Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I head about this last week and ordered one pretty much right away hoping it would arrive before my next period. It did arrive on time and I tried it for the first time yesterday. I can honestly say, I was a little unsure at first but now I am delighted!! I got used to it almost right away, and once i’ve mastered the overnight leakage issue,(only used it over one night) I reckon this is the best thing since sliced bread!!! I want to tell everyone about it!!!

Suzanna – 31st January 2012

The mooncup is the best buy I’ve ever made. It can be tricky in the beginning and you might experience some leakage, but in time you learn how to do it!
I really recommend it! Save money and the environment 🙂

Frida – 31st January 2012

A few days in from first using a mooncup and already there’s no going back. So much less hassle and no horrid smell and the niggling feeling of creating so much waste is gone. Insertion was okay once I figured out a better way of folding it, but I did run into problems trying to get it out – the suction wouldn’t let up and it was quite painful. It’s really important to release that seal & not let it reseal! Try it in the shower, the warm & wet really does help.

Katie – 31st January 2012

I have been using a mooncup for 2 years now and totally love it, wish that I’d known about them years ago. My 13 year old daughter is a competitive swimmer and I bought her one in readiness for her periods to start…which they did yesterday, and she managed it no problem. She’s there saying “I don’t know what all the fuss is about” – as her friends make a big thing. She’s delighted too!

Dawn – 30th January 2012

I first heard about the Mooncup 4 years ago, and after a couple of months I thought I may as well try it. I’m so glad I did as I have never looked back. At first I thought it was pretty gross and that’s what put me off, but it’s so easy to use, lasts hours, isn’t messy and is good for the environment! What more can you ask for? Seriously, try it!

Chloe – 28th January 2012

I first used the mooncup when i was 14, my periods were getting so heavy that i would wear incontinence pants and i would still leak through 🙁 So when i heard about the mooncup, i thought it would be the perfect way to prevent leakage and keep track of my flow each month, as i am now attempting to get pregnant!!
Overall, I love mooncup, who says a girl with a heavy flow can’t wear white skinny jeans!

tessa – 28th January 2012

fantastic- really pleased with the moon cup saving money and landfill – hope girls in school are being given the opportunity to learn about this other form of managing their periods. lets get a new generation using moon cups, think of the impact it will make on reducing waste !!!!!!!!!

Andrea – 25th January 2012

I wouldn’t use anything else. I suffered for years with recurring thrush and urine infections but have been completely clear since I started using my Mooncup. I can only attribute it to not using tampons that are bleached and upset my body’s natural balance.I love my Mooncup. It’s simple to care for and clean, it’s easy to pop in and out, and one day I’ll be buying one for my daughter. I’d much rather she learn to live with her periods in the most natural way, than bung herself up with bleach-soaked cotton wool.

Polly – 23rd January 2012

Hi, I first saw an advert for a mooncup on the back of a toilet door and wasn’t convinced as it sounded quite ‘messy’. However a couple of years ago in a quest to be more environmental I thought i would give if a go.
It took a little while to get used to it and adjust the stem to the right length but once there I love it, and it’s no more messy than tampons. What’s more I got caught out recently and had to buy tampons, I had completely fogotten how much of a pain it was to have to change a tampon every 2-3 hours and decide which size u needed. Don’t get me wrong I know that I am lucky and don’t have a heavy flow but using tampons is so much harder.

To top it off, I also have vaginismus, I have gained help and it is much better than it ever was. For years I have coped with using tampons as a needs must, but the discovery of the mooncup was great…no more trying to insert dry cotton objects, the mooncup is so much easier to insert and withdraw and once in
you forget its even there.

Basically if you are slightly in doubt don’t hold back, go for it. The only hesitation I would have is if u have a very heavy flow as I am not quite sure how convenient this would b then.

Good luck, hopefully it will be as beneficial as it has been for me.

Sarah – 23rd January 2012

I was told about these in my early teens but didn’t see any for sale until a few years ago. I’m in my mid 20’s now and am upset I wasted so much money in between on leaky tampons, towels which made me insecure and having to wear black “just in case”.
I have been using my Mooncup now for around two years and it has a little compartment in my handbag so I’m never caught short. I tend to use disabled toilets if I’m in public as I am able to wash it out in between but if not I just wipe and reinsert.

It was a little uncomfortable at first but I got used to the feeling and am able to insert it a lot easier which helped. I don’t get the dryness I used to with tampons on the last day or two and don’t even need pantyliners as I am confident. This is a genuine testimonial and I’m glad my friend’s mum told me about them years ago even if it took me a while to get there. I’ve probably saved around £60 so far and I’m helping the environment.

Nikki – 23rd January 2012