Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Since undergoing a loop diathermy treatment on my cervix 2 years ago I have had some “issues” with sticking things into my vagina. I eventually relented last year on holiday, but found to my dismay that tampax no longer worked for me. Not only were they drying me out, but they didn’t seem to sit right anymore therefore leakages were inevitable. I was not looking forward to this years holiday at all, especially as I always seem to come on when I travel. But last month my menstrual problems were solved! I was a little nervous so decided to practice putting my mooncup before I started, just for positioning. I put it in before my bath and was happy at how easily it went into the right position immediately. After my bath I removed it but to my surprise I had come on. My actual period symptoms were exactly the same as every month…back ache, womb ache etc, but my period was shortened by 2 days. The husband thinks it’s due to the amazing power of mooncup, and I am inclined to agree. This is a fantastic product, and has relieved stress for me as I can now wear my normal clothes when on. I experienced minimal leakage if any, and am now reassured that I bleed a normal amount. All in all I wish I had found this product 15 years ago, as I will njow never go back to towels or tampax.
Some women seem to have a problem initially, but I am pleased to report that it is not compulsary, my first time was quick, easy and painless. Whilst it may seem ‘gruesome’ to some I am personally reassured that there is nothing unatural happening. For the first time I am now embracing my menstrual period, as it is not the issue it once was.
Thanks so much to Mooncup, I couldn’t live without it now!

Mel – 04 July 2011

OMG – I must firstly say that reading about this item I did think it would be fiddly/messy/gory, and for someone who doesn’t like anything like this I was very very wary of trying it out BUT, having started to have heavy periods (due to age) and working in a male dominated office, having to frequently change other sanitary products, embarrassing leaking etc, I decided I had absolutely nothing to lose and gave Mooncup a go.From my experience I think you need time to practice inserting and then trim the stalk ( you will know have far to trim as is does rub the skin if sticking too far down) First time I used it I was in the shower and I felt this was ideal. Removing I found easier than expected and the sight of blood really didn’t bother me as I thought it would. I also found it much more comfortable than tampons as they used to – or seemed to – put pressure on my lower back and give me awful pain and for the first couple of days I had to tentatively sit down, but not with the Mooncup you cannot feel it is there. I did have slight leakage problems at first but this was due to not having got it sealed correctly in place, again with practice this becomes much easier.
All in all a fantastic product which I think all women should be told about and give it a go. Perhaps the company should do a MASSIVE advertising feature as I only found out about it by browsing through Boots website one day.

Gayle – 02 July 2011

I had never heard of the mooncup until I got a job working at a local organics store. I thought it seemed like a great idea and all the other staff used them, so I bought one. Like most ladies, I got it home and couldnt believe the size of it…it seemed HUGE! However, I gave it a go. Insertion was easy but removal was terrible. I spent 20 minutes sitting in the washroom at home worried it was never going to come out! Once I finally got there, I decided tghe Mooncup wasnt for me. It sat in my cupboard for a year before a friend of mine mentioned that she uses one and said I should give it another go. So I did and wow, I am so pleased. Her trick was that when you are trying to remove it, arch your back a bit and it will help break the air seal and come out more easily. This works amazingly. I have now been using it for two years and only use tampons when I feel like a bit of a change up (as the mooncup is quite big, its often nice to use a tampon once every few months). I am now about to do my first 4 day hike and I just know my mooncup is going to make the whole experience more enjoyable. NO ONE wants to carry used tampons with them for 4 days!!!

Lady – 28 June 2011

I decided to try a mooncup for two reasons, the first completely selfish one being that after having my first baby a few months ago I found tampons more uncomfotable than then they had previously been (no idea what caused this as I ended up with an emergency c section but there you go!)The second was that I made the decision to use cloth nappies for my baby and the first time my period arrived I thought, I’m not throwing disposable nappies in the bin but I’m still throwing tampon wrappers and applicators away. I’m no tree hugger but that seems wrong even to me! lol
To be honest it’s actually Tampax you have to thank as although I am by no mean an environmentalist or even particulaly involved in saving the plant to any degree (sorry!) since they brought out their ‘Pearl’ it has really annoyed me that paper wrappers and cardboard applicators have both been replaced with non flushable and non biodegradable plastic with no one appearing to care!

Anyhow, long story short, used it for the first time this month and am beyond impresed. As many have said before me, a little tricky to get in and out the first couple of times but SO comfortable once in that you really do forget it’s there and I LOVE that you only need to change it every 8 hours as opposed to the 2-3 hours I used to get with a tampon. Wish I’d descovered it years ago.

I personally think you need more photos of happy looking ladies riding bikes and rollerskating on your webpages – you have more right to those images than any other sanitary product manufacturer!!!

Becky – 22 June 2011

Just bought it today c/o I have an exam on Wesnesday and I can’t cope with the will I mess myself Or not stress . So far I have been wear ing it for a couple of hours . Washed it out and easy to put back In . Still a bit anxious so wearing a pad as well ….. I get very heavy periods so I was worried it’d leak …. Fed up of waking up to the Japanese flag . Would recommend it … I will comment again later. A bit pricey though…. I get why but I was thinking this would be great for disadvantaged woman back in Africa where i am from … Some women just stay at home indoors during their periods because they cannot afford pads and the pieces of cloth they use are not that reliable ESP if u have a heavy flow…… Hopefully over time they might get cheaper.

Charity – 14 June 2011

I have used the Mooncup for 4 years now, just think of how much money I have saved! It was a bit scary for the first few attempts but I’m so pleased I carried on and now I think I’d be more scared of a tampon. I also like the way there is no waste at all, so it’s loads better for the environment. I have told all my girlfriends about it!

Anne – 13 June 2011

I’m basicaly the type of person with amug for hot take away drinks and one for cold etc, so the mooncup is fantastic for me. Aiming not to use the rubbish bin at all soon. Some of my friends got mooncups for Xmas.

C.A. – 12 June 2011

Back in 2000 I was working for Scottish Water on a campaign to make people think before they flush sanitary items down the toilet. A visit to the waste water treatment works made me realise how many tonnes of sanitary waste were being flushed, and ending out at sea – I thought there must be a better way to deal with our monthly challenge. So I was really pleased to discover the mooncup and have been shouting about it to anyone who will listen ever since. I actually don’t understand why anyone would want to use pads or tampons ever again. It is the best invention ever, so easy to use (once you get over the thought) and it saves me money! Not to mention the fact that I don’t have to worry about creating extra waste which goes to landfill!

Suzanne – 06 June 2011

In december I opted for the implant as my choice of contraceptive. This caused ongoing bleeding.. which after six months and numerous medication is still perisitant. I had ended up using tampons more than i would have liked, up until then i had never noticed what an effect tampons have on the internal balance of your body. Sex was horrendous as i felt dry and uncomfortable as the tampons seemed to absorb all of my fluids and natural lubrication. I bought the mooncup on a desperate whim, and oh my god, so easy, so comfortable and my body does what it’s supposed to. Never going back to tampons, never ever. I’ll tell anyone who listens about the mooncup

Shelley – 06 June 2011

I have just finished my 3rd cycle using Mooncup. I could have wrote a testimonial after 3 days but I wanted to wait!
This little cup is simply amazing. I no longer feel gross for 1 week of the month. Waking up in a mess, wearing 2 pads at a time, smelly tampons, bags overflowing with sanitry protection and the crippling camps that would take my breath away. That’s what my periods were like.

Now I’m not going to lie and say they are now and enjoyable experience but they’re not far of it! I can sleep knowing I won’t make a mess of the bed. I’ve even worn WHITE TROUSERS!!! Something the tampon adverts told me years ago I would do through my period but I’d never felt confident enough!

I travelled halfway across the world, spending 18 hours on a plane and barely thought about my period. It was easy. I’ve just came back from a weekend camping with the most basic of amenities – again, dead easy!

I first read about Mooncup about 5 years ago and scoffed at the idea. I then forgot about it until seeing signs in a toilet. I spoke to people on forums, read testimonals and eventually purchased one. I wish I’d done it 5 years ago.

Heather – 05 June 2011