Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I have always struggled to cope with my periods, I Never know when they come and they are always painful and extremly heavy!
I read about the mooncup a while ago and was not sure this would actually work, after a very trying time with waiting for my period and getting very stressed over it my boss bought me one she swore by it.

I am now on my second period and I am glad I took the challenge.
I always had to wear a super towel, and a super tampon and put a towel on the bed at night as I always leaked.

I am wearing a towel still as not sure if this will leak as I seem to be losing a cup amount every 6-8hrs but so far no leaks.

I am amazed at how much blood I was losing and yes its a bit messy but nothing soap and water wont clean off.

I have had no back pain or heavyness/pulling in my stomach.
Its easy to insert, easy to remove, money saver and eco friendly. 🙂

I feel more confortable with my periods then I have done in years.

I even wanted to doctors to take it all away so I Never have them anymore but that is now not an option.

Thank you to the guys who designed this product, just amazing and I wont be going back to tampons and towels!

Nikki – 07 August 2011

A friend send me a link for Mooncup and I was intrigued immediately. I always suffered quite badly with irritation and soreness when using tampons and pads so I was eager to try something all natural and, even better, reusable and friendly to the environment! Also, since having my son, I have very heavy periods and spend a small fortune each month on tampons and towels. From the very first time I used the Mooncup, I was completely sold on it. Once I cut the tail a little bit, it was so comfortable that you wouldn’t even know you were wearing it and, unlike tampons, it doesn’t leak or move about so no more “big knicker” days for me!! I just generally felt cleaner and so much happier and confident about myself from the very first use of the mooncup, I’m a convert and I will NEVER go back to using conventional tampons or towels again!!

Chyrelle – 05 August 2011

I had heard about the Mooncup and then met two women who used it and raved about it, so decided to give it a go.
I have saved a FORTUNE on sanitary products (I reckon over £70 a year as I have very very heavy periods).

I am also helping to save the planet.

Best of all (and I don’t know why but who cares?!) it has considerably reduced my experience of cramping and pain. Sometimes this was so bad I could not go to work the first day of my perios.

Yes, it takes a bit of getting used to but it’s worth it – it’s WONDERFUL! Thank you.

Kate – 05 August 2011

The best buy ever purchased. Wish I had known about this product decades .ago. No problems in using it from day one. Would recommend this to every woman

emma – 02 August 2011

I’ve had my mooncup for about 4 months now and it’s officially the best purchase I have ever made. I really wish I had known about it when I first started my periods it would have saved alot of hassle and alot of worrying. I hated being on my period, I would avoid doing anything remotely active and just try and avoid going anywhere but now with my mooncup life is soooo much easier. I really wish I had known about it sooner. I know it doesn’t stop me having periods but I feel soooooo much better with the mooncup than I ever did with Tampons or Pads as I don’t have to worry about keeping my bag stocked with them is so much easier to deal with. Took a little practice at first but then what dosen’t? I advise everyone to buy it!

Stacey – 02 August 2011

I don’t usually write testimonials for things but I am so pleased with my mooncup that I felt the need to share!I have only used my mooncup for one period having stumbled across this website on my search for an alternative to tampons and sanitary towels. Everything I read made me feel that these were worth a go. I have to say that could not be happer with my mooncup. I will admit I found it tricky to use to start with and nearly gave up after a particularly tricky removal which left me feeling a little sore. However, I went back to the leaflet and realised what I had done wrong. NOw that I have mastered the technique of getting it in and out correctly and positioned in the right place I am so pleased to have my mooncup in my life!
I will now be telling all of my friends about mooncup and am almost looking forward to my next period. I don’t have to worry about carrying tampons around (and having them fly out of my bag at the worst moments), I will not be contributing to landfill and I feel confident in swimming with the mooncup (which I never did with tampons!)
Keep up the good work.

Claire – 31 July 2011

I’ve only been using a mooncup for two days and already I love it. It feels so good to know that it’s not leaving fibres inside my vagina, it’s so comfortable and has greatly reduced my period pains – actually I haven’t had any. Also I like having the contact with my body.

Kate – 30 July 2011

I’ve only just bought my moon cup but wanted to share how fantastic it is with other women as I wish I’d started using it sooner. I put it in for the first time really easily and went straight for a five mile run after, I didn’t feel a thing and it was so comfortable.
It’s great when going to the toilet as well as no annoying string dangling down getting in the way. So economical and good for the environment too, if you’re thinking about getting one just do it, it’ll be one of the best decisions you make.

Rachel – 22 July 2011

The MCUK is simply amazing. I have told my friends all about it. I still have not gotten quite used to wearing it yet as far as placement, but I have always had a very heavy period (I am 20 years old) and I would often soak through regular absorbency tampons quickly and always wear a large pad for backup. I’ve had several embarrassing leaking through my clothes moments especially in my younger years. I am usually very paranoid that I will leak through my clothes but just using the MCUK I have less leaks! Hopefully when I get the placement right I will have none. Now I am using the product I no longer need the huge pads that often chafe my skin raw and broken. I am currently living with my in laws and there is not a discreet way to dispose of tampons so that is another great advantage to the MCUK. I would rather not have everyone in my household know when I am menstruating lol. Thanks MCUK.

Rachel – 21 July 2011

The mooncup is amazing! I found it whilst researching what to do monthly whilst travelling….and i found the answer!!It was a little tricky at first but it is so easy to get the hang of and i will not or would not go back!! I was really worried about leaking but i havent had a problem at all!!
Im glad i found it at 21 🙂

Esther DT – 21 July 2011