Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have used this for the past three cycles and wonder why i hadn’t tried this years ago. I have a light flow and often the tampon would be almost dry when having to pull out after 8 hours ‘ouch’. This would cause me discomfort, but using towels was not for me either. After getting the knack of inserting the mooncup, which is quite simple, i’ve found it doesn’t leave me dry, i don’t have to worry about removing it within 8 hours and i don’t have to worry about disposing of sanitary products around other peoples houses. I was worried about it leaking down the sides but the suction prevents that and i’ve never had any problems. I also sleep with it, where as i used to use a towel at night in case i went over the 8 hours. Although many turn their noses up at reusable sanitary protection, i think its the most healthy, clean, economical option. Very happy with my purchase.

Beckie – 20 July 2011

I just got my mooncup last week and am using it for the first time now. It is amazing! It is so comfortable, I don’t even know it is there, and for the first time in forever I actually feel clean and fresh while having my period. I had a couple of practice runs inserting it before I got my period, and found it really easy right from the start. I’m going away next month and my period is due during my break, now I don’t have to worry about packing a load of expensive sanitary products, and remembering to carry a supply everywhere I go. I’m not worrying about embarrassing leaks, I’m not having to walk around with something that feels like a nappy in my pants, I’ve got none of the nasty drying sensation that comes with a tampon, and (I appreciate this might sound a bit icky) I’m finding it pretty fascinating to actually see exactly what is coming out of my body! Thank you Mooncup, you are fantastic!!

Vicki – 16 July 2011

I decided to try using a Mooncup about a year ago now. At first I found the whole thing rather stressful! It’s a little difficult to get used to. But now I can’t imagine using anything else. It makes my period so much easier, plus cheaper! I recommend it to everyone I can!

Alex – 15 July 2011

I 1st saw an advertisement for mooncup in some public loo’s a few years back, i looked it up and thought “vile”. Recently though I’ve become fed up of very heavy bleeds the 1st 2 days, to the point i don’t leave the house. Even with a super plus tampon (best brand as far as I’m concerned) i still get leaks. I read leaks with the mooncup are not so common so thought £22 is a LOT but may be worth it. The hygiene and environmental side did not even come into it for me (maybe it should) My main concern is LEAKS. Well it’s only day 1, I’m only 7 hours in but so far NO leaks at all. I have emptied twice in those 7 hours but that’s just me being curious. If I’d used a tampon I’d have had to change my knickers at least twice because of leaks. Even having a wee and wiping there is no hint of any blood roaming free. Hubby is not impressed with my recent updates but he’s male so does not matter. With Tampons i find I’m constantly on edge i worry I’ll leak, up to now I’ve not had any leaky type feelings. For those who think the empty and cleaning of the mooncup is a bit gross well it’s far less yukky than suddenly feeling soggy wet when walking round Tesco. For me the biggest attraction of mooncup is the fact it does not leak, the big test will be overnight but even this early on I’m confident Mooncup will keep me clean through sleep time. Inserting it the 1st time was a little fiddly, and removing it the 1st time took a while but still far easier than i imagined. I think I’ve been converted although i will probably keep a couple of tampons in my bag for emergencies so i don’t need to have my mooncup in my bag at all times, but i really can see the mooncup being my preferred method. Leak protection alone is enough reason to switch to mooncup.

FEZZ – 12 July 2011

I first heard about the Mooncup through a sticker a saw in a ladies loo while at uni! It has taken me 3 years to finally buy one and I wish now I had taken the leap of faith when I was a student because I love it!
I only have withdrawl bleeds from taking the pill, so my period is incredibly light, and I found tampons quite difficlt to use but hated pads. I love that you can use the mooncup wet, it makes the experience so much more comfortable for me. Also, the cramps I got while using tampons has completely gone! My first EVER, pain free period! Another note, is that I feel so much cleaner throughout the process, and the ‘smell’ you often have during your period has completely gone!

I am still finding it a little messy as I get use to the cup but I feel so much more in tune with my body! I throughly recommend to all my friends and family!

Cara – 11 July 2011

I have loved and used Mooncup for over 5 years now!! I have saved sooooo much money and it is just so much easier and more comfortable. It took me a few cycles to have 100% success with it, but after this many years I would never use anything else.

Jennifer – 09 July 2011

I’ve been using the Mooncup for a year now and will never look back. I’d heard of it several years ago and to be honest the thought grossed me out, but I decided to give it a go whilst travelling as I didn’t want to pollute the environment with sanitary waste. It took me a few cycles to get used to it but I couldn’t live without it now! It’s clean, comfortable, good for the environment and saves money. I could swear it helps with the pain too although I don’t know how! I’ve already converted one friend to use the Mooncup and I plan to convert more. I’d strongly recommend anyone to try it. Thanks for such a fantastic product!

Lauren – 08 July 2011

I have been using my mooncup for 6 months now & I love it! It’s environmentally friendly & I don’t have to spend lots of money on tampons which I am now convinced contributed to me getting thrush a few times a year.I first heard about mooncups about 3 years ago but I thought they sounded a bit “ickey” and for hippy types, but I could not have been more wrong.

Heather – 07 July 2011

I’ve had my Mooncup since 2003 and I wouldn’t be without it. Not only can you carry it around more discreetly than tampons or towels, not only is it better for the environment, not only is it even better for your purse, but it stops thrush in its tracks. I love it, and have recommended it to countless friends. And yes, ladies, once you get the hang of it, it’s not even messy. Trust me on this one.

Moon Mummy – 06 July 2011

I have been using a mooncup for the last 6 years – the best thing I have ever bought! It took a little getting used to, but I have never looked back! I prefer the stem cut off completely. I can swim with confidence, I feel cleaner, happier on heavy days, it is all round more convenient than other sanitary protection, and cheaper too. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend the mooncup.

Sue – 06 July 2011