Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I just realized the other day that I’ve been using my Mooncup for almost 8 years already! My how time flies! I never will go back to disposable products! Its so comfortable and convenient.

April – 04th January 2012

I cannot stress enough how great the mooncup is. The only things that took a little getting used to were a)remembering to take water into public toilet cubicles (to rinse when changing) and b) insertion and removal. However, once you get used to these things, there’s no looking back. I took my mooncup for 9 months travelling around Asia and I’m SOO glad I discovered it for that trip. It’s hard to get hold of tampons in Asia and using precious backpack space for towels / tampons would’ve been impossible. With the mooncup I always had an effective sanitary product with me that was water-resistant (and no danger of that embarrasing tampon-string-poking-out-the-swimsuit thing!). Thank you mooncup, you are marvellous! I’m trying to convert all my friends! 🙂

Emma – 04th January 2012

Mooncup has changed my life! A friend of mine was so thrilled with her discovery, i just had to try. Having used the mooncup for the last 6 months now, I really don’t think i could go back to using tampons. The most profound part of this experience for me has been this feeling of finally understanding my body. An awareness of how my period progresses and makes me feel day by day. I subsequently have made moves to become healthier and rethink hormonal contraception. Also having a clear visual of just how much blood you loose on your fist few days made me realised that the odd iron boost would benefit me supposed to coffee and a pain killer. I don’t consider myself new age in any respect but I feel now that our bodies aren’t designed to be complicated with products, hormones and corporations and advertising – mooncup is just the simplest, cleanest device, no frills and i love that ! Thank you mooncup people for such a revolutionary product!

Alexandra – 02nd January 2012

A friend sent me a link to your site about a year ago, partly in jest. After looking and doing all the background research, though, I just had to give it a try.
It was a little awkward at first – I cut the stem too short and had some weird moments getting it in and out. But after sticking with it for a cycle, it was so much better than anything else I’ve tried and I’m thoroughly pleased with it now. SO much easier, SO much less wasteful, and easy to clean. Makes having a period not nearly as miserable or messy. I can’t believe I don’t see these advertised more often!

Amy N. – 13th December 2011

I have been using my mooncup for 6 years now…and love it.I wish I had known about it before.It is easy to use and not once have a had a leak.So much more hygenic and safer than Tampons or towels.Most of my friends now use a mooncup and are very happy to.Try it ,you have nothing to lose.I wonder why charities are not promoting these in 3rd world countries they would surely benefit the women there.I cant say enough how good they are .

Helen – 03rd December 2011

I bought a Mooncup approx. 1.5 hours ago, boiled it and inserted it. I have never used menstrual cups before and all I can say is that I’m one happy girl! THANK YOU for this great product!

Lisa – 29th November 2011

I purchased this product awhile back, but just recently started my period again (PCOS and Amenorreah so I decided to give it a try. I used it all night the first night, and didnt feel anything, and slept like a baby- which is great, because even with super sized tampons, I am usually up 2-3 times a night changing them!!!!I am a very heavy bleeder…. but I just have to say that I love this product, and the fact that there is an alternative out there to pads and tampons, that is better for the enviroment, and safer for me! I have been spreading the word to all my gal pals, because this is something that every woman should be aware of!!!!

cerissalaine – 29th November 2011

J’ai eu quelques difficultés au début, mais après quelques fois, on s’y habitue et c’est de loin la meilleure solution aux menstruations que je connaisse. Bon marché/longue durée de vie/écologique/confortable/pratique : elle possède tous les arguments. Malheureusement je célèbre ce soir sa dépouille. Dans ma bêtise, j’ai laissé bouillir ma Mooncup pendant 3 heures dans une casserole minuscule au lieu des 5 minutes requises. L’eau s’était totalement évaporée et la Mooncup était en piteux état. Ella a donc dû atterrir dans la poubelle. =( A l’avenir je mettrai une minuterie ! Cela fait néanmoins quelques années que je l’utilise avec bonheur, je peux ainsi vous conseiller sans craintes : sautez dessus, Mesdames et Mesdemoiselles. Et surtout, persévérez si vous éprouvez quelques difficultés initialement. La terre mérite que nous suions un peu pour elle.

Lis’ – 23rd November 2011

The Mooncup is so great, sometimes I forget I’m even having my period!

Kate – 20th November 2011

I wish I’d found out about the Mooncup when I first started my period. It would have saved me money and years of discomfort and embarrassment, especially during my traumatic teens, not to mention all the landfill and waste that women’s sanitary products take up around the world. The Mooncup given me so much freedom and comfort since I started using it four years ago. The only time I remember I have my period is when it’s time to empty it. If I have a daughter I’ll be making sure she uses one–in the meantime I tell all my female friends about it.

Angie from Australia – 19th November 2011