Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Thank you for inventing the Mooncup! Searching for a tampon alternative to deal with perimenopausal dryness and extreme menstrual cramps, the Mooncup is a welcome relief. Cramps are radically diminished and everything is neat and clean. Plus, using this device helps the environment. Who could ask for anything more!I HIGHLY recommend this to all women!

Karen – 15 September 2011

I for one hate to see the sight of blood and the messy wet feeling you get from a sanitary pad. While living in the UK I was introduced to the mooncup and havent looked back since. The mooncup is so comfortable sometimes I forget I have it in. I don’t get any leaks and during working hours I dont have to keep checking because it holds so much. It’s safer than anything on the market and saves me money every month. I would recommed this to anyone. It’s ashame it doesn’t sell in the Caribbean because all my family and friends wants one now!

TriniKrissy – 13 September 2011

Just purchased my first moon cup after years of debating. It was a bit tricky at first but after perservering the results are amazing! I had surgery a few years ago and as a result was finding it increasingly difficult to use tampons due to pain and dryness. but the mooncup has resolved all my issues no more thrush, no more dryness, so comfortable you dont know your wearing it and i know im doing my part for the environment! Im spreading the word fast Mooncup is a goddess in a cup.

Ash – 12 September 2011

Why wouldn’t you use this? Its cheaper, its more comfortable, its better for the environment, it stops all those horrid period pains, and it feels right. If you’re at all unsure do yourself a favour and try it. Probably two months to be sure, but I think you’ll love it after the first day of wearing it. And if you’re worried about getting it out don’t be, just relax and you’ll be fine. Honestly, anyone not using a mooncup is missing out on something amazing.

Trish – 11 September 2011

I am 15 and just got into year 11 at school. I have always been curious about finding new and improved menstrual products so went out to buy a mooncup after reading such good reviews. On the day of purchase I attempted to insert it using both folds and found myself giving up. I was sure that it would never work for me so I emailed the Mooncup FAQ email and immediately got a response. From then on I could gradually insert more and finally it was in! Today I am on the second day of my first period with the mooncup and it is really good. My favourite part is that I can sleep in it. I am still finding removal a bit difficult because the suction is very strong but I’m sure it will come to me. I wish my mum had known about mooncup because she has really heavy periods and only uses sanitary towels but she is 51 and they will stop soon. I would also love to tell my friends but they would probably think it’s disgusting to put a cup in your vagina. Maybe in the future. I also love the fact that I don’t need to carry around any tampons so when boys look through your bag there is no embarrassment. Thank you Mooncup. P.S; sorry it’s soo long.

Maeve – 10 September 2011

Liberta !! Segundo dia de uso e ja estou confortalvel e completamente apaixonada. Eu comprei pra ajudar o planeta mas eu fui a mais beneficiada !! Eu achei a solução definitiva para o caos que é menstruar ! E eu nao vou ter NUNCA MAIS …
cheiros (dez horas inexperadas de trabalho consecutivo num pais tropical – acontece)

comprar varios tipos de absorventes mais tampoes fazendo uma logistica de qual vou necessitar usar e ter comigo na minha bolsa, que tbm inclue uma calcinha limpa (eu sempre comprei lingerris pretas e largas pra essa epoca mas agora posso usar lingerris legais)

desespero de ver que eu menstruei e nao tenho material a mao

evitar esportes ou atividades ao ar livre (agora eu posso ‘carpe diem’)

as varias checadas durante o dia para conferir se há vazamento

banhos extras (e nunca mais vou ter vazamentos inesperados que me farao ter que voltar pra casa pra um banho)

esfregar minhas calcinhas para corrigir o estrado e nao ter minha pele irritada pelos absorventes

ter que ficar acordando pra checar se ta tudo bem e descobrir que eu tenho que tomar banho sim e ainda trocar minha roupa de cama (agora eu durmo sem lingerri e mantenho esse cuidado especial com minha higiene ainda que menstruada)

preocupações se a absorvente ta marcando sobre a roupa ou fio do tampao aparecendo por fora do bikine

deixar absorventes/tampoes no lixinho ao usar banheiro na casa de amigos ! Que é nojento !

nunca mais restringir minha agenda !! Nunca mais me sentir de quarentena !!

nunca mais me sentir suja !

Me custou R$100.00 reais ! Mas eu pagaria tres vezes mais caso fosse preciso. Foi a melhor compra que fiz na minha vida. Nunca me sentir tao higienica e capaz de fazer tudo. Quero fazer uma reuniao com amigas pra contar isso pra elas. Porque eu ficaria muuito muuito grata se tivesse conhecido Mooncup antes !

Daniela, Brasil – 09 September 2011

I recently graduated from university where, living in a women’s college as I did, I used to see little stickers and flyers about the place occasionally recommending the Mooncup. I never paid particular attention to them.
However, about six months ago, something I’ve now forgotten reminded me of those little stickers, and it occurred to me that I might as well give it a try. I spent a little time on the website looking up whether it would be suitable for me (I have extremely heavy periods, severe cramps, and use an IUD), concluded that it probably was, and ordered one.

I will never go back. My Mooncup has made my life so much easier, and so much more pleasant. No leaking, no fuss, no discomfort. Although I would never have believed that it could happen, even my previously-crippling period pains have become much more bearable. It’s comfortable and hygenic. I didn’t even have any problems with using it during a festival. I couldn’t be happier or recommend it more highly.

Jay – 09 September 2011

I just stopped the Depo shot and after not having a period for about 5+ years and started having my period again, I dug out my remaing stock of girly supplies. Hate tampons, panty liners, all of it (and not to mention how stinky things get in the summer months). So I decided to look online for an alternative. Found the MCUK and can’t be more excited. And what are the odds that the day my next period started my MCUK arrived in the mail! I immediately cut the stem off, folded, and insterted the cup, first try no problems, first removal no problems. If you are comfortable with your own body, PLEASE GET A MCUK , you will NEVER go back to uncomfortable drying tampons. I plan on getting all of my sisters MCUKs for Christmas! They will probably think I’m nuts, but they will love me for it! *So fresh and so clean!* That’s the only song I sang all day the first time I used my MCUK!

DJ – 09 September 2011

I have had heavy peroids for over 10 years and always found tampons and towels inconvenient and messy. Then I discovered the mooncup! I am able to go swimming during my cycle and not have to worry about changing my sanitary protection so frequently. I leave my mooncup in place for up to 8 hours and am always assured of its protection. I have now had the Marina Coil fitted to reduce menstrual flow but I still use my mooncup which is fine with a lighter flow. I’m still trying to convince other women to switch!!

Stephanie – 06 September 2011

After years of dithering, I finally decided to try this product because my preferred tampon brand is no longer available for sale in my country. I joked to my husband this morning that I was taking it on a dry run … which, because of my irregular cycle, turned out to not be quite so “dry”! 😉
This. Product. Works.


Un grand “Merci” à toute l’équipe de Mooncup!

Adrienne – 06 September 2011