Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve been using a mooncup since university. I initially bought it for environmental reasons but, 12 years (and 2 babies) later, I now love my mooncup because it just seems so much cleaner and nicer than either pads or tampons. I would never want to go back to using either. The only negative is that I worry I will forget I’m wearing it sometimes. Can’t recommend it enough. Love it.

Emma – 12th October 2015

I love this product! Once you get over the initial ‘this is a bit gross’ and you figure out how to get in and out without any dramas, this is the most simple and brilliant way to manage your period. I have only had one spillage (on my first go) when the cup didn’t open properly in my vagina, since then I make sure that it has unfolded (yep, sometimes with suction sound included!) and I have not had any leaks at all. I used tampons before my mooncup and sometimes near the end of my period I would remove them and bits of cotton would stay inside. I love the mooncup, as it feels cleaner, safer and better for your body (and leaves nothing behind!) I find it works best for me to start using the mooncup when my period has actually started flowing, so if I know I am due my period, I will wear a pad that night then use the mooncup the next morning until the end of the cycle, but after the first night, I don’t use any other sanitary products. I find it helps to empty the cup in the sink, if that is possible, as you may need to flush a few times otherwise. I have just bought another 2 mooncups to send out to my Nepali friends. This product has massive humanitarian benefits for countries where periods are still a massive taboo, and will make rural village life for my friends so much easier.

Emma – 11th October 2015

This product is amazing. I wish I had found it years ago. I was worried that I would struggle with insertion and extraction so I ran myself a nice bath and relaxed a little before hand. The instructions were clear and I had no difficulty fitting the cup from the first try. It was easy to remove after a brief moment of panic! All I needed to do was to bear down and the cup dropped low enough for me tp pinch and release it. The tail was the only discomfort. I trimmed it twice then just cut it off. I can hardly feel the cup inside me and have had no leakage. Well worth the money, I will never buy another sanitary product ever again,

Jody – 9th October 2015

So after years of friends telling to get one, I finally did some four months ago. I have struggled for years with tampons, both applicator and non applicator. Each month dreading my period. I found tampons slipped, were painful, and very drying and itchy. At 42 I didn’t want to go back to sanitary pads. So, the first month was a learning curve. Yes it was a bit uncomfortable putting it in and removing it. When I went out I was worried about the practical aspects so resorted back to the tampon. Month two was a breeze. So much so I forgot I was having a period! Now four months in and I’m a total convert. I want to tell everyone “Free yourself from the tampon”. I live in a small village in rural Derbyshire so I’m not sure how well shouting it will go. Seriously though I have two young daughters who will NEVER use tampons, I wont let them. Mooncup is the future for them.

Sally – 4th October 2015

I’m only 18 and have struggled with heavy and irregular periods ever since I started when I was around 14. I always had to carry tampons with me and have had to try every pill there is to try and keep my periods at bay. Despite all the help I received from my doctors, I have been unable to find a solution which means I will just have to wait and (hopefully) in time they will sort themselves out. Wearing tampons all the time was hurting me and making me feel uncomfortable as I was always worried I would leak. On the other hand, as my periods were so irregular, sometimes I will come on for a day and the bleeding be very light and therefore wearing a tampon was highly uncomfortable as there was not much to ‘collect’. My sister has also struggled with the same problems with her periods. She is 3 years older and so has had the problems for longer. She told me about her buying a mooncup and suggested I should get one myself. At first I was a little apprehensive but decided to give it a go and now I absolutely love it! I found it very easy to use and didn’t have any problems at all. It makes me feel so much more comfortable as it lasts a lot longer than a regular tampon (which is so useful for college and my part-time job) because, as I previously mentioned, my periods were so heavy I would constantly be changing tampons. Even if I have my one day, very light but equally annoying period, I feel safe knowing my mooncup isn’t hurting me and is fool-proof in terms of how much you bleed.
All in all I am so glad I listened to her advice and bought one for myself. It’s brilliant!

M – 24th September 2015

I decided to try the Mooncup after getting a job working at a summer camp in America. I needed to save precious room in my bags, I needed to limit the amount of waste/rubbish I would produce, and I needed something I could do sports and swim with. I cannot express how happy I am to have found Mooncup! It doesn’t take up any room in my bag, it’s re-usable, and I feel so fresh and comfortable doing my sports or swimming with it in. My camp was pretty rural and using the Mooncup saved me from making long trips to the supermarket for more feminine products. I will admit it’s a little tricky to get in/out at first but you have to persevere because once you start using this you will never go back to pads or tampons, and the benefits are so worth it. I’ve recommended this to so many people since I started using it.
Thank you Mooncup!

em – 21st September 2015

What a revelation mooncups are! I’d delayed going eco as I couldn’t face washing blood covered pads, but after using washable nappys for my baby I had to take the plunge, instead finding mooncups. They are such a logical solution and, once you are used to them, are much better than either pads or tampons. How did I not know they existed before?!?I was initially scared of using the mooncup, even having panic attacks when I first tried it with a shortened stem due to fears about getting it out! If you are worried I recommend pushing it out with just your vaginal muscles before cutting the stem to discover how ridiculously easy it is to get out. Also they are actually simple to use even in public toilets with the bonus that you need to empty them less anyway.
I did have initial leek issues (albeit less than I had with pads/tampons) and really didn’t believe that it could work at night, but it was definitely worth persevering to determine the right position for me to be both leek free and comfortable 24/7. After childbirth my period became erratic but mooncups are perfect whatever my body is up to. Sometimes I have to empty it after just a few hours (which is still a lot longer than the alternatives lasted as mooncups hold more), but otherwise go 8hours only changing it to follow the recommendation. My only concern now is forgetting I’m using it.
I tried Mooncups for environmental reasons, but am amazed how much more convenient, comfortable and cheaper they are compared to any alternative. Try it!

Caroline – 7th September 2015

I am very happy with my switch to mooncup! I went vegan around 7 months ago and since I have been looking to be more Enviromentally friendly. I took a trip to boots to pick up tampons and left with just a mooncup after being so impressed with the info on the box. Practised inserting before my period and was surprised with how easy it was, I have since had to trim off the stem entirely for a comfy fit but it is still super easy to insert and take out. I cannot think of one negative thing to say it’s amazing and have already converted some of my friends to use mooncup! Thank you!

Lucy – 7th September 2015

After 5 years of using the moon cup, it has changed my life.Took a few days to get the hang of it, but persevere, this little thing has completely changed my life.

Sally – 27th August 2015

I’m 19 and I’m so so glad I found out about mooncup! I suffer from pcos and have always found pads unable to cope with how heavy my period can get, which left me with tampons. However, since my cycle always fluctuates unpredictably from light to ridiculously heavy, it’s always hard to guess which strength tampon to use, which the results either being uncomfortable dryness or embarrassing accidents…many a comfortable pairs of pants were lost this way. But! Mooncup is amazing for this! I can’t even express how amazing it is to be able to insert the mooncup and just not have to worry what my flow decides to do that day, it honestly feels like I can get on with my life. Not only that, but it really is extremely good for travel. I have a year abroad next year in a country where tampons haven’t really caught on and I honestly didn’t know what I was going to do until now. In terms of insertion, I struggled a bit at the beginning; I think it was because I wanted it to work so badly that I stressed out and couldn’t insert it properly. It felt a little bit like all the amazing testimonials here were part of a massive joke that I wasn’t in on, but then I slept on it and tried again the next day and lo and behold, I figured it out! If you’re struggling, I suggest trying the second folding method as it makes the shape slightly more similar to a tampon, which you might already have experience in inserting. But whatever happens, don’t give up on it, because using a mooncup will definitely change your life for the better (and that’s not even an exaggeration!)

Izzy – 22nd July 2015