Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve been using the mooncup for 6 years now and have never looked back. It took me a little while to adjust the tip/handle to suit, ended up taking it almost completely off but now it’s fantastic.It’s so easy to use, clean and convenient. I can swim with no worries and have never had a leak.

Any women out there who are not sure just go for it, you’ll be pleased you did.

Liz – 18 May 2011

I highly recommend the Mooncup: comfortable, easy to use and once you start your period it’s always with you (no more forgetting tampons!) I’ve used it now for 10 years and cannot understand why anyone would use anything else. Not to mention the 1000s I’ve saved by not buying disposable sanitary products! Just buy it!

Noreen – 18 May 2011

I used the mooncup for the first time a few months ago and right from the beginning it was a painfree, practical and much more cost-effective experience. Now I find that it has become part of my normal routine, it has never leaked, never gotten stuck or been difficult to remove; all the aspects I worried about prior to using it. I also found having sex for the first time after my period much more enjoyable as I hadnt been dried up by using tampons for a week! Try it…you wont regret it!

Lizzy – 16 May 2011

I’m on my second month of using a Mooncup. Gosh, I wish I had one sooner. I suffer from heavy periods, but have always been told it’s normal. I can now measure exactly how heavy I am, and I am very! So I have evidence to go to my GP with now.The Mooncup is brilliant, easy to put in -I had no trouble at all finding where it needed to sit, I feel dry all day, which is lovely, and my underwear no longer scratches me because I’m not having to wear thick pads.
I’ve found that my heavy days need me to empty the cup every couple of hours at the most, but it’s worth it and no different to using the pads.
Those of you doubting whether to try this, give it a go. Periods used to be the bane of my life, now it’s not so bad.

Sabrina – 16 May 2011

5 years ago when I first got my period I hated it with a passion. I always forgot to change tampons and with a heavy period and being still at school this was a complete nightmare. I used to dream about an invention like this and can’t believe I never looked it up, because apparently they’ve existed since the ’30s! Luckily a few months ago I saw an ad for the Mooncup on the back of a public toilet and was just so excited. I ordered one that night and it arrived 2 weeks later (as promised :D).
Now I’ve used it for the first time and it was absolute heaven. I was so excited to use it – the first time I’ve evver looked forward to my period – and it didn’t disappoint. It sure takes a bit of getting used to, but when you use it right it’s fabulous.
The best part about the Mooncup is the time. Even with a heavy period, I don’t have to empty it every time I go to the loo. Only twice a day, once in the morning and then at night in the shower (which lets me rinse and clean it easily).
Also, being very active and going on lots of family camping/hiking trips is so much easier. Imagine trying to carry around used tampons in a plastic bag for 2 weeks! Playing tennis I can have the confidence to wear a white skirt too!
There’s no way you can possibly lose it, and you don’t have to worry about the horror of forgetting to bring tampons out with you for the day.
I love it and think everyone should have one. It’s a great investment too, not having to buy tampons. Plus it’s environmentally friendly!! And better for your body.
I could go on forever but seriously just buy one. Try it! If it leaks don’t worry you probably inserted it wrong and really should persevere in getting it right because when you do it is well worth it.

Buy one!!! Get one for your daughters like me who hate their period!

Fiona – Australia – 13 May 2011

Adding my praise to the chorus. I am on my third day of the mooncup and am already in love! I’ve never enjoyed my moon time like this. I actually look forward to emptying it! Also, I have catamenial epilepsy, and had a seizure a couple of days ago. In the past I’ve woken up to bloody knickers, but not this time! The mooncup even holds up to a tonic-clonic (grand mal) seizure. There you have it!

Tashi – 11 May 2011

Dear Mooncup – AWESOME (ps: where did the name mooncup come from?)
I have been using the mooncup for almost a year now and absolutely love it. I wish I heard about it years ago. It is easy, cheap and really comfortable to use once you get the hang of it and realise that you can trust it.

I have traveled all over the world and have found it so useful, no concerns about having to find tampons or pads in foreign shops and languages.

I just want to say thank you!!

Helena – 08 May 2011

I have been trying to convince my mum to get me one of these for a while! I told my friends about it and they were all a bit ‘ewww, thats disgusting’, and so was i actually. And after taking a look at it, holy bejeesus i was scared. But i thought ‘let’s give it a go!’ anyway. I’m 13, virgin, never used tampons, and to be honest it hurt quite a bit. I had to trim the stem quite a bit, and it takes a while to get the right position for it, but after all that, it’s completely comfy. You can’t feel it and it doesn’t leak. I’d recommend practicing before you have your period, to make it easier on yourself. But yeah, big thumbs up for Mooncup!

Erin – 07 May 2011

This is my first cycle using a mooncup and i found it to be great. As someone who found sanitary towels to be itchy and tampons uncomfortable i was keen to try it after a few friends told me about their experiences with them. I thought i’d have a few problems with it being my first time, but found it easy to insert and easy to remove. I couldn’t feel it at all except for the first night, when bizarrely i could feel the stem when i was laying in bed, despite not feeling it when sitting, so i cut off all stem; i’d already had to trim a bit off when i first tried it so decided to cut off the whole thing. I would recommend it to my friends and will bring it up when discussing sanitary protection with my daugthers. I only wish i had discovered it sooner.

Tracey – 07 May 2011

I am delighted wth my mooncup, having gone through 6 periods with it by now. Thanks, mooncup! I love the monthly boiling ritual and the way I no longer have to worry too much about the Timing of insertion/removal. Tampons were much more restrictive – and truly disgusting. Also, seeing the collected menses is superbly interesting!!! There is no comparison here with conventional “hygiene” products. If you’re undecided – please give it a go!

Lou – 07 May 2011