Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

Having heard about the Mooncup some years ago, I finally decided to try it out having had some concerns about tampons and the fact I was using so many. I am 44 and now wish I had tried the Mooncup many years ago…it is brilliant and far easier than I originally thought it would be. I am using them with washable towels which are equally wonderful in beautiful colourful fleece made by Minki, easy to wash, easy to wear and help with feeling secure if anything leaks a little. Now on day 3, I have counted 147ml! It is also great because I can go without needing a bathroom for far longer, especially in the first few days… no more every half hour change. Thank you! Thank you! In a few years time, I will also be able to show my daughter that there is a suitable alternative to disposables which gives even more freedom and is better for the environment.

Amanda – 17th February 2012

I received my Mooncup and my initial thought was how large it was – but it was incredibly easy to insert and far easier than a tampon (which needs to be placed deeper into your vagina). It is absolutely brilliant and I will never use a tampon again. I have recommended it to all my friends and they are all ordering. Thank you for such a wonderful alternative to un-hygenic tampons, I wish I had heard about the Mooncup years ago 🙂

Josie – 15th February 2012

As a user of a few years now, I thought it was high time to put in my two pence worth and sing the Mooncup’s praises.
Since I got the hang of it, which I’d say took a few periods, I haven’t used anything else. There are so many good points to it that I’ve never been able to find any downsides. It’s especially good for swimming in; yes, the first time did feel experimental, but I had nothing to worry about. I just couldn’t return to conventional protection now: I like the Mooncup too much!

Lucy – 13th February 2012

This product should be available in all supermarkets and pharmacies, it is so much better than menstrual pads.
I’ve been using pads since I was 12, and I always hated the discomfort and smell they brought with their use. I wasn’t keen using tampons, so when I initially considered trying something else, I chose clothe pads. Horrible experience. The odour did decrease, but my anxiety increased because I was terrified I would leak! Due to this I had to change them every hour, so after that debacle, I decided I’d give Mooncup a go. To be honest, the first day was weird, as I’d never used tampons and I had to get used to inserting it, but after that it was a breeze.

It really is all about getting the knack of insertion correct, and after that it’s a walk in the park. No more smells, and no you don’t get blood on your hands when you have to take it out! It’s made my period so much more easy, and I greatly regret not having tried it earlier. Please, please start advertising this products on tv, it’s very hard to find out about these products. I never realised there was an alternative to pads/tampons until I read it online.

Keep up the good work!

Hannah – 12th February 2012

Ladies, we all need to spread the word! If you also love the mooncup tell your mates and get them to check this site out. I have now got 10 of my friends using it and promising to spread the word further! (a few of these mates found it a suprising birthday present but thank me now!) I feel that tampons are so horrible now i have found a better way and cant believe anybody can use towels in this day and age. The mooncup is literally te best invention for women ever. Ladies, if you are reading this and dont already have one sort your act out and get one now- you have nothing to loose and a heck of a lot to gain.
Thanks Mooncup folks!!


amy – 12th February 2012

I just purchased my second Mooncup after using the first one for almost a decade. Since then I haven’t used any pads or tampons so I have to say it has definitely earned its money back!
I really recommend every woman to give it a try. It may feel awkward and a bit too hands on at first, but once you get comfortable with it it’ll change the way you deal with your period. It’s SO much more liberating and comfortable than wearing a pad or worrying about tampon leakage. I couldn’t imagine my life without my Mooncup!

Vera – 11th February 2012

I have used my Mooncup for several years and now I am delighted to see they are available in Boots (mainstream chemist!!) as well as online. How I wish I had had one from 20 years ago. It has got a bit discoloured with time but that is really irrelevant. I tried another brand which was dark red coloured rubber which is a good idea to have this colour as it will become this colour in time anyway….but the other brand was much less flexible and more rigid, not as comfortable as Mooncup. I find MC simplicity itself to use, insertion is reasonably easy if I hold it folded into itself and just let it ‘pop’ open inside me. Removal…I did have to cut the whole stem off as it was protruding and irritated me, but once I’d done that I found that if I pinched the base it broke the suction and I could ease it out. You do have to keep it upright on removal UNLESS you remove it over the loo of course or it spills. I had to hold it tight if removing over the loo to stop it falling in! Once in, it never leaked. I found I could leave it in for a day and a night sometimes, and forgot it was there. You can’t feel it at all. I even started to have sex once or twice forgetting I had my period and it was still in! It was slightly embarrassing having to ask my partner to close his eyes while I swiftly took it out and emptied it on the ground or a tissue then hid it in the tissue!! I am now menopausal and during this time I have had month-long flooding while my body deals with the hormone thing. But throughout I have used the MC and no problem! Even with the heaviest flooding where I actually had to go to the hospital to ask advice about was my womb haemmorhaging because of fibroids or something, the MC just kept on catching it all and letting me know when it was full (I could feel a slight overflow seepage but nothing major, a panty liner caught it) the only difference was i had to empty it more often. But it holds an amazing amount of blood before you have to empty it. Mooncup, you saved me from having to be housebound stuck to a chair with a huge panty pad pile strapped to my bottom!!! You are a hero!!!!

Cathy – 10th February 2012

I hate to say it, but after one afternoon of using the Mooncup I’m a TOTAL convert – I love it. I first came across them a couple of weeks ago, and stumbled upon it again this morning. I decided to give it a go as I’m all for the environment. Turns out it’s convenient to use, easy to get used to, much more comfortable than a tampon. The only thing I would say is – why didn’t I hear about this product years ago. seriously, promote this more!!!!

Nicola B – 04th February 2012

I am a total Mooncup convert!!! Been meaning to get one for a while, then bought it the other day on day 1 of period, and now on day 3 can happily say I will never go back to tampons. I found it really easy to start using (possibly because I’ve been using tampons for so long) and it’s very comfortable – more so than tampons which can be very drying, and it’s often difficult to judge which size you need as I can go from heavy to light and back again several times a day. Thank you Mooncup – just wish I’d been brave enough to try it earlier!

Gemma – 02nd February 2012

Here I am, with a pad on, an old towel on the bed, and body prepared to not move during the night…as usual at this time of the month. I was thinking about all this and unable to relax, as usual again, and thinking about my upcoming move to my fiance’s house in another country. Being a creature of habit, I had already wondered if they will have my brands of pads and tampons there, and I just hoped and wished that maybe the massive and massively-embarassing leaking that comes with a night of a heavy period would magically not happen there, next to him, in HIS BED! So I was bored and I went to my smartphone to look up what had occurred to me to keep from leaking: a menstrual diaper? And I found a link and testimonial for the Mooncup, which I, like so many others, had heard of but was afraid to try. After an hour of reading nothing but positive (and glowing) testimonials and watching a demo video and seeing the actual cup for the first time, I will buy my own Mooncup first thing tomorow morning, hopefully not after cursing and cleaning up. Like all the enthusiastic reviews before me, sorry for writing so much, but I guess this is one thing all of us women get excited about!

Kayla – 01st February 2012