Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I love my mooncup it’s better for my health,the environment and my Magick, and to feed my plant’s I really can’t complain.

Jo – 13th November 2015

I’m so sad, since I got my Mooncup I had to forget about all my favourite hobbies:
– worrying about leakage
– feeling unclean and worrying about odour
– spending money on sanitary products
– remembering to take them if I stay over somewhere
– finding ways to dispose of towels
– polluting the environment
– always half thinking about when/where the nearest bathroom will be
– feeling like I want to shower 5 times a day
– enjoying the physical discomfort of tampons and towels

Took less time to get the hang of it than I expected, and now I have, it’s like I don’t even notice my period has come and gone because it was so easy. You spend 2 minutes emptying it and then don’t feel like you’re on your period for the next 8 hours.

I am free!

I hope there is a campaign to get these out to women in need, I would support it 100%.

Kate – 12th November 2015

I’ve used the Moon Cup overall for around three periods now and I can already say that this is the best decision I’ve made when it comes to periods and my health and financially. For me, once you’ve got a little used to it, it’s much easier and cleaner than pads or tampons. You feel a lot more in tune with your body as you get to know it more and feel more comfortable with it. You save a lot of money also! It feels good to know that I’m not harming my body or the environment!

Georgi – 12th November 2015

The last few months I have been plagued with really heavy menstral cycles, so much so I would soak a pad every hour. As I never got on with Tampons I took to sleeping in the bath. Since I discovered Mooncup I have managed to get a good nights sleep! As the cup holds a lot more than a pad and for me has not leaked I can safely say this last 3 days have been the happiest I have been, not to mention well rested. I would recommend this to anyone with heavy periods.

Nic – 6th November 2015

Mooncup changed my life, years of thrush and BV, after changing to using a Mooncup 2 years ago, barely a problem, its so easy to use and my periods are certainly lighter and less painful. The added bonus is obviously the cost saving and the lack of impact on the environment unlike other sanitary items. I am shocked so few women I speak to have ever heard of the Mooncup and I wish I had known about it before I did, its a shame its not more widely available. Great product !!! Love It,

Nita – 31st October 2015

I never review stuff but I feel that, in this case, it’s a necessity: I was very sceptical about the mooncup. I thought it was another one of those things that only ultra-hippies think is great but that the rest of the world is puzzled about. Well, now that I’ve bought one I feel like the dumbest woman on earth for thinking that. The mooncup is the most practical, ingenious invention of our time. In fact, if you opened the dictionary and looked under “Miracle”, there should just be a picture of a mooncup. I don’t understand why they aren’t handed out in schools or by the NHS to EVERY SINGLE WOMAN alive. I thought it was going to be really gross. Instead, I feel like I’ve been given the chance, for the first time in 26 years, to actually learn about my body. As someone interested in waste reduction and ecological approaches to living, I know I’ve found a lifetime solution. But I think the Mooncup would change your life even if you’re not eco-friendly and you hate the environment.
Best £20 I EVER spent. EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zoe – 27th October 2015

I’ve been using my Mooncup for about a year now and I would never, ever go back to using pads and tampons again.During this time I’ve found that my cramps aren’t anywhere near as bad (they were often quite debilitating and I had to take a lot of time off work in the past), I don’t spend any where near as much money, my pants are spot free (gross, yeah, but I haven’t leaked once using a Mooncup), AND my periods are shorter and much less complicated.
All this with the added bonus of knowing that some poor fish isn’t going to end up with the contents of my uterus all over its face.
Nice one Mooncup.

Laura – 27th October 2015

Dear Tampon There is no easy way to tell you this…it is over. I am breaking up with you. This can come as no surprise as I have been very distant for the last few months. You haven’t seen me for a while and probably miss me. I don’t miss you….At All.
You promised me horse back riding in white pants
You promised that I could run down the beach in a white bikini.
You promised me energetic games of volley ball in cute white shorts.
We never did any of that. Instead you gave me cramps, dryness and thrush. All these years I thought it was me. I thought that it was something I had to put up with. I was wrong.
I have met someone else. Her name is Mooncup and we are in love. Mooncup loves me and I love her.
Since I have started seeing Moon I have had no cramps, no dryness and no thrush. My periods, which used to last 5 to 6 days, now only last 2 and a half days.
I feel healthy. I feel clean. I feel good.
Now I must get going. I have a volley ball match to get to.
Kind regards

Libby – 26th October 2015

I LOVE THIS PRODUCT! No more inserting horrible dry tampons. No more wet strings. No more running around trying to find someone with a spare when it’s time to change.
The measure on the cup is great for keeping track of how much I’ve lost. Took a couple of attempts to get the hang of insertion but once it’s in I can’t even feel it (I had trim the stem to the right length). In fact, mine is so comfy that I spent a while looking for it this morning before I remembered that I’d already put it in. Ditsy? Yes! But still testament to how comfortable it is. Easy to change and clean, even out and about. Fantastic product and highly recommended 🙂

Lottie – 22nd October 2015

I used the mooncup for the first time the other day, I have always had problems with tampons as I could never get them to be comfortable and I had to change them very regularly, also with sanitary towels other than feeling like I was wearing a nappy they would give me a rash so I decided to try out the mooncup. I was very weary at first because it is new to me but wow it is amazing! I find it a little difficult to put in because I am new to using it but it is so comfortable, I can’t feel it at all and I don’t need to worry about taking it out for baths showers and swimming, I also find that I can wait the whole 8 hours between emptying without overfilling it and there are no leaks. I will definitely be recommending this to everyone I know best money I have spent in a long time!!

Charlotte – 18th October 2015