Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I suffer from prolonged periods (longest being 12 weeks!) and had been using towels as tampons give me stomach ache. I hated the feeling of using towels, the smell, itchyness etc so I came across the mooncup thanks to the wonders of google. Cant believe i have never heard of this product before! First time using was very daunting but once i got over the initial sqeamishness of it all, it has made the whole period experience much more bareable. No more worries of leaking, no paranoia of smelling or tummy pains from using tampons.Think companies like mooncup need to do more advertising to get the word out there for other girls

suzy – 04 September 2011

It’s my first day using the mooncup and I am already very very impressed. I am a lifeguard and avid swimmer and every month I avoided swimming like the plague so as to avoid embarrassing leakages that I get with tampons. It’s mortifying. Now though I cannot wait to get in the pool and roadtest this baby! I thought it would be harder to insert but after years of tampons it’s pretty easy. Amazing.Thank you mooncup, you’re a lifesaver

Megan – 02 September 2011

Ever since starting my period at a young age of 10, they have been an awful and painful experience for me.I started with pads, which I hated – and then at about 12/13 I tried tampons, which at the time seemed a godsent at the time! However, my periods got worse and they were out of control, until a couple of months ago at the age of 17, I came across Mooncup – I was slightly hesitant at first but then I purchased one.
After a little getting used to, I can honestly say it has been the best sanitary purchase I have ever made and only wish I had heard of it sooner, I feel cleaner and fresher each and everyday and Mooncup has made my life much much easier as a young woman!
I can only give a big THANKYOU to the ease it has put me at! A truly amazing product that is worth investing in.

Nicole – 29 August 2011

Since I had a big baby, I figured I would need the larger size, but after a year of not getting the same results as others on here I decided it wouldn’t hurt to try the smaller cup, well, that’d it, I’m comfy, clean and totally forget about periods now! I don’t have to rush out of bed in the morning or plan my day around toilet breaks, its just great.

Julie – 29 August 2011

I have been using my moon cup for about 7 years and i absolutely love it. my periods are less painful and i have never had a leak to this day. i have spread the word like mad and converted some sceptical friends who are also really pleased. This thing has revolutionised my period. thanks

hannah – 25 August 2011

I got my mooncup 4 months ago and I admit the first time I tried to use it, it was an epic fail. I thought I was going to lose it inside and I freaked out completely and didn’t use it for a couple months. Then I thought I should give it another go because a some friends use it and they were just raving about it. I realised that the reason I had so many difficulties removing it when I first tried it is because I freaked out and got all tensed up. When I tried it again I tried desperately to relax and it all went very well. I have been using it for 2 months now and I absolutely love it. Its hassle free, I have no more leakages, I save money on tampons, pads etc.. and its eco friendly. I feel so much better using it now and I feel like I should tell everyone that the initial removal issues shouldn’t deter you, just try again because its completely worth it.

Natasha – 24 August 2011

the best purchase made!like anything takes time to get use to it but i love it!periods don’t even feel like they exist anymore!heaven!lease try it..you don’t realize what your missing out on!

sally – 24 August 2011

I wanted to echo others and say thanks so much for creating the mooncup. I’m not exaggerating when I say it changed my life. I live in a country where getting sanitary products is difficult, not to mention expensive. And having always found tampons a little uncomfortable (maybe the dryness they cause) I find the mooncup totally comfortable. It’s easy to use, hygienic and doesn’t smell at all (unlike sanitary pads and tampons). I tell all my female friends about it. Thanks mooncup!

char – 22 August 2011

After seeing an advertisement in The Guardian magazine one Saturday morning over my breakfast, I decided this was something worth looking into. I logged on to the web page and read, and read. Why had I not heard about Mooncup before? My period was not due for a couple of weeks, but I went to Boots and purchased my Mooncup, and waited expectantly to use it. The day of my period arrived, Mooncup inserted (with no problems), I went off on my morning run of 5 mile. No leaks!It’s easy, painless, and you completely forget about it and get on with your life. I wish I had found out about Mooncup ages ago and will be recommending it to all.

Lorraine – 22 August 2011

I decided to try Mooncups after hearing about them on various forums. I have struggled with (and HATED) my heavy periods ever since my teens, had problems with flooding (always having to double up tampons and towels) and always suffer with a sort of nappy rash from having the vile things next to my skin for 6 days every month!!! One of the things I hated most was having to get up (messy) in the night three or four times to change!!
The mooncup is EVERY bit as good as the reviews say and worth every penny it costs!!! I got it in the first time with NO problems using the C fold (there are diagrams of a couple of folds,but if they don’t work for you there are others on the internet, have a google around) and after cutting the stem off completely it was so comfortable I didn’t notice it was there. I didn’t believe what people were saying about their periods being less painful while using the mooncup, but am completely shocked to say that this HAS been my experience and I’ve not managed a whole cycle without painkillers (am currently on my second cycle with mooncup). It is certainly no more difficult and no messier than using tampons, particularly if you have a heavy flow, because it never floods!! I WISH I had tried it sooner and now I have I want to shout from the rooftops about it. If you’re thinking of giving it a go, DO you won’t regret it!!

ShyGirl – 18 August 2011