A few months passed and I’d just bought some cheap tampons that were really horrid and remembered the mooncup. So I went out and bought it, money well spent if you consider you spend around £2 for a pack of tampons every month.
It is amazing, I can’t feel it at all, I feel very liberated not having to carry around tampons (or hide them in purses to avoid embarassment) or worry I’ve forgotten them.
It’s me and my mooncup. It feels more personal, as if the mooncup cares about me! haha, although that sounds odd!
Very easy to use after a few experiments. And also a bit of a novelty.
I’m 21 and I’m glad I found this method early on in my adult life!
Thank you!!

sarah – 03 May 2011

i bought my mooncup about 6 weeks ago, i was a bit nervous to try it so i decided to give it a go before my period arrived so that i would have fewer accidents (just to get used to insertion) and once i got used to it i loved it, i could finally go swimming with my friends without being worried if the water was gonna make me leak once i get out, i have also had fewer period pains too which im almost sure was associated with using tampons, using it i feel like i’m not having my period, its fantastic and i will NEVER look back. five stars to the Mooncup 🙂

Coral – 19 April 2011

My friends and I were joking about getting a Mooncup a few months ago but it wasn’t until I researched it that I decided that it looked really good – not to mention amazing for the environment. I started my periods when I was 10 ( I’m 16 soon) so I’ve been using a ‘double whammy’ – a tampon and a pad – since they got heavier. With a roadtrip in America planned just when I should come on I bit the bullet and got a Mooncup. I tried to insert it when I first got it but had to buy a lubricant as well (KY Jelly is good for this!). I can safely say that I now cannot wait to come on and neither can my newly converted friend! Thank you so much, you have made what was a dreaded and sticky time of the month less daunting and hopefully thoroughly more enjoyable!

Ellen – 15 April 2011

I cannot over-emphasise how amazing this product is. It has changed my life. I have moved from feeling completely downtrodden, dirty and deflated during my period to actually looking forward to it, getting time to get to know my body better. I can’t stop telling my friends about it, and am pushing leaflets onto them whenever I see them.
Since starting to use mooncup I’ve also looked into other kinds of re-usable sanitary protection and found some amazing suppliers (such as the wonderful HonourYourFlow) where you can stock up on some lovely cloth pads for while you’re still getting used to the mooncup, or for heavy heavy days.

Mooncup, I love you and will put your stickers everywhere I go.

Lucy – 14 April 2011

OMG WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN???!!!!!!!!!I loved the mooncup only after a few hours on!!! Incredibly convenient, comfortable and does not drain all the moisture… Above all, NO MORE WORRIES about leaking!
I also seem to experience much less pain too…. almost forgotten I’m on my period – ultimate comfort!

So happy I was lucky to come across the mooncup, but I am 33 years old and work for the NHS!!!! yet not heard of it all this time!!!
Please advertise advertise advertise… I so wish I’d known sooner.

All best wishes for an incredible product!

Theo – 08 April 2011

The Mooncup was recommended to me by a trainer at my Gym I had never heard of anything like it before. I was only 18 when i purchased my Mooncup but had suffered for 20 day long periods since I began menstrating. Now that i have tried i will never go back i am uterly amazed at how nothing leaks it and has never overflowed. I recommend the Mooncup to anyone who wants to know about it, because weather you have menstral problem or not it is the greatest invention ever. The Mooncup along with the NuvaRing have managed to control and stabilise my period to a point where i know roughly when it will come and how long for.

Emma – 08 April 2011

Excellent product. Since my late 30s, I have had very heavy periods and got to the stage of buying two pairs of the same dark trousers and keeping one pair in my office. I planned my wardrobe for a week every month around ‘dark and absorbent’; fine in Winter but hellish in summer. I am a lecturer and the thought of a 90-minute class at the start of my period began to fill me with dread because I knew I would have to factor in a few parts of the class where I could get to the bathroom with super plus tampons concealed in my pockets. I still have the occasional problem but it is nowhere near as debilitating as life before Mooncup! It works well at night time, and helps when you are out for the day or travelling and only have to carry one little bag. Thank you. It has truly improved my quality of life.

Very grateful – 08 April 2011