Hear from Mooncup users


We are delighted to share with you some of the thousands of testimonials we have received from Mooncup® users.

You can search for testimonials on specific issues; however, it is important to remember that these are personal experiences, they may not be valid for everyone and should not be used instead of professional advice.

If you have a health or medical query, or are unsure about using your Mooncup menstrual cup, please visit How To Use where you will find more information and can get in touch with our team of qualified Mooncup Advisors.

I’ve been using the mooncup for about 10 months. I thought it was the best invention ever. The most positive thing about it is the environmental impact (zero). Next is the impact on your body (zero). Next is the convenience (I have a heavy period, and still only empty it once a day). My body has now adjusted to it, and I can barely fit a tampon in anymore, it feels dry and unnatural.

My only problem is that it doesn’t work overnight for me, but it did take me over 4 cycles to even get the hang of it during the day, so I’m not giving up.

I could go on forever, but all I will say is that it’s a great investment. The positives completely outway the negatives. Definitely give it a go.

Jessi, 18 – 24th March 2012

After searching ‘alternative to tampons and pads’ on google, Mooncup came up in all the searches so I decided to be open-minded have a look, I only bought one this afternoon while in the middle of my period and already I am seeing and feeling a difference. I have been diagnosed with a ovary problem which as a result meant I can no longer use tampons without extreme pain in my ovary occurring on insertion. So I have to make do with pads throughout my very heavy periods, which as you can imagine isn’t ideal (especially during the night) And just to top things off, I have become very allergic to all brands of pads and get painful rashes down there, which was the point where I couldn’t take it any more which is why I took to google for alternatives! Now I have all the freedom of a tampon i.e. swimming etc without the pain and dryness that tampons give. Already there’s all those benefits just for me alone before you even take into consideration how eco-friendly it is. How many times have you put a high absorbency night pad in expecting more just to find in the morning that hardly anything has come out during the night and now you have to throw away a virtually unused pad to go on landfill. I could go on all day about it, but all in all, even only after a few hours of owning one and reading all the brilliant reviews and the facts, it comes out on top every time. I really don’t understand why this method isn’t as well known as tampons in this day and age of everything being eco! I can see me using this for years and years to come, and definitely encouraging my future daughters to use it as well. I will recommend to all the women I know. Thank you xxx

Hannah – 23rd March 2012

I’m in Australia and ordered my Mooncup online. I have been using it for around a year now- I has completely changed the way I view having a period! It’s no longer a hassle. It’s easy, I hardly have to think about it. I boast about the Mooncup to anyone who cares to listen. I can sleep without any other protection. Have never had a leakage issue. I’m pretty sure my vaginal health is a lot better since I began using these. I generally feel cleaner. Seriously, life changing!

Alex – 20th March 2012

I’ve been using a mooncup since 2006, I think. I was living in the UK and I was getting skin reactions to pads, when I started getting irritations from tampon strings I decided it was time to look into menstrual cups, which I had heard about from a friend.
I love it, 6 years later I’m buying another to keep in my bag so I don’t have to worry about unexpected periods surprising me, particularly during travel. I travel a lot for work and it’s great not having to pack a whole selection of sanitary products just in case.

Claire – 18th March 2012

I love my Mooncup. I bought mine on a whim to be more green and never wear pads again, and I couldn’t live without it now. It definitely took some getting used to and I wouldn’t say that it’s any easier than other methods (it still takes me longer to put in and out than a tampon) but I not having to buy menstrual products is wonderful, and I never leak anymore. It was a lifesaver as I had stopped being able to wear pads because of severe itching (I would literally wake up trying to scratch my skin off) and since my flow was fairly light tampons made me very very dry and sore. (this seriously affected my sex life also).
My Mooncup has fixed any issue I had. No itching, no dryness, and intercourse no longer feels “sandpapery”. I would recommend to anyone.

Sara – 11th March 2012

I had been meaning to get a moon cup for ages but was somewhat dubious. Then I went to Glastonbury festival and was caught short… I came on, not the best place on the work to be trying to deal with that! Thankfully only a short walk from my tent was an outlet for the mooncup! So I bought one, it is without a doubt the best decision I have ever made!! I was warned it might be a bit much to use it for the first time at a festival, but the draw of not having to worry about changing my tampon every few hours was enough!! And with some persistance and ingenuity I was able to sort myself out at the tent with the use of a camping stove to keep things sterile!! I have always used tampons and no matter which I have used I have always had problems with leakages, but I’ve not had one in nearly a year of using the mooncup, I have told every woman I know about them! If I can manage to get used to using it whilst at Glastonbuy festival, anyone can do it with some persistence! Give it a go, you’ll not look back! 😀

Simi – 08th March 2012

I bought my mooncup when I was on holiday in the UK about 8 years ago. I found it invaluable when travelling to places like Thailand where the toilet facilities did not cater for tampons or sanitry towels. I feel great knowing that I am not adding to land-fill or blocking any sewerage pipes. I have recently had an IUD fitted and had to wear a tampon due to unforseen circumstances – I suffered extreme cramps when wearing the tampon and realised it was due to the pressure against my uterus. Once I was able to wear my mooncup again – the cramping disappeared.

Debi – Australia – 06th March 2012

Buying one has been on my to-do list for a few years, stupidly. I finally bought one yesterday. I’ve been practising with it yesterday and today – putting it in, feeling the stem chafing slightly, taking it out, trimming the stem a bit more, and now the stem is perfect, I don’t feel a thing, no matter how I flex my pelvic floor muscles. But what I really came here to tell you is this: when I took it out for the first time with blood in it (my period just started this afternoon), I couldn’t believe it. I held in my hand a clear cup of ruby-red, CLEAN blood. There was no fishy smell, as there always is with tampons! I sniffed it several times because I just couldn’t believe it. I said to myself in shock, “It … doesn’t smell!” and began to cry. My body has been clean all along!

Cáit, 25 – 04th March 2012

I had bad period pains so in desperation tried the mooncup. The pain eased straight away. Please try it. Why suffer? I wish I’d tried it years ago!

Steph – 29th February 2012

I decided to use the mooncup because I got terribly sore each month during and after my period using tampons and pads. I no longer get the irritation and also don’t become dry.

Although I still leak a little on my heavy days (I have very heavy periods which can also be measured with the mooncup) I wouldn’t go back to other methods.
Another unexpected benefit is that I can now shower with my girls if necessary without the embarrassing questions that come with using tampons (or having no protection with pads).

And not having a bin full of sanitary products each month is another added bonus.

I recommend mooncup to all my friends and would hate to be without it.

Jenny – 28th February 2012