Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I do not have words for how much I love my Mooncup! I found out about them by accident, and am SO glad I did! I could not imagine my life without my mooncup! I suffer from such heavy periods that I went and had surgery (emdometrial ablation) to try and help, with no sucess. Then I stumbled on a site discussing menstral cups, I had no idea what in the world they were talking about, and to be honest at first thought the idea of a menstral cup was disgusting. But I was intregued, so I bought one anyway. So, so, so glad I let my curiousity get the best of me!I will NEVER again go back to ANYTHING other than the mooncup! Pads are gross, stinky and messy. Tampons are just as bad as well as uncomfortable! Teh Mooncup is so comfortable that there are times that I forget that I even have my period. With the Mooncup, I can get back to my life without having to worry about leaks and smells and if someone is going to see my dirty tampon or pad in the garbage.
I can’t speak highly enough of the Mooncup. I just wish it was more advertised so I would have been able to get back to normal life earlier!

Des – 23rd October 2011

I just wanted to say how much I love my Mooncup. Seriously. I’m so enthusiastic about it. It’s probably my best purchase. Ever. I honestly don’t know how I coped with periods beforehand!It’s more cost effective, it’s better for the environment & it lasts far longer than tampons/pads! I’ve been having terribly heavy periods recently, I think I would have been cowering in a corner at home without my Mooncup!

I really think every woman should have a Mooncup!

April – 18th October 2011

I started using the Mooncup last month after over a year of deliberation about whether to use it, now I wish I’d just got on with it and taken the plunge when I first heard about it at Glastonbury Festival. It’s just the best invention EVER.After a tricky start, I wasn’t convinced it would be completely leak free, I was paranoid and still used a towel as well, just in case, but totally unnecessary now, I’ve got the hang of getting it in and out, with hardly any mess at all, and it’s only my second month using it.
I just wish I’d known about it years ago, not only does it save money but it reduces the impact on the environment too. Brilliant.

Helen – 17th October 2011

I am converted and don’t know what has taken me so long!
Having worn towels for over twenty years and finding tampons uncomfortable with dryness I cannot thank the people who came up with the Mooncup enough.

It took a while for me to take the plunge, as once out of the packaging my first thought was ‘surely not!’ but was suprised by how easy this was to use (thanks for the easy to use guide too).

So I can put the old bigger knickers to the back of the drawer and dispense with the bottom shelf of sanitary pads in the bathroom, no more ensuring there are enough in handbag either!

This is by far the most comfortable I have ever been, and that’s quite an acheivement for over twenty years.

Sincere thanks again and I urge others to take the plunge as I did. Periods are no longer an issue.

Debbie – 16th October 2011

I love, love, LOVE mooncup! Wahooo! What a fantastic and useful little thing 🙂 I hated my periods and always worried about leaking and constantly running to the loo…..not any more though! Once my moncup is in, that’s it! Worries are over and I actually forget I’m on my period! I definitely could NOT say that for any other menstrual product. I recommend Mooncup to everyone! It took a little getting used to when I first used it but practice definitely makes perfect 🙂 thank you so much!

Laura – 13 October 2011

I’ve been using the Mooncup for about 4 years now and really wish I’d discovered it much earlier!I admit I was a little sceptical at first because I do have heavy periods and was afraid of leakage problems.
However, all my fears were laid to rest straight away. I found the Mooncup really easy to insert and extremely comfortable. It is so easy to forget that it’s there atall. Infact, as one lady has already mentioned, you have to keep reminding yourself to go to the loo and empty it!
The only small problem I’ve encountered is at night when I have leaked a little a couple of times, but that’s due to sleeping too long between empties, and not any fault of the Mooncup itself. i simply use washable cotton pads as extra protection and problem solved! When I used tampons I was plagued with recurrent bouts of thrush due to dryness, but since I’ve been using my Mooncup I’ve had no thrush atall. It’s been marvellous!
So all in all, I can’t recomend the Mooncup highly enough. With all the advantages, plus it being better for the environment, I would NEVER EVER go back to tampons if you paid me!
I’ve got two Mooncups, one to keep at home and one that I carry around in my handbag. The little cotton bag that the Mooncup is kept in is pretty and descreet, and it’s far easier than carrying a bulky box of tampons around with you.
Get one now – you will not be disappointed!

Catherine – 09 October 2011

I love my Mooncup! I highly recommend it (and do to friends regularly). After getting used to it using other sanitary products become frustrating in comparison. I do find that in the first couple of days my flow is pretty heavy and so I do wear a liner or pad, but I think my periods are heavier than average. Give it a go!

Indy – 03 October 2011

I have suffered from an extremely heavy menstrual flow, so that the idea of a day out with the girls, or hiking with my boyfriend always left that fear of not being near a bathroom when my sanitation products eventually began to leak (sometimes within 2 hours). I tried the moon cup on a day I knew I´d be home all day, so that when it started to leak I´d be able to change quicky.
I shouldn´t have worried. It is AMAZING. I never have leakage problems, like I would have with tampons, and even in the morning, I can make a cup of tea and go back to bed without having to first run to the bathroom.
It is definitely worth trying, and is environmentally friendly to boot! Thanks mooncup! 😀

Elouise – 30 September 2011

I bought mooncup after reading about them on a forum where I had ranted about tampons and pads being so gross. Someone suggested it and I was a little iffy but I figured if I can use nuvaring birth control I can use this! I got it and waited for my period to show and when it finally did I had forgotten I had the mooncup and I looked in the medicine cabinet. No freakin tampons but there right next to my empty tampax box was that little cotton bag. Holy hallelujah talk about a life saver! I have never felt so clean and free while having my period.
I was lucky and got the hang of it right away and I’ve loved it since! I really wish more women knew about this. I have a daughter and she will NEVER have to use a disgusting pad or tampon if I have anything to do with it!

Lizbeth W. – 25 September 2011

I have been using Mooncup for around a year now, and it is amazing!! I was absolutely terrified at first, worrying about hygiene, ease of inserting it, and the taboo nature of it. I found advertising of it on a liberal friend of mine’s Twitter account, and boy am I glad I saw it! Hygiene isn’t to be worried about as it is easily cleaned, and because it is seethrough you can easily tell if it is dirty. Once you get used to it, it’s fine to use, and easy to insert, you soon become a pro! And as for it being taboo, I am now working against that, having become an affiliate, and ordering lots of information to give to my work colleagues. Thankyou Mooncup, you are amazing!

Lauren – 18 September 2011