Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I wouldn’t use anything else. I suffered for years with recurring thrush and urine infections but have been completely clear since I started using my Mooncup. I can only attribute it to not using tampons that are bleached and upset my body’s natural balance.I love my Mooncup. It’s simple to care for and clean, it’s easy to pop in and out, and one day I’ll be buying one for my daughter. I’d much rather she learn to live with her periods in the most natural way, than bung herself up with bleach-soaked cotton wool.

Polly – 23rd January 2012

Just tried mooncup today for the first time and am very impressed. Very comfortable , no leaks …. So far anyway !!! Will certainly be using it from now on !!!

Hayley – 20th January 2012

I was reading these testimonials a few weeks ago while trying to decide whether it was worth buying a Mooncup and if it would be just as good for me … it was and it is! Seriously, don’t hesitate. By the third empty I was waxing lyrical about it to my husband and by the end of my period (today) I was kicking myself for not having bought one when I first heard about them a few years ago. Natural-feeling, incredibly comfortable and easy to use, no leaks, no dryness, no smell, none of that horrible feeling when you feel like your soaked tampax is about to slip out and, above all, a deep satisfaction from knowing that of the billions of tampax polluting the sea, there will be no more of mine ever again. Now onto persuading everyone I know to get one …

Amanda – 18th January 2012

I only started using it yesterday, but I already love it! I didn’t find it too tricky to insert or remove and it feels really comfortable. It’s so much more convenient than tampons and sanitary towels and the environmental benefits are a bonus.

Tasha – 16th January 2012

I bought a mooncup having read about them as an environmental alternative to tampons and towels. However I hadn’t appreciated it would also have so many personal lifestyle and health advantages beyond cutting down on landfill! If you are swithering I definitely recommend you give it a go – and keep at it. Yes, it is a bit tricky at first – it’s taken me several months to get used to it/get the knack. But this has definitely paid off. Now I trust it completely and am amazed at how natural and easy it now seems. It doesn’t leak or smell, or make you dry or uncomfortable in the slightest – you can just forget its your period until its time to change it (and you can do that less often too which is great for light days). I seem to get less thrush type symptoms too which is another bonus. So glad I persevered. Thanks Mooncup!

Josephine – 15th January 2012

I have been using a Moon Cup for four years. It was recommended to me by my gym trainer, as i expressed my long suffering periods (I could bleed for upwards of 20 days). I love my Moon Cup it is comfortable easy to insert and remove and i actually forget that i am wearing it at times.

Emma – 09th January 2012

Since having my second child my periods had become sooo heavy. At first I tried the Mirena, but it left me feeling bloated and uncomfortable. Hormonal birth control just isn’t for me. So I ended up having a copper coil put instead, which can make periods EVEN HEAVIER!!! Thankfully this hasn’t been a problem thanks to the Mooncup. My periods are still heavy, but the Mooncup copes admirably. It took a few times to get the hang of putting it in to ensure no leakage, but we’re there now and I’m not looking back. Main benefits for me – copes with heavy periods even through the night, periods seem less painful, periods are shorter, save money. So I get a bit of blood on my fingers. Who cares?! It’s all mine!

Jocelyn – 06th January 2012

I am now on my second mooncup, having had the first one for 6 years I lost it (was nearly time to replace anyway). It is fabulous, I would seriously never use anything else. It just seems so logical and simple when you think about it- why do we bother with disposable sanitary ware?!

Emma – 06th January 2012

I stumbled across an advertisement for Mooncup in the public toilets in Morrisons in Penrith 5 years ago, it seemed like an amazing idea and immediately I looked the website on returning home. I had always hated using sanitary products and the chemical smell was never something I warmed to, do I took a chance and ordered aMooncup, one of the best things I have ever done, it’s simple, it’s easy and mostly the smell of the horrible chemicals has gone, I’m sold and rave about it to all who will listen, thank you Mooncup you have saved me and the environment a great deal! I love it…

Debi – 05th January 2012

I have had my Mooncup for just one menstrual cycle and already I am in love with it! I found at first that the appearance of it can be daunting, but honestly once you have gotten used to using it you will wonder what you did without it! There genuinely is absolutely no leakage, and it is so easy to clean. I have been telling everyone about it and in using the Mooncup I have gotten to know my own body much better. If you are considering buying one – just do it, because you honestly won’t regret it!

Lisa Marie – 05th January 2012